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And now the training and eagerness and genius of the cooperating boy came into evidence. His actions did not constitute the major movements of the copulation at all, but they provided the artistic and rewarding and satisfying counterpoint which made the main theme of simple plugging really worthwhile for the old man.

All his motions had to be performed without violence for fear of dislodging his en-sheathed partner, but the boy managed to demonstrate a versatile catalogue of accomplishments which would have been an inspiration and instruction to any ardent woman, and which provided a maximum of excitement and stimulation and sensation to his patron.

He bounced up and down on his toes at a tempo several times faster than the plunging rhythm of the old man, and this gave additional thrills to the buried cock by dragging it alternately against the upper and lower walls of the engulfing rectum. He heaved from side to side, giving the same varied pleasures in the other dimension. He tightened and loosened the ring of his sphincter so that the tension on the old man's tool varied irregularly, sending unexpected and delighting sensations into his patron's loins and working him rapidly toward his climax. And finally, his upper body resting only on his chest and shoulders on the table-top, the versatile boy reached down between his own legs and began gently playing with the tightly drawn up balls of his elderly partner. At the first touch of the boy's hands on his tensed scrotum, I could see the old man's ass-cheeks clench with rising passion. His tight cremasteric reflex was already showing his high motional and sexual pitch, and it was obvious now that the moment of truth was at hand.

The boy now was easing back and forth in movements exactly opposite to his patron's, thus increasing the thrills which were being provided while decreasing the exertions necessary by the old man to achieve them. It was cooperation and team-work of the highest caliber, and represented not only practice and experience, but a real emotional sympathy and understanding between two souls who were willing to give, each in his own way, that he might receive in different kind, from the other, for their mutual benefit.

The old man's eyes were staring fixedly ahead, intent only on his imminent ejaculation. Even so, the grip of his hands on the boy's hips was more in the nature of a fond and appreciative caress than a demanding, enforcing grasp to insure his sexual satisfaction. Certainly there was more between these two that the purely commercial and sexual relationship of aging 'Auntie' and prat-boy.

They were willingly working together, admittedly in an unorthodox and socially unacceptable milieu, for their mutual welfare and their common present and future.

Now the old man's strokes became short and jolting, and the boy's reactions followed him as well as possible. We all knew that spurts of the old man's gism were jetting into the handsome young man's asshole and that the boy was welcoming this tribute from his patron and accepting his duties as part of a mutually beneficial bargain which the two of them had worked out between themselves. The gnarled, veined, still-potent cock of the old man was ramming vigorously in and out of the tightly clenched sheath, and it was obvious that the old man was enjoying to the highest degree the physical ecstasy he was experiencing, as his loins boiled over and sent his seed shooting out.

With his advancing years he had come to realize that each orgasm, no matter how achieved, might possibly be his last, so each was taking on a poignancy and importance that it would not have had in the years of his youth or middle-age. As a result, the recipient of his ejaculation also took on increased importance, so that this boy was sure of a wonderful start in his social and business life, from the sendoff which the old man was providing for him.

Gradually the vigor of the old man's pumping slackened, and we could see his tool begin to bend as he thrust into the boys bottom, no matter what the two partners did to stimulate him further. At last the old man admitted he shot his bolt, and withdrew his sagging tool from the still willing boy. The lad, feeling this, jumped up and got a clean towel with which he wiped clean his benefactor's cock, and then began to wipe his own bottom which was oozing injected semen.

The old man's face seemed almost sad for a moment as he realized that he had used up another of his few remaining ejaculations, but then he brightened and turned to face the audience, his arm around the shoulders of his alert handsome young partner in a fatherly rather than a carressingly intimate gesture. With a brisk salutation that was half salute and half defiance, he waved at the assembly. He had proved his thesis, as it applied to himself, and possibly in its universal application. Let the audience judge for themselves, and conduct themselves accordingly in their future dealings with variations on the basic theme of sexual satisfactions.

When the middle man of this family group started to demonstrate his use of the old man's theory, he at first seemed a little embarrassed at performing before an audience. The fact that he was not so firm a convert to the system was evident from the fact that his partner was more obviously a substitute female, with soft roudnesses, and none of the trim incipient masculinity which the grandfather's partner had shown. But the boy who was to perform with him knew his job, and had no intentions of jeopardizing a wonderful future by failing at such an important time as this.

The boy had been selected as having not only a cute body for sexual use now and in the near future, but also for having a good mind and a strong sense of motivation and psychological drive which would make him a business success in later years when his present duties would be paying off most handsomely. And this will to succeed showed up now.

As the man hesitated, the boy immediately sank to his knees before his patron, and looking up adoringly into the man's worried face, he fondled his limp useless cock gently and carressingly, stroked the low-hung bag of balls, and then sucked the pale soft head of the flaccid tool into his full-lipped boyish mouth. The man looked down in surprise at these aggressive gestures from his supposedly passive and submissive partner, and then glanced at the audience to see how they were taking it. The onlookers, of course, could have not been shocked by anything that could have happened. Their worst reaction would have been boredom, for their very presence here at The Club meant that they were all interested in sexual activities so bizarre and wild and so far removed from so-called normal things, that they could not be safely achieved anywhere except in an institution devoted to the strangest and most varied sex acts.

The chubby little youngster seemed to realize that if his patron was going to succeed in his part of the demonstration, his attentions would have to be kept firmly fixed on the definitely sexual aspects of the performance, for otherwise he would be emotionally blocked by the presence of the witnessing audience and his father and young son.

This meant that the man's sexual interest had to be aroused immediately, and the smart little boy went right about his job. With his cherubic mouth in front of the limp cock of his patron, he proceeded to suck the head of the man's dickey into his hot moist mouth and then blow it out, and suck it in and blow it out very rapidly, so that only the sensitive glans was stimulated, but that very quickly and repeatedly within the boy's lips. The man looked down to identify this novel and pleasant form of stimulation and smiled.

The battle for his attention was won.

Now the boy really went to work with technique and intensity to excite his patron and to prepare him for the consummating act of pedestry between them. At all times the boy's worshipping eyes looked up into his guardian's face, seeking assurance that he was providing pleasure for the man, and showing his eagerness to do everything possible to provide that pleasure. The full sensuous lips encircled the stiffening penis and sucked and gripped it into increasing rigidity. The plump, short-fingered hands teased and caressed and stroked the shaft of the lengthening tool, and then titillated and touched with loving gentleness the wrinkled bag of testicles which hung from its base.