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Again he paused as a question occurred to him. His glance went down to where the little girl was so effectively and willingly sucking and toying with his dickey. The onlookers could almost see the wheels of thought turning within the boy's head as he pondered the question. She was sucking his sex-parts. Would it be all right if he tried sucking hers?

Almost anything seemed all right in this crazy club, but he didn't want to make any bad mistakes that would upset Grandpa who had such crazy ideas. And what would a girl's pussy taste like? And would she like to have her pussy kissed as much as he now liked to have his dickey sucked? Her radiantly warm little cunny was just inches away from his face now, and — Nothing ventured; nothing gained!

Slowly, with his hands and arms lovingly clasped around her waist and hips, he pulled down, bringing her crotch slowly closer to his mouth. While it was still an inch or so away he stopped and stuck out his tongue to get a first taste of this newest adventure. The sensitive inquiring tip of his tongue dipped into the barely moist groove of her infantile pussy and he was pleased that she tasted mildly salty but very good.

His arms tightened some more and his mouth opened to enclose her whole slot as his tongue slid up and down between the firm plump lips that rimmed her little cunny. They were now clasped in each other's arms in a classic pose of '69', which they had selected themselves because it provided wonderful feelings of closeness and sexiness and mutual giving and taking, and was altogether a fine idea. After a few moments, the girl slowly straightened out her legs and lay full upon her young lover, her thighs spread so he could breath easily, and his nose and eyes coming up between the pert round cheeks of her prominent buttocks. And her mouth was always busily engaged in finding new thrills for his rigid little dickey, while the hot breath from her nose warmed and excited the tiny bag of his balls.

After a few minutes of this delightful interlude, seemingly by simultaneous mutual consent, the two children rolled over on the padded table-top, so that they were doing the identical wonderful chores but with the boy on top and the girl on her back on the bottom. This offered no real novelty, however, and the girl knew that her instruction in sexual activities was far from completed merely because she had taught her partner that '69' could be fun for both participating parties, no matter what their ages.

She quickly slid out from under her boyish companion and helped him roll over on his back in preparation for his next lesson. Still manually playing with his stiff little tool, she squatted down over his hips, while he watched with consuming fascination, and slowly introduced the end of his dickey into the slot of her cunny. In this position she had complete mobility and could control every aspect of their joining, and also could let him see exactly what was happening between them.

As he felt the tip of his sensitized cock caressed by the warm saliva-wet lips of her little pussy, the boy knew that this was something he wanted more of, and soon. By instinct as well as by intent, he thrust upward to increase the contact, and the girl, her aim perfect, dropped her anxious pink hole eagerly on him, burying his little rod to the hilt in her soft warm body.

Once they were joined, she dropped from squatting, onto her knees, and was more comfortable and better able to perform her present duties of pumping her tiny sheath up and down on his little piston. Slowly at first, so as not to dislodge the little intruder, she began posting rhythmically, sure that the hot exquisite stimuli to the small symbol of moist walls of her pussy were providing delight to the rod of masculinity which they contained. As the two children became more accustomed to each other, she was able to writhe and wriggle her hips in every sensuous variation to give more thrills, both to herself and to her partner by infinite variations of the intimate contacts between them.

As the glories of inverted intercourse began to dawn on the boy, from feeling and seeing his partner's performance upon his re-recumbent form, he reached up and began caressing her arms and body, and even her face with hands so lovingly gentle that they showed his appreciation and thankfulness without a word being spoken. Instinctively his hands seemed to gravitate to the front of her chest where vestigial nipples, no more prominent than his own rudimentary useless buds, presaged womanly breasts years in the future. He felt and patted and caressed those barely visible spots, and the girl, aware of what he was doing and slightly stimulated by both the idea and the action, smiled down in pleasure at his efforts to have them both mature instantly.

After several minutes of this position, the girl stretched her legs out behind her and lowered her torso down onto his, still supporting some of her weight on her elbows, but providing a greatly increased area of bodily contact between them. Her thighs clasped his, her belly and chest were ardently pressing down on his, and her hands were as free as his to explore and excite and caress.

The boy seemed to realize then, that although they seemed to have done almost everything else, they had not yet performed that most common gesture of affection — they had not kissed. He reached up and tenderly took her head in his hands, drawing it slowly down toward his own. To him it seemed obvious that when two people wanted to kiss, they just brought their lips together. Working on this oversimplified basic premise, the boy's first attempt at a kiss of passion ended up as tow bumped noses. But with both children working on it, they learned how heads must be turned, and within seconds their young fervent loving lips were fused in a mutually exciting and rewarding kiss that added much to their feelings of belonging together and of loving together and of mutual acceptance.

Both of the children knew from past experience that when adults did these same things which they were doing, there came a time of greatly heightened action and passion, and after that, the party was over, at least for a while. However, since they were too young by far to experience or even expect an orgasm of any sort, this child's party could possibly go on almost indefinitely while they explored all possible permutations and combinations of sexual behavior which their physical development would permit. There certainly were no other limitations on their activities, for even if their audience became restive and wanted to indulge in their own forms of bizarre behavior, the kids could keep going on their own with no one to tell them that what they were doing was bad or immoral or dirty or nasty.

Now again the girl, as teacher, took the-initiative in introducing her partner to new ways for enjoying sex. She wiggled off his supine body and lay down beside him, head opposite his head and feet beside his. With a few words and urging gestures, she had him roll over on top of her, and then she spread her round little legs and raised her knees to give him full access to her waiting warm pussy.

He looked down between their slightly separated bodies and saw the exciting proximity of their sex-parts. With her hands guiding, he lowered his hips, and found that his stiff little tool slid easily deep into her hungry hole, bringing their pelvises tightly together in the age-old position of marital coitus.

Driven by primitive urges beyond his conscious control, the boy began pumping up and down upon her, his little piston stroking automatically within her loving cylinder. His arms surrounded her in a gesture of affection while supporting some of his weight, and his lips sought out hers to seal their togetherness with a long impassioned kiss that welded them into one in their mutual giving and receiving. To hold him even more securely to her, the girl wrapped her chubby little legs around his hips, her back bent almost double to get a good grip with her ankles locked together.