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There was a moment of awed silence after this challenge but no member or guest of The Club seemed inclined to take up this bizarre offer. Just as the silence became awkward and it looked as though the Negroes had bluffed the sexual abilities of the whole allegedly blase membership of The Club, a white man stepped down onto the floor and spoke.

“I'll have to admit that I cannot even try to take up the challenge of our heroic performer here. I'm sure that the huge size of his wonderful equipment would kill me or any man untrained to such excesses. But when it comes to quality of cock-sucking, as distinguished from sheer quantity, I claim that I am better than anyone around here, black or white, amateur or professional, male or female. And on the strength of that boast. I'd like to make him a challenge right back. I'll bet him one thousand dollars in cash that I can suck off the smaller man's cock and make it shoot its gism into my mouth, before the larger man with all his immense tool, can manage to go off either in his friend's overdeveloped ass or even in his powerful mouth. I've never seen either of these men before in my life, so I know I'm taking a chance, but I know very well that as a technician and artistic expert, I'm probably the best cock-sucker that ever lived. I've devoted years to study and practice, as many of my friends and fellow-club-members know, and I'm willing to offer my money and my services to prove my point.”

The audience burst into cheers at having at least one member to defend the honor of their sex-club, and the two Negroes grinned at the prospect in store for them. The large leader of the team said, “I can't afford to bet anything like the thousand bucks this gentleman is talking about, but if he is anywhere near as good as he thinks he is, I'll tell everybody in the whole sex-show business about him, and he'll have more fun and more jobs and more friends that he ever knew existed in the world, let's make it a friendly bet, not for money, and I hope we all win.”

This arrangement was agreeable to everyone, and the white member from the club stepped back to his table where he took off his suit-coat, shirt, undershirt, and tie, and entered again onto the floor stripped to the waist. He was in his middle forties in age, with a thick, well-muscled torso, heavy shoulders and arms, and a truly handsome head, with crisply curling dark hair cut short, rough-cut features, and a strong aquiline nose about a full sensuous mouth. It was very amazing to me to find that this man, an obviously good-looking, virile, masculine type, with no hint of effeminacy in his appearance, should be willing to boast before his fellow-members that he was a talented experienced, an ardent cock-sucker, and was willing to perform his bizarre accomplishments on a Negro entertainer while his colleagues watched. I doubt that he was really doing it to defend the honor of The Club against the challenge of the huge Negro. It seemed more probable that he was doing it for his own amusement and because he liked doing what he knew he did exceeding well.

The three men now started waiting in the center of the impromptu stage, wondering just how to start. The audience was alert and expectant, for this encore to the planned act promised to be even odder than they dared hope for, and it involved a competition between one of their own members and hired professionals. As the receiver of the challenge, the white man, known as Karl, set up some minor suggestions as to how they should operate.

Willy, the smaller Negro who had originally masqueraded as the girl half of the exotic dance-team, was placed in the middle. Hercules, (shortened to Herk) the huge black man with the Gargantuan cock, stood behind his partner, his fantastically large and unconquerable tool projecting out in front of him like some huge boom. And Karl, the smaller but well-developed white-man who had taken up their dare, crouched down in front of the passively receptive Willy. The Master of Ceremonies who had originally introduced the act came out and said that he would try to referee this present contest. Actual ejaculation of semen was to be the sole criterion of achieving the stated goal, and this meant that if Herk could shoot in Willy's ass before Karl, could make Willy spend, the immense Negro won, but if Karl could suck spurts of sperm from Willy's very sizable cock before Herk shot his load, the white man was the victor.

None of the men were touching each other as yet, but Herk's cock was already stiffened into readiness, a condition which it seemed to occupy most of the time. The referee asked if everyone was ready, and when all contestants nodded he blew a whistle and announced that the race was on.

Herk immediately plunged his huge weapon into the already prepared anus of Willy and began ramming it in and out with long, quick, powerful strokes. Karl eased up closer to Willy's cock and began feeling and fondling it gently but expertly even before he sucked the dark end of it into his mouth where his lips and tongue could go to work.

Karl had not been vainly boasting when he said that he had been studying practicing the arts and science of cock-sucking and was truly an expert. This meant much more than that he had sucked lots of cocks. It meant that he was fully aware of all the many factors involved in the process of oral stimulation of a man's penis to ejaculation.

He was intimately acquainted with the anatomy of all connected bodily structures. He knew the neurology and physiology of associated tissues and all their functions and interconnections. And, most important of all, he was well aware of the immense importance of psychological factors in any such contest as the one in which he was now involved.

As he went to work on the black cock which he had to drive into rigid spitting surging submission, he analyzed the problems he had to contend with. First, sheer novelty, if not of a frightening nature, was on his side. The idea of having his cock sucked in public by a rich, cultured white man was probably very exciting and morale-building for Willy who secretly was sure to be ashamed of his type of work and its lack of social acceptance. The fact that other rich white men were seeing him honored thus would also increase his excitement and make him spend sooner.

A less obvious factor in Karl's favor was the odd fact that Willy was not sexually excited before the race started, as Herk obviously was. It is strange but true, that the best and quickest sex results come from a steady rise in passion-pressure, from flaccid start to turgid explosion. Herk had been stiffened up in readiness for almost an hour now, and was probably more nearly ready to sag back into limp dejection than to press forward to ejaculation. It is harder to pick up an old erection than to start a whole new one, all other things being equal.

But the main thing in Karl's favor, as he well knew, was that all during the contest, Herk's huge pounding cock would be violently stimulating Willy's sex-fountain, his prostate gland. This triangular mass, situated around the base of every man's bladder, is just in front of the man's rectum, and any action within that rear tube transmits sensations and pressure to the sensitive gland within and helps build up the effective passions of the recipient. In this way, Willy would really have two men working on making him come, — Karl's superb oral and manual techniques, and Herk's brutal prostatic pummeling within his ass.

While Herk was heavily pounding in and out of his partners straining asshole, determined to win this bizarre contest, not only for his own glory, but to prove the basic and primitive superiority of his race over the effete whites, Karl's superior artistry, knowledge, and technique went to work, less spectacular, as seen by the onlookers, but very effective as judged by the recipient and the results.

With Willy's hardening cock between his lips, Karl worked on two well-established principles of sexual stimulation. He setup a definite rhythm with which Willy could work in helping, and he tried to keep his stimuli always progressing from mild to strong, with never a slackening period to cool the ardours and urges. Karl's hands stroked and pulled along the stiffening shaft of Willy's prick, his fingers intentionally digging and gripping into the bottom of the shaft where the urethral tube formed a supersensitive pathway to be traced and excited. Karl's hands gently but firmly held Willy's balls and scrotum and got them into the rhythmic ebb and flow of the motion.