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Only then did the incongruity of this pair really sink into my consciousness, for I was still reeling from the impact of what I had experienced in having my wildest dreams and most perverted fantasies come to life here at The Club. As I said, Teddy was probably about ten years old, a guess which I could verify convincingly by looking at both his face and his body, for he was completely naked. His unclothed condition did not seem to bother him or Dr. Loriano at all, and whenever he was not actively following her professional instructions dealing with her patients, he was gazing up into her beautiful face with obvious adoration that bordered on an almost holy awe and veneration.

Teddy's body had the usual half-formed appearance of most boys just before adolescence. His shoulders had started to broaden and he had lost most of the baby-fat of early childhood, but his muscles were not clearly defined beneath his skin and his body was completely hairless except for a shock of dark-brown hair on his head, cut fairly short, but showing a tendency toward curliness. He had full sensuous lips around a generous mouth, and his wide-spaced eyes were deepset with long curling lashes which gave him a delicate prettiness.

But the most startling part of his appearance was that his hairless pre-adolescent cock stuck out stiffly in front of his bare belly in what seemed to be a permanent state of erection and sexual excitement. A second glance showed that around the base of his stiff little prick he wore a gold ring, similar in size and design to a wedding-band. When the lovely and exciting Dr. Loriano saw my interest in her young assistant and his bizarre item of decoration, she smiled slightly and explained. “For all that he is so young and immature, Teddy has gained a lot of knowledge and experience in things that most young boys, and even most adults, know very little about. He has seen and indulged in just about every kind of sexual activity imaginable, and is impatiently waiting for the day when he will be able to assume the full duties and privileges of a real man. In the meanwhile he has developed a strong feeling of love and admiration for me, and enjoys helping me in my professional duties. He would like very much to marry me and enjoy all the privileges of being my husband, but that is obviously impractical now, so he wears a symbolic wedding-ring on his not yet fully developed penis. This not only shows the type of love he feels for me, but also reminds him and every one who sees him how he feels about me. He also hopes that by keeping his cock continually tumesced now, that when he grows into complete manhood, he will have a sexual weapon of truly heroic proportions to amuse me with. And even though he cannot perform all the functions of a man, he enjoys all kinds of sexual activity, not only for its present minor thrills, but also as practice and preparation for his approaching virile manhood. His sexual appetites are omnivorous, and I can recommend him highly to you if some time you would like to have him show you the extent of his abilities.”

She paused at the end of this bizarre introduction, and Teddy stood beside her, proudly stroking his stiffly protruding penis with one hand while he patted and caressed her delightful and pertly rounded buttocks covered only by the thin layer of black satin. He did not pay much attention to me or to the sobbing figure of little Susie on the bed, but gazed adoringly up into his goddess's lovely face as though continually seeking her approval for his attentions.

“But now let me take a look at the patient here, so we can try to get her in shape for your next assault.” said the exotic doctor, sitting down on the edge of the bed and beginning to examine little Susie. “I gather you have made use of her mouth and her anus up till now, so I won't have to do any repairs on her vulga or vagina. I'll just treat her bottom, and clear up the bruises on her skin, and she should be in pretty good shape in a matter of hours. For your greatest pleasure, I think you should not try to rape her cunt till tomorrow, so she'll be recovered enough to really appreciate what you'll be doing to her. In the meanwhile Teddy can be massaging her skin-wounds with this healing salve to speed up her recovery, and also working the same therapeutic unguent into her torn and lacerated bottom-hole so that the hemorrhage will be controlled and healing expedited. The bruises on her wrists and ankles from her fighting against her bondage will also be treated.”

Dr. Loriano stood up, revealing again the terrific build with which Nature had endowed her and which she delighted to reveal at every opportunity in minimal costumes. She gave Teddy a tube of the healing salve, and instructions on using it on little Susie. Then the exotic doctor gave me a charming smile of farewell and said, “I think everything is under control here now. I'll stop in and see the patient again in a few hours, but now I must go treat the girl whom your friend John Murphy has been torturing to relieve his deep fear and hate of all things religious. It will take a lot of expert surgery to save her life and restore her to sexually usable condition again after what he has done to her. Get him to tell you about it sometime, if you are interested. For yourself, I suggest that even if you have never considered trying anything in the homosexual line, you let Teddy show you his abilities when he is not busy treating Susie. I think you might enjoy it, at least as something different. By tomorrow your little girl victim ought to be ready for your more conventional assault on her tiny pussy, and then I can come back again to fix her up and do all the necessary repairs she will need. Good bye, — and have fun. That's what The Club is for, especially for those of us whose ideas of fun are not accepted by the dull conservative people who make the rules on the outside.”

With a charming smile and a gay wink, Dr. Loriano left us, and I turned my attention back to ten-year-old Teddy who was busily massaging little Susie's pinched thighs and buttocks and hips with the healing salve. He also rubbed it into her split bottom and it seemed to soothe her torn tissues as well as speed up the recovery processes.

“What is your name, Sir?” he asked me, while still energetically doing his duties.

“My friends just call me George.” I told him, wondering why he should be interested, since the idea of indulging in sex with males of any age had never interested me.

“Well, I'll call you Mr. George, and I hope we will become good friends if you become a steady member here at The Club,” he told me seriously, his hands still busy on Susie's tiny body as she seemed to be comforted and relaxed by the medication and his treatment. “As Dr. Sylvia told you, I am desperately in love with her, and I'm trying to learn as much as I possibly can about every kind of sex, so that when I am old enough to marry her I will be able to give her every possible kind of pleasure. I'll enjoy it, too, of course, but I want to be able to do the absolute best for her.”

“That's nice, Teddy.” I assured him, not knowing just how to take his confidences. “She seems to appreciate your efforts to become the perfect lover.”

“Yes, she does. And even now she lets me practice with her in some things,” he continued eagerly, his face slight with enthusiasm and his little prick sticking out as firm proof of his statements. “And I'm sure that wearing this wedding-ring on my penis to keep it hard all the time is making it grow thicker and longer even now, so that when I become a man I'll be able to satisfy her wonderfully.”

“What do you do for her now, if you don't mind my asking? She certainly is a beautiful young woman.” I asked, my curiosity aroused by his naive simplicity on matters which most people hide most secretively.

“Well, I live with her in her apartment here at The Club.” he said proudly. “And I dress and bathe and massage her, and put on her make-up, and do her hair, and take care of her laundry. Everything like that. And then at night when she is in the mood, she lets me play with her beautiful breasts and suck her nipples to make them big. And then she lets me shave her pussy every couple of days whenever it's necessary to keep it smooth and soft. And then she sometimes lets me lick and suck her wonderful pussy. I'm learning to do that very well, and I can get her to have an orgasm and come in my mouth almost every time now. She likes that, and so do I.”