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I could feel each separate jet of seminal mucous as it flashed along the rigid length of my buried cock to inundate the torn and abraded lining of the child's rectum. The superhuman waves of ecstasy radiated out from my pulsing prick to flow in mounting surges of delirium throughout my whole tense pumping body. It truly seemed as if my immortal soul was drowning under this cascade of sexual ecstasy which was so intense that I both hoped and feared that it would never end. Such intense sensory stimulation, no matter how superb and divine, enervates the whole body quickly, and I soon found myself on the borderline of sanity in the throes of this superb orgasm.

As I felt the last of my ejaculation sucked from my impassioned groin by the satanic power of my own reaction to this bizarre situation, I knew that no matter what the price Susie had had to pay for my ecstasy, it had been worth it to me. Such an experience rarely comes to any man during a lifetime, and this episode would be a major milestone by which all other sensual events of my life would be judged. After a final few feeble drives of my weakening cock into the child's bowels, I let myself relax upon her bound and helpless form until I could pull myself together enough, both physically and emotionally to get disengaged from her helpless and victimized body. Only then did I realize that she, too, had overstepped her powers of endurance, and was lying totally unconscious beneath me, as inert as a corpse.

I stood up and struggled to get free of her, for in spite of the superb orgasm I had just experienced, I knew that for this orgy to be complete, I still had to deflower and brutally rape her tiny childish cunt. And I had to commit this horrible crime against Nature and all decency upon a living suffering child, not on a dead cadaver. Through her back, my hands could feel the rapid thumping of her heart as it struggled to keep her alive despite all the tortures I had inflicted upon her helpless innocence, so I knew that, although deeply unconscious, she was still alive.

But when I tried to drag my now flaccid cock from the depths of her ass, I found that her body had rebelled and was taking its revenge in a way I would never before have suspected. The stretched and torn circular muscles of her little anus had been thrown into rigid spasm, and now formed a steel-hard ring through which I could not withdraw the bulbous head of my cock. The harder I pulled to get away from my brutalized victim, the tighter those muscles reflexedly gripped my limply useless tool.

As firmly as little Susie was bound to her torture table, just so firmly was I held there too, and until her terribly traumatized asshole relaxed, I had no chance of escaping from her unconscious but powerful embrace. By straining down to one side and then the other, I managed to untie her ankles where they had been wide-trussed to the table-legs. Then I edged both our bodies around the table until I could reach where her little wrists had been bound out across to render her helpless. Finally I unpinned the catches of the safety-pins which had torn and agonized her unformed little nipples, so that she was completely unbound although she and I were still tightly connected in the most obscene manner imaginable where her tortured anus gripped my imprisoned cock.

I carried her limp and senseless body before me over to the nearby bed, and laid us both on it. Periodic sobs racked her little frame and her hands and feet moved spasmodically as she gradually started to regain consciousness and the ability to feel her tortures again. She was whimpering and sobbing with every breath by the time I saw her eyelids flicker, as a sign that she was coming to.

So terrible had been the damage to her bottom that she could not sense our continuing attachment as we lay side by side on the bed. She moved and writhed in her pain, and soon became aware of me next to her. As she remembered that I was the cause of all her torments, she tried to crawl away from my hated presence, but could not because my cock was still a sort of umbilical cord connecting us. One of her groping little childish hands discovered the problems, and she wailed even louder at this horrible bondage between us.

I tried to soothe her, for any violent actions on her part might seriously injure me by stretching or even uprooting my symbol of masculinity. At last I was able to convince her that our present juxtaposition was not my idea or even under my control. We lay there resting on our sides from all our exertions and ordeals, and so utter was our exhaustion that we must have fallen into a deep slumber, torturer and victim, wolf and lamb, cat and mouse, together on the bed, her spasmed anus still gripping my sagging cock and unwilling to release it.

I have no idea of how long we dozed there in our seemingly intimate and loving embrace, but I do know that when I slowly awakened some time later, my cock had slipped from her clenched asshole, and she was nestling within my encircling arms as though seeking protection from any further agonies.


As I began to regain my composure after the wild and exciting physical and emotional experiences of the last few hours. I realized that I would need at least a short rest before I would be ready to follow through and carry out the third rape on my eight-year-old victim, Susie. I sat up dazedly on the edge of the bed and started to pull myself together after the harrowing activities I had engaged in since my arrival here at The Club.

My attention naturally turned to little Susie who was moaning and sobbing in agony beside me, her tiny immature body quivering with pain and horror. Blood still oozed from her torn little nipples where the safety pins had punctured and ripped her sensitive tissues, and from her bottom where her anal sphincter had been split and torn by the violations of my buggering huge cock. Most of the rest of her body was covered with purple bruises and contusions where my fingers and nails had tortured her as the final phase of the ordeal to which I had subjected her.

It was obvious that she needed professional care for her wounds if she were to recover soon enough to be worthwhile raping in the near future. Without such expert medical care, I would have almost an hysterical corpse to deal with for a long time to come. The sign beside the telephone had said to call for help if I needed it, so I decided to do so.

When I explained that I needed a doctor's assistance to speed the convalescence of my little-girl victim, a calm voice assured me that such help would be provided immediately. Within five minutes there was a knock on the door to my private torture-chamber and rape-room, and I admitted two very odd characters. In any environment other than The Club, I would have been even more surprised than I was, but it shook me a little as a beautiful and lushly formed young lady of about twenty-five and a young boy of about ten were the arrivals to answer my call for medical assistance.

The young woman was clad only in the briefest imaginable Bikini-type two-piece swim-suit of gleaming black satin which contrasted delightfully with her creamy-white skin. Her long black hair hung in loose waxes down to her shoulders, and her only other article of clothing consisted of black patent-leather pumps with very high stilt-like heels. From one hand dangled the stethoscope characteristic of young doctors on an emergency call, and in her other hand was the black professional bag of instruments and medicines which every doctor carries on house-calls.

“I am Dr. Loriano. The office said there was a patient here who needs some fixing up for a quick recovery.” the exotic and gorgeous young woman introduced herself. “And this is my assistant. Teddy, who is very effective in many ways, including most nursing chores on my patients.”