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Krenz, Egon, 345

Kroger spy ring, 178

Kulikov, Marshal V. G., 63

Kuznetzov, Admiral N. M., 177

landing craft see amphibious warfare

Lange, Halvard, 14

Lattre de Tassigny, General Jean de, 12–13, 392

Latvia: independence (1991), 67

Lebanon: US Marines in, 225

Lemnitzer, Major-General Lyman L., 12, 39

Lend-Lease agreement, 16

Levi, Barbara G. (and others): ‘Civilian Casualties from “Limited” Nuclear Attacks on the USSR’, 442n

Libya: US air strikes on, 210

Linebacker II, Operation, 135

Lithuania: independence (1990), 67

London: World War II missile attacks on, 82, 83

Long Island (US fleet escort), 209

Luxembourg: in Benelux, 10–11; in Brussels Treaty, 11; army, 234; air force, 299

Maclean, Donald, 18n

McNamara, Robert, 365

Malaya: ‘emergency’ in, 9–10

Maniu, Iuliu, 8

Manoeuvrable Re-entry Vehicle (MaRV), 92

marines see amphibious warfare

Marras, General Efisio, 20

Marshall, General George: and Nordic pact, 15; and European defence system, 17–18; retires, 19

Marshall Plan: 1947 Conference (Paris), 7; France opposes, 8

Masaryk, Jan, 7

Mediterranean: and NATO command structure, 47, 49, 51; NATO navies in, 168, 170; Soviet fleet in, 178–9; aircraft carriers in, 198

Michael, King of Romania, 65

Midway (US carrier), 111

Mikołajczyk, Stanislaw, 7

Mikoyan, Anastas, 58

Mildenhall, Suffolk, England, 300

mine warfare and minesweepers: in NATO, 219–22; World War II numbers and damage, 432

Minuteman missile, 97–8, 106, 108–9

Missile, Experimental (MX) programme (USA), 98

missiles see ballistic missiles; cruise missiles

Mitterrand, François: supports French nuclear weapons, 36; and use of tactical nuclear weapons, 357; and reduction of nuclear forces, 384

Moldova: independence (1991), 67

Moltke, Helmuth von, the younger, 326

Mönchengladbach, 238, 297

Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard Law, 12–13, 47, 392

Moscow: as ‘withhold’, 87n, 90; as target, 364

Mountbatten, Admiral Louis, 1st Earl, 49–50

Multi-Lateral Force (MLF), 116–17

Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA), 307, 309–10

multiple independently-targeted re-entry vehicles (MIRVs), 92, 98, 101, 112, 119, 141

Multiple Protective Structures (MPSs), 106–7

multiple re-entry vehicles (MRVs), 92, 140–1

Multiple Rocket-Launcher System, 247

Munich Agreement (1938), 59, 61

Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR), 28–30

Mutual Defense Assistance Program (MDAP), 195, 216, 221, 270

Mutually Assured Destruction policy (MAD), 365

Nagasaki, 72, 75, 80–1, 124, 136, 363, 373–4

Nagy, Imre, 57

Nautilus (US submarine), 185

Navaho cruise missile, 95–6

navies: and command of sea, 163; NATO, 163–73, 425; forces and commands, 172–3; Warsaw Pact, 174–83, 425; surface ships, 208–18; see also aircraft carriers; battleships; mine warfare and minesweepers; submarines

Netherlands: in Benelux, 10–11; in Brussels Treaty, 11; navy, 170; aircraft carrier, 205; commando group, 227; army, 234; mobilization, 244; logistical problems, 246; and refugee problem, 246; deployment of forces, 248; armoured infantry fighting vehicles, 277, 279; air force and aircraft, 299, 308–9; battlefield nuclear weapons in, 350

neutron bomb see enhanced-radiation warhead

Nicholson, Major Arthur, 344

Nixon, Richard, 135

Nordic pact, 13–15

Norstadt, General Lauris, 338

North Atlantic Assembly, 31

North Atlantic Counciclass="underline" early meetings, 25; and NATO recommendations, 32; France and, 35; on Hungarian uprising, 37; and Czech crisis (1968), 39

North Atlantic Treaty: agreed, 10, 13, 18; signed (1949), 22; text, 394–7

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): formation and membership, 17–24, 31–2; military strength, 22; forward-defence policy, 25, 237; organization and structure, 25, 31–2, 45–53, 296–8; ‘Athens Guidelines’ (on use of nuclear weapons), 27; France withdraws from command structure, 27, 33–6, 50, 168, 236; moves HQs from France, 27, 34–5; strategic policy, 27–8; publishes reports on balance of power, 29; consultations and procedures, 31–2; and end of Cold War, 31; Defence College, Rome, 35; and Hungarian rising, 37; and Czech crisis (1968), 38–40; and Soviet SS-20 missile deployment, 40–3; long-range tactical nuclear force (LRTNF), 42; aims, 45; US influence in, 45–6; commands, 46–51, 238–40, 296–8; regional planning groups, 46; telecommunications systems, 51–3; and formation of Warsaw Pact, 54–5; non-intervention in eastern Europe, 66–7; control of MLF, 117; civil defence, 153–4; navies, 163–73, 425; mine warfare (1950s), 219–22; European land forces (Central Region), 231–5; European defence strategy and forces, 237–49, 358–9, 375–6; and ‘flexible response’, 237, 365; airborne forces, 241–3; mobilization, 243–6, 323, 325, 327; logistics and communications, 246–8; Refugee Agency, 246; deployment of forces, 248; battle tanks, 265–72, 435; field artillery, 283; air forces, 295–301; Airborne Early Warning Force (NAEWF), 296; equipment standardization, 295; fighter and attack aircraft, 302–11; as defensive alliance, 319; warning and alert systems against surprise attacks, 319–25; battlefield nuclear weapons (tactical), 349–55, 357, 383–5; financing, 379; appointments and office holders, 402–4; mine countermeasures programme, 433–4

Northern Group of Forces (Soviet; NFG), 252–3

Norway: and Nordic pact, 13–15; Soviet threat to, 17–18; membership of NATO, 19–21; civil defence, 153; sea supplies to, 163; navy, 170–1; and Soviet fleet activities, 178–80; submarines, 195; US Marine Corps reinforces, 225; aircraft, 308–9

Novorossiysk (Soviet battleship), 177, 217

nuclear war: pre-emptive attacks, 78–9; effects, 362–78, 387, 441–2; fear of, 383–4, 387; speculations on outbreak of, 385–7

nuclear weapons: NATO use of, 27; Catholic Church on, 36 & n; tactical battlefield (guns and missiles), 42, 86, 348–57, 383–4, 386, 438–40; and Warsaw Pact, 57; effects of explosions, 71–82, 367–8; testing and first uses, 80–2, 405; deterrent effect, 84–6, 387; strategy and planning, 84–8; types of attack and targets, 88–91, 354–5, 364, 366–7; in UK, 136–41; in France, 141–4; in China, 144–8; balance and measurement of, 155–60; availability, 156–7; reliability, 157–8; aircraft-carrier-borne, 199–200; safety measures, 355; use and effect of, 355–7; in Warsaw Pact attack plans, 362; voluntary destruction of, 384

Oahu, Hawaii, 76n

Ostpolitik (policy), 28

Palestine: under British mandate, 16–17; see also Israel

Papadopoulos, Colonel Georgios, 37

paratroop units see airborne troops

Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963), 81

Pavlovsky, General I. G., 39

Peacekeeper (MX) missile, 98, 105, 108, 115

Pershing missile, 30, 42–4, 94

Pétain, Marshal Henri Philippe, 33

Petkov, Nikola, 6

Poland: ethnic Germans in, 6; Communist government in, 7; 1970 German Treaty, 28; Solidarity trade-union movement, 29; in Warsaw Pact, 55; naval shipbuilding, 56, 182–3, 226; riots (1956), 57–8, 62, 67; crisis of 1980–1, 62–4; navy, 181–3; amphibious capability, 226; Warsaw Pact forces in, 252–3; military forces, 253–4; airborne troops, 256; armoured personnel carriers, 279; air force and aircraft, 308, 315–16; and Warsaw Pact attack plan, 361–2