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Ocampo, Victoria, 623

Occom, Samson, Sermon Preached at the Execution of Moses Paul, 43

Occupational ideals of nineteenthcentury writers, 67–68

O'Connor, Edwin, 403

O'Connor, Flannery, 430, 491; Everything That Rises Must Converge, 414; The Violent Bear It Away, 414; Wise Blood, 414, 491

October, 517

Odets, Clifford, Waiting for Lefty, 341

Odum, Howard, 412

Offensiveness, avant-garde and, 727- 28

O'Gorman, Edmundo, The Invention of America, 607

O'Hagan, Howard, 798; Tay John, 562 -63

O'Hara, John, 395, 451

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Ohmann, Richard, "The Shaping of a Canon: U.S. Fiction, 1960–1975," 692, 694

Okada, John, 405, 799; No-No Boy, 463, 500

Olerich, Henry, A Cityless and Countryless World: An Outline of Practical Co-operative Individualism, 474 -75

Oliva, Gladstone, 527

Olsen, Tillie, 344, 346, 350, 799; "The Iron Throat," 355; Silences, 458; Tell Me a Riddle, 404; Yonnondio: From the Thirties, 332, 338, 355 56, 393, 458

Ondaatje, Michael, 567, 800; The Collected Works of Billy the Kid, 579; Running in the Family, 579

Oneida community, 134

O'Neill, Eugene, 395

Onoto Watanna (Winnifred Eaton), 270, 277 -78, 282, 283; A Japanese Nightingale, 278; Me, 278

Oppositionalism in avant-garde fiction, 732

Oral forms, 667, 669; Native American autobiography, 44

Ordonez, Cayetano, 320

Orphans, in women's novels, 123, 127

Orphée, Elvira, 623

Orrego, Claudio, Detenidosdesaparecidos: Una herida abierta, 647

Ostenso, Martha, 389, 391 -92; Wild Geese, 391, 392

Otherness, race and, 409 -11

Outlaws, dime novels and, 294, 296

Owen, Robert, 133

Owen, Wilfred, 318

Pagano, Jo, 398

Page, Myra, 350; Gathering Storm: A Story of the Black Belt, 338, 352

Page, Thomas Nelson, In Ole Virginia, 244

Palfrey, Gorham: Emerson and, 130

Panetta, George, 398

Panneton, Philippe. See Ringuet

Panunzio, Constantine, The Soul of an Immigrant, 398

Paperback books, 359, 504, 685 -86

Papermaking improvements, 49

Paradis, Suzanne, 572

Paralyzed artist theme, 565 -66

Paris: Americans in, 312; Hemingway and, 322

Parizeau (Poznanska), Alice, 574

Parker, Cynthia Ann, 440

Parker, Theodore, 91; "A Sermon on Merchants," 148

Parochial nature of American culture, 12

Parody: in Millhauser's works, 747, 749 -51; in Poe's works, 78

Parrington, Vernon L., 390

Partisan Review, 326 -27, 345; and Roth's Call It Sleep, 395

Parmoy, Alicia, 635

Patton, Sarah Payson Willis. See Fern, Fanny

Past, post-Civil War writers and, 241 -43

Pastor, Rose, 387

Paternalistic society, reform novels, 230 -32

Patri, Angelo, The Spirit of America, 385

Patriarchal character, Poe's view, 98

Patriarchal society: colonial, and education of women, 657; domesticity and, 118 -26; sexual mastery, 153; slave narrative and, 42; Stein and, 213 -14; Stowe and, 144 -45; temperance novels and, 138 -40

Patten, Gilbert (Burr L. Standish), 357; Frank Merriwell at Yale, 357- 58; Frank Merriwell in Wall Street, 358

Patten, Simon, The New Basis of Civilization, 358

Patterson, Orlando, 592, 594, 598; The Children of Sisyphus, 599; Die the Long Day, 599

Paulding, James Kirke: The Dutchman's Fireside, 437; Slavery in the United States, 101; Poe's review, 90, 96 101, 104

Paz, Octavio, 609, 622

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Pearson, Ridley, 456

Peckham, Morse, 618

Pells, Richard, 341

Pellucidar series, Burroughs, 362 -63

Peoples of color, 652 -53; Faulkner and, 427; literature of, 406; migrations of, 650; postmodern writers, 522; status in U.S., 655. See also African Americans; Native Americans

Percy, Walker, 800; The Last Gentleman, 491; Love in the Ruins, 491; The Moviegoer, 491; The Second Coming, 491

Perera, Padma, 653

Perfectionism, nineteenth century, 140

Perfectionist theology, 132

Periodicals, and works of fiction, 50

Personal life, public affairs and, 50

Personal property, slaves as, 221 -22

Perspective (magazine), 692

Perversity, Poe and, 82

Peterkin, Julia, 417 -18; Black April, 417; Bright Skin, 418; Green Thursday, 417; Scarlet Sister Mary, 417-18

Peters, Fritz (Arthur Anderson Peters), Finistere, 502

Peterson, Joyce Shaw, 301

Peterson, Levi, The Backslider, 461 -62

Peterson's Magazine, 303

Petry, Ann, The Street, 496 -97

Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 238, 282, 335, 800; The Gates Ajar, 127; The Silent Partner, 226 -28, 232

Philosophical novels, postmodern, 711

Philosophy, post- World War II, 486 -87

Photography, postmodern, 516

Picaresque novels: early American, 19 21; female, 110

Pierce, Franklin, 62

Pioneer-prairie novels, 441. See also Frontier stories

Pirated works, 48; early American publication, 7; in story papers, 288

Pita Rodríguez, Felix, 524

Place: Canadian novels of, 561 -65; individual and, 469

Plantation tradition, 244

Plante, David, The Family, 404

Plath, Sylvia, The Bell Jar, 505

Plots: early American, 10; postmodern, 705, 716

Pocahontas, 30

Pocket Books, 359, 658 -86

Poe, Edgar Allan, 51, 55, 60–62, 66 70, 72, 90, 800–801; "Balloon Hoax," 361; "Berenice," 77 -78, 95; "The Black Cat," 82, 98; "The Cask of Amontillado," 82; detective fiction, 375; Eureka, 61, 91, 102, 107; "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar," 81; "The Fall of the House of Usher," 66; "For Annie," 95; "The Gold Bug," 96; "Hans Pfaal," 361; "Hop-Frog," 81–82, 103 -4; "How to Write a Blackwood Article," 70, 78–79; and imagination, 77–80; and intellectual women, 63; "King Pest," 81 "Landor's Cottage," 95; "Ligeia," 95; "Lionizing," 82; "The Literati of New York City," 101 -2; "Los of Breath," 78; "The Man of the Crowd," 375; "Marginalia," 78, 79; Matthiessen and, 128; "Morella," 95; "The Murders in the Rue Morge," 96, 103; The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, 51, 82–83, 107- 9; "Paulding-Drayton Review," 96101, 104; "The Philosophy of Composition," 69; "The Power of Words," 79; "A Predicament," 7879; "The Raven," 69; and revenge, 81–83; review of Hawthorne's Twice-Told Tales, 105; science fiction, 361; and slavery, 93 -94, 96104; "The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether," 103; "A Tale of Jerusalem," 82; Tales, 53; "The Tell-Tale Heart," 82; "To Helen," 95; "To Marie Louise Shew," 95; and women, 94–95

The Poe Log: A Documentary Life of Edgar Allan Poe, 94

Poetry: proletarian, 344; Puritan, 31

Poetry (magazine), 312, 314

Poets, Latin American, 609

Poggioli, Renato, 734

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Poirier, Richard, 488

Political exile, 651, 668

Political fantasies, post-Civil War, 247 -48

Politicalization of American fiction, early twentieth century, 326 -27

Politics, fiction and, 14, 128 -29; American novel, 25; avant-garde, 735; gothic novels, 22; Irish American novels, 403; picaresque novels, 19 20; postmodern, 700; science fiction, 365; story papers, 288, 290 -91

Pollack, Simon, The Autobiography of Simon Pollack, 383

Poniatowska, Elena, 623; Hasta no verte Jesús mío, 647

Poole, Ernest, The Voice of the Street, 384 -85

Poovey, Mary, 543

Popular culture, 285 -86

Popular fiction, 378 -79, 504 -5; late nineteenth century, 285–305; twentieth century, 357 -79

Popularity: Melville's views, 68; Poe's views, 69

Popular press, rise of, 13

Popular taste, 694 -95

Population growth, and literary market, 49

Populism, 235; early twentieth century, 322