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Reid, Vic, 593, 594; The Leopard, 598; New Day, 598-99

Religion: in Canada, 568; captivity narratives and, 32 -33; mid-twentiethcentury novels and, 491; and reform, 132

Religious revivals, nineteenth century, 132-33; domestic fiction and, 289

Remarque, Erich Maria, All Quiet on the Western Front, 319

Remington, Frederic, 304

Renan, Ernest, 241 -42

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Renaud, Jacques, Le cassé, 571

Renfroe, Martha Kay. See Wren, M. K.

Republicanism, 48, 50; Howells and, 184 -86; picaresque novels and, 19 20; and working classes, 148

Republican motherhood, Revolutionaryera idea, 115

Republican Party, 147

Reunions, post-Civil War, 250

Revenge, romance and, 74, 81 -88

Revivalism, nineteenth century, 132 -33; domestic fiction and, 289

Revolutionary change, 14 -15; Davis and, 176; reform and, 217

Revolutionary fervor, Hawthorne and, 84

Reynolds, Clay, 461

Reznikoff, Charles, By the Waters of Manhattan, 387

Rhodes, Eugene Manlove, Barnsford in Arcadia, 368

Rhys, Jean, 594, 803; Voyage in the Dark, 604; Wide Sargasso Sea, 89, 603, 604

Ribalow, Harold, 383

Rich, Adrienne, 545, 547

Richards, David Adams: Blood Ties, 561; Road to the Stilt House, 561

Richardson, Dorothy, The Long Day: The Story of a New York Working Girl, 301

Richardson, John, Wacousta; or, The Prophecy: A Tale of the Canadas, 559

Richardson, Samuel, 12, 110; Pamela, 7

Richler, Mordecai, 402; the Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, 575, 578

Richter, Conrad, The Sea of Grass, 443

Rideout, Walter, The Radical Novel in the United States, 1900–1954, 331

Ridgway, Henry, 94

Riesman, David, The Lonely Crowd, 485

Riis, Jacob, How the Other Half Lives, 225, 381; The Making of an American, 385

Riley, Joan, 653

Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 283, 803- 4; The Circular Staircase, 373; The Man in Lower Ten, 373; The Window at the White Cat, 373

Ringuet (Philippe Panneton), Trente arpents (Thirty Acres), 569

Ríos, Alberto, The Iguana Killer, 522, 536

Rivera, Edward, 406

Rivera, Tomás, ". . y no se lo tragó la tierra," 453

Robbins, Tom, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, 450

Robinson, Forrest, 452 -53

Robinson, Marilynne, 804; Housekeeping, 458 -59

Rodríguez, Richard, 406

Rodríguez Monegal, Emir, 624

Roffé, Reina, 642; Monte de Venus, 629 -30

Roh, Franz, Nach-Expressionismus: Magischer Realismus, 523

Rolfe, Edwin, 344

Rollins, William, The Shadow Before, 344- 45

Rölvaag, Ole Edvart, 389 -91, 804; Amerika-Breve, 390; Giants in the Earth, 390, 441; I de Dage, 390; Peder Victorious, 391; Their Father's God, 391

Romains, Jules, 345

Romances, literary, 5, 10, 51, 72–88; domestic novels and, 112; Hawthorne and, 66, 69; historical, 257 63; race and, 89- 109

Le roman de la terre, 568 -69

Romantic temperament, and romance form, 74

Ronald, Ann, 459

Rooke, Leon, 567; Shakespeare's Dog, 582

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 402

Roosevelt, Theodore, 304, 358; The Strenuous Life, 249; The Winning of the West, 363 -64; and women's rights, 270

Rosaldo, Renato Ignacio, 539, 804; "Fables of the Fallen Guy," 536

Roseberg, Ann, The Bee Book, 579

Rosenberg, Harold, The Tradition of the New, 693

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Rosenberg, Isaac, 318

Rosenfeld, Alvin, 739 -40

Rosenfeld, Isaac, 383, 401; Passage from Home, 404

Rosenfeld, Paul, A Boy in the Sun, 387

Rosenfelt, Deborah, 352

Rosenthal, Bernard, "Poe, Slavery, and the Southern Literary Messenger: A Reexamination," 96

Rosler, Martha, 516

Ross, E. A., Social Control, 195

Ross, Leonard Q. (Leo Rosten), The Education of H*Y*M*A*N* K*A*P*L*A*N, 504 -5

Ross, Sinclair, 804 -5; As for Me and My House, 565, 578

Rossiter, Clinton, 488

Rosten, Leo. See Ross, Leonard Q.

Roth, Henry, 393; Call it Sleep, 394 -95

Roth, Philip, 402, 498 -99, 805; The Anatomy Lesson, 499; The Ghost Writer, 499; Goodbye, Columbus, 498; Portnoy's Complaint, 498; The Prague Orgy, 499; Zuckerman Bound, 499; Zuckerman Unbound, 499

Rough Rider Weekly, 300

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Confessions, 261; Emile, 118; view of women, 118- 19

Rowlandson, Joseph, 32

Rowlandson, Mary, A True History of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, 31, 32–33

Rowson, Susanna, 47 -48, 805; Charlotte Temple, 5, 7 -8, 9, 18 -19, 52

Roy, Gabrielle, 572, 805- 6; Alexandre Chenevert (The Cashier), 569 -70; Bonheur d'occasion (The Tin Flute), 569, 578; La Petite Poule d'eau (Where Nests the Water Hen), 572

Royce, Josiah, 381; The Philosophy of Loyalty, 195

Royot, Daniel, 449

Rubin, Gayle, "The Traffic in Women," 200 -201

Rule, Jane, Desert of the Heart, 502

Rulfo, Juan, 524

Rural families, problems of, 235 -36

Rural life, views of, 253

Rush, Benjamin, 115, 136

Rushdie, Salman, 653 -54, 658, 659 -60, 678; Haroun and the Sea of Stories, 661; Midnight's Children, 660; The Satanic Verses, 660- 61; Shame, 660

Russ, Joanna, 505, 579, 698, 699, 702, 806; The Adventures of Alyx, 724; Alyx, 724; The Female Man, 699, 704, 706, 724; Picnic on Paradise, 724; The Two of Them, 724; "When It Changed," 724

Russian Jews, ethnic novels, 383, 404

Russian Revolution, 322

Ruta, Suzanne, 621

Sacco and Vanzetti case, 323

Sacrifice, and social control, 194 -95

Sadism, of Hemingway, 322

Saint-Domingue revolution, 92

St. Omer, Garth, 594

Sainz, Gustavo: Corazón de palabras, 631; Gazapo, 631; Obsesivos días circulares, 631

Salas, Floyd, Tattoo the Wicked Cross, 453

Saldívar, José David, The Dialectics of Our America, 526

Salinger, J. D., 806; The Catcher in the Rye, 492; Franny and Zooey, 492; Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpeters, 492; Seymour: An Introduction, 492

Salkey, Andrew, 594, 598; A Quality of Violence, 600

Salvation, male: women and, 124 -25

Salzman, Arthur M., 741

Same-sex relationships, Cather and, 279 -80

Sam Sharpe Insurrection, 97

Sanchez, Thomas, Rabbit Boss, 455

Sandburg, Carl, 311

Sandoz, Mari, 457

San Francisco, as literary center, 407

Santos, Bienvenido, 653

Sarduy, Severo, 626; Cobra, 628

Saroyan, William, 383

Sarraute, Nathalie, 699

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Sartre, Jean-Paul, Being and Nothingness, 487

Satie, Erik, 314

Satire: avant-garde, 734; in postmodern fiction, 705; of the West, 450

Savard, Felix-Antoine, Menaud, maîtredraveur (Master of the River), 568

Sayre, Robert F.: The Examined Self: Benjamin Franklin, Henry Adams, Henry James, 281; and Franklin, 36

Sayre, Zelda. See Fitzgerald, Zelda Sayre

Scandinavian ethnic novels, 384, 389 -92

Scarborough, Dorothy, 457

Scholarship, postcolonial, 656

Schools: Canadian, literature in, 578; and literary market, 49

Schulberg, Budd, 451; What Makes Sammy Run? 402 -3

Schwartzwald, Robert, 574

Science fiction, 360 -66, 371; Acker and, 724; Delany and, 724- 25; gay, 554 -56; postmodern, 699; Vonnegut and, 722

Scientific method, sociology and, 192, 215

Scribner's Monthly, 303

Sea fiction, nineteenth century, 148 -51

Seaforth, Sybil, 605

Sedgwick, Catharine Maria, 64 -65, 806 -7; Clarence, 120; Home, 110; Hope Leslie, 122 -23; A NewEngland Tale, 122; The Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man, 120

Sedgwick, Eve, 637

Sedition Act (1918), 323