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198 Wallace S. Broecker, “CO2 Arithmetic,” Science 315 (2007): 1371, and comments as Science 316 (2007): 829; and Oliver Morton, “Is This What It Takes to Save the World?” Nature 447 (2007): 132.

199 http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/electricity_generation.html.

200 http://solar.gwu.edu/index_files/Resources_files/epstein_full cost of coal.pdf.

201 http://www.chattanoogan.com/2013/1/23/242786/Volkswagen-Chattanooga-Powers-Up.aspx.

202 http://www.cleanenergyactionproject.com/CleanEnergyActionProject/Wind_Power_Case_Studies_files/Alta Wind Energy Center.pdf

203 http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/business/energy-environment/wind-power/index.html.

204 Kevin Zeese, “Cooperative: The Co-op Alternative to Corporate Capitalism,” It’s Our Economy, August 28, 2011, http://itsoureconomy.us/2011/08/cooperatives-the-co-op-alternative-to-corporate-capitalism/.


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ISBN 978-0-446-58481-4