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A long expanse of tanned thigh below a bright red short skirt was the first thing she saw. Looking upward, there was a short navy jacket and a white blouse that showed far too much bosom in the deep V neckline and above that a young but pouty face framed by long sandy hair. Her eyes traveled back down again to discover several suitcases nestled around the navy pumps.

"Yes?" Bette Jean clutched the pale lace at her throat higher.

"Bette Jean… don't you know me?" The pouty mouth split in a teasing smile to show even white teeth.

"I… Wanda? You can't be Wanda…"

"But I am. It's me… I know I've grown some since you saw me… but I never thought you wouldn't recognize me."

Bette Jean found herself enveloped in strong young arms and a sisterly kiss planted on her cheek. The young girl smelled of strong perfume. She whirled on into the house, laughing and talking.

"It's your baby sister! Been a mighty long time, I know… but here I am! My… what a beautiful house you've got, Bette Jean. Makes home took pretty bad… I mean Aunt Dee's and Uncle Alf's. You know… I just thought I'd never get here… but I kept dreaming that some day I would and… after all these years… here I am at last! I can hardly believe it… can you?"

"No… no… I can't, Wanda." Bette Jean tried to smile warmly but she was so taken aback by the sudden appearance of her younger sister that she still couldn't quite take it all in. Her head was full of a thousand questions.

"Why didn't you let me know you were coming?"

Wanda had rushed back to lug the heavy suitcases inside the entry. She brushed her long sandy-colored hair out of her green eyes. "Well… I never was much good at writing… and I just decided it was time I came for a visit… I mean… it's been so long since I even saw you. I'd about forgotten I had a sister. Seems like you and Lester just never can get away to come home anymore. Heavens… it's been at least five or six years since you were home… and well, I just made up my mind and… I can't believe it but I'm here!" She pulled the last piece of luggage in and shut the door, panting a little with exertion. Her eyes were shining and she looked around in wonder.

"You've got just about the prettiest house I ever saw, sister. Some day I'm going to have me a house like this. Yes sir… that's just what I'm going to do. You wait and see!"

"I'm sure you will, Wanda, but you've got a long time to think about that. Why you're not even out of high school are you?" Bette Jean knew her sister was only seventeen but with the clothes and makeup she looked at least twenty or more. No, it wasn't just the clothes. It was the manner, the makeup and something in the eyes… knowing and a little hard. The girl was taller by at least four inches and voluptuously well developed. The last time she'd seen her, Wanda had been a pigtailed little girl, gawky and awkward… now she was grown and… well, there was no denying it… sexy looking.

"I'm just making coffee. We… ah… got lazy this morning… and I was just getting ready to go to the kitchen when you rang the bell."

"Imagine being able to make the coffee in something as pretty as that robe. I'll bet Lester just spoils you good. Well, I'm going to look around and find me a good husband like that in a year or two. Oh… I just can't get over this pretty house. I'd just love to keep a house like this. I will, too. I'll help you with the housework, Sis. I sure will."

"Well… I manage pretty well by myself."

"Oh, I didn't mean it looked neglected. It's just beautiful! I just meant that I could lend you a hand, you know."

The cheeriness of her voice brought only dismay to the beautiful housewife. Automatically she made coffee and started the bacon. She hated surprises and house guests always disrupted her routine. Her thoughts were chasing through her head at breakneck speed. Wanda sounded as though she'd come for a long visit. The bags! Heavens, there must be at least six or eight of them.

"What's going on out here? I sure could use a cup of coffee." Lester walked in amid the girlish chatter, a bathrobe wrapped around his hairy body that failed to cover his bulging muscular calves. He looked sleepy and rumpled and querulous. The drooping eyes popped open wide when Wanda came into his range of vision where she sat at the white kitchen table, jacket off, long legs stretched out and young full firm breasts almost bursting out of her white crepe blouse.

"Well… I didn't know you had a caller so early, honey. Why don't you introduce me…" There was something oddly familiar about the luscious long legged creature sitting at his kitchen table at nine A.M. but he couldn't quite place her. Jesus! She sure had legs and tits! You didn't have to have a whole lot of imagination to almost feel those bursting in the palms of your hands or your cock pressed between their warmly inviting roundness. Just looking at all that nubile flesh made the roll with Bette Jean last night seem like a snack to whet the appetite. The green eyes were looking at him appraisingly too, framed by the swing of silky, sandy hair. She was no innocent, he'd judge. A broad only looked at a guy like that when she'd had a little experience. It was as though she'd learned a private language that only males understood. He read her all right.

"It's my sister, Lester. You remember Wanda." Bette Jean answered, busying herself turning the bacon with a long handled fork.

"Why, of course. How are you Wanda!" Lester took her hand and grinned down at her. "You've grown some since I saw you! Yessiree! Grown a lot. Can't much blame me for not knowing who you were. Who'd have ever thought that skinny little kid'd turn out like this!"

"Sure is good to see you, Lester. Has been a long time. I was just telling sister here it must be five or six years."

"Well, we're mighty glad you came, Wanda. House is kinda empty with just Bette Jean and Gary and me. Lots of room. Sure is nice you've come for a visit. You have, haven't you?"

The pink tongue came out to wet the pouty coral mouth. "Well, I hope you'll let me stay a while. I should have let you know, I guess, but I'm not much good at writing."

"Lester! Go get some clothes on!" She hadn't meant for her voice to shrill like that, but the way he was looking at Wanda was obscene. The dirty minded old goat. Bette Jean's hand shook a little taking the eggs out of the refrigerator. It was too much after last night to find the sister she hadn't expected to see, standing on her doorstep like that at the crack of dawn. Standing there with all her suitcases as though she'd come for good.

Lester winked at Wanda, his head nodding at Bette Jean, "The old lady got up on the wrong side of bed. I'll be right back."

Bette Jean's nerves felt strained and tightened all during breakfast, as though attached to screws that turned them more and more taut. Lester was grinning fatuously at Wanda as he ate, his face scrubbed and shaved and shining. Her sister was fawning and flattering her husband till he was fairly preening. It was disgusting.


Wanda shook her silky length of hair. "No, thank you. I have to watch my figure."

"No you don't. You just let old brother Lester do that." He laughed uproariously.

Wanda laughed appreciatively. "I'd forgotten what a nice man you married, Bette Jean. If you weren't my sister I'd be kinda jealous."

"He's old enough to be your father, Wanda, and he's getting childish in his old age," Bette Jean answered peevishly, then turned the conversation to Uncle Alf and Aunt Dee. Pouting a little, her younger sister complied, answering questions reluctantly.

Finally Bette Jean got the courage to ask right out. "How long are you planning to stay?"

Wanda fidgeted and blushed. "Well, I was hoping maybe you'd let me stay for good. They're getting so old, Bette Jean. I mean I can't even have a date without the roof falling in. I mean… well, I wouldn't be any trouble. I'd get a job and I could help you with the housework and all. I just had to get away. There's nothing to do in that little old town anyway. All the kids get out and come to town as soon as they can."