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CORITH – island west of Havish coast, in Westland Sea. First site to see sunlight upon Desh-thiere’s defeat.pronounced: kor-ithroot meaning: cori – ships, vessels; itha – five for the five harbours which the old city over-looked

DAELION FATEMASTER – ‘entity’ formed by set of mortal beliefs, which determine the fate of the spirit after death. If Ath is the prime vibration, or life force, Daelion is what governs the manifestation of free will.pronounced: day-el-ee-onroot meaning: dael – king, or lord; i’on – of fate

DAEL-FARENN – Kingmaker, name for sword Alithiel; also, one of many Paravian names for the Fellowship sorcerer, Asandir.pronounced: day-el-far-anroot meaning: dael – king; feron – maker

DAELTHAIN – fifth Compass Point, or Sun Tower, built by Paravians at citadel of Ithamon. This was the King’s Tower, whose warded virtue was Justice. The structure fell on the eve of Marin Eliathe’s murder, and crumbled further through the course of the rebellion. By the time of the Mistwraith’s conquest all that remained was the foundation.pronounced: day-el-they-inroot meaning: dael – king or lord; thein – tower, sanctuary

DAELTIRI – sword carried by s’Ilessid high kings. Forged in Third Age 1240 by Paravian artisans to commemorate friendship on the occasion of Jaest s’Ilessid’s accession to the crown at Avenor.pronounced: day-el-tee-reeroot meaning: dael – king, lord; tieri – steel

DAENFAL – city located on the northern lake shore that bounds the southern edge of Daon Ramon Barrens in Rathain.pronunced: dye-en-fallroot meaning: daen – clay; fal – red

DAKAR THE MAD PROPHET-apprentice to Fellowship sorcerer, Asandir, during the third Age following the Conquest of the Mistwraith. Given to spurious prophecies, it was Dakar who forecast the fall of the kings of Havish in time for the Fellowship to save the heir. He made the Prophecy of West Gate which forecast the Mistwraith’s bane, and also, the Black Rose Prophecy, which called for reunification of the Fellowship.pronounced – dah-karroot meaning: dakiar – clumsy

DANIA – wife of Rathain’s regent, Steiven s’Valerient.pronounced: dan-ee-ahroot meaning: deinia – sparrow

DAON RAMON BARRENS – central principality of Rathain. Site where Riathan Paravians (unicorns) bred and raised their young. Barrens was not appended to the name until the years following the Mistwraith’s conquest, when the river Severnir was diverted at the source by a task force under Etarran jurisdiction.pronounced: day-on rah-monroot meaning: daon – gold; ramon hills/downs

DARI S’AHELAS – Princess of Shand who fled through the western Worldsend Gate at the time of the Mist-wraith’s conquest, to escape the rebellion engineered by Davien. Sethvir trained her in the foundational arts of power to increase her line’s chances of survival. Her descendants ruled Rauven in the splinter world of Dascen Elur.pronounced: dar-eeroot meaning: daer – to cut

DAVIEN THE BETRAYER – Fellowship sorcerer responsible for provoking the great uprising that resulted in the fall of the high kings after Desh-thiere’s conquest. Rendered discorporate by the Fellowship’s judgement in Third Age 5129. Exiled since, by personal choice. Davien’s works included the Five Centuries Fountain near Mearth, on the splinter world of the Red Desert, through West Gate. Rockfell shaft, used by the sorcerers to imprison harmful entities. The Stair on Rockfell Peak, and also, Kewar Tunnel in the Mathorn Mountains.pronounced: dah-vee-enroot meaning: dahvi – fool; mistake an – one ‘mistaken one’

DASCEN ELUR – splinter world off West Gate; primarily ocean with isolated archipelagos. Includes kingdoms of Rauven, Amroth and Karthan. Where three exiled high kings’ heirs took refuge in the years following the great uprising.pronounced: das-en el-urroot meaning: dascen – ocean; e’lier – small land

DESH-THIERE – Mistwraith that invaded Athera from the splinter worlds through South Gate in Third Age year 4993. Access cut off by Fellowship sorcerer, Traithe. Battled and contained in West Shand for twenty-five years, until the rebellion splintered the peace, and the high kings were forced to withdraw from the defence lines to attend their disrupted kingdoms.pronounced: desh-thee-air-e (last e mostly subliminal)root meaning: desh – mist; thiere – ghost or wraith

DESHANS – barbarian clans who inhabit Strakewood Forest, principality of Deshir, Rathian.pronounced: desh-ee-ansroot meaning: deshir – misty

DESHIR – northwestern principality of Rathainpronounced: desh-eerroot meaning: deshir – misty

DHARKARON AVENGER – called Ath’s Avenging Angel in legend. Drives a chariot drawn by five horses to convey the guilty to Sithaer. Dharkaron as defined by Ath’s adepts is that dark thread mortal men weave with Ath, the prime vibration, that creates self-punishment, or the root of guilt.pronounced: dark-air-onroot meaning: dhar – evil; khiaron – one who stands in judgement

DIEGAN – Lord Commander of Etarra’s garrison. Titular commander of the war host sent against the Deshans to defeat the Master of Shadows.pronounced: dee-ganroot meaning: diegan – trinket a dandy might wear/ornament

DURMAENIR – centaur, son of the armourer who forged the twelve Blades of Isaer. Sword Alithiel was fashioned for Durmaenir, who died in battle against Khadrim in the Second Age.pronounced: dur-may-e-neerroot meaning: dir – stone; maenien – fallen

EAST WARD – city in Fallowmere, Rathain, renowned as a port that served the trade-route to Etarra from the Cildein Ocean.pronounced: wardno Paravian root meaning as this city was man’s creation

EDAL – next to youngest daughter, Steiven and Dania s’Valerientpronounced: ee-dollroot meaning: e’ prefix, diminutive for small; dal – fair

ELAIRA – initiate enchantress of the Koriathain. Originally a street child, bought up in Morvain for Koriani rearing.pronounced: ee-layer-ahroot meaning:e’ prefix, diminutive for small; laere – grace

ELDIR s’LORNMEIN – prince of Havish and last surviving scion of s’Lornmein royal line. Raised as a wool-dyer until the Fellowship sorcerers train him for kingship following the defeat of the Mistwraith.pronounced: el-deerroot meaning: eldir – to ponder, to consider, to weigh

ELSHIAN – Athlien Paravian bard and instrument maker. Crafted the lyranthe that is held in trust by Athera’s Masterbard.pronounced: el-shee-anroot meaning: e’alshian – small wonder, or miracle

ELTAIR BAY – large bay off Cildein Ocean and east coast of Rathain; where river Severnir was diverted following the Mistwraith’s conquest.pronounced: el-tay-erroot meaning: al’tieri – of steel/a shortening of original Paravian name, dascen al’tieri which meant ‘ocean of steel’ which referred to the colour of the waves.

ELWEDD – clansman under Steiven’s rule. Wagered Halliron Masterbard that Arithon s’Ffalenn had poor swordsmanship.pronounced: el-wetroot meaning: el – short; weth – sight

ENASTIR – Sunchild, Paravian high king. Son and heir of Lithorn. Ruled in the early Second Age until his death on the talons of Great Gethorn.pronounced: ee-nas-teerroot meaning: e’ prefix for small; nastir – warrior