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Longing made him ache—the best kind of ache. He wanted to have children with her. He wanted to be around to raise them.

Another impossible dream.

He had to make sure she was prepared for anything. Everything.

The Opulens had been ushered outside the palace, promised death if they so much as thought to form another revolt. Tink sat on the center throne, her faux smile still frozen in place. He saw the terror in her eyes, and knew the weight of her new responsibilities was only beginning to become clear. She would triumph, however; he had no doubts. She was finally beginning to realize her worth.

Anya and the other women raced up to speak with her. His friends approached him, and formed a circle around him.

“My queen is better than your queen,” Paris said, punching him in the arm good-naturedly.

Kane rolled his eyes. “There’s no queen better than mine.”

“Want to bet?”

“Yeah. I do.” Kane liked and respected Sienna—she’d done good things for the Titans since taking the throne, and she was helping Torin out of a bind as they spoke—but she was no Tink.

“Loser has to wear a dress to Anya’s wedding.”

I’ll most likely be dead. Still he said, “You’ve got a deal.”

Maddox nudged him. “You’re going to stay here, aren’t you?”

The group went quiet.

Kane nodded. “I’m staying. Tink’s needed here, and I’m going to help her settle in.” It would be his last work on this earth.

He hated that he would be leaving her to deal with the war he’d helped ignite. He hated that he would be leaving his friends all over again. He told himself they would all be better off without him—but that didn’t make the goodbyes any easier.

Reyes pushed out a heavy breath. “It’s good that you’re helping her. Family comes first.”

Kane nodded in agreement. “Thank you for understanding.”

“Hey, understanding is what the bro code is for,” Strider said. “Just keep a room ready for me. I’ll be visiting. Count on it.”

“We all might,” Sabin said. “We’re about to be homeless.”

He gave each warrior a hug, and wished Cameo and Torin were here. Even Viola.

The females would be found, alive and well. These men would make sure of it. And whatever was going on with Torin would be resolved. Kane wouldn’t believe otherwise.

He glanced over at Tink, his gaze always drawn to her. He spotted Malcolm, the green-haired Sent One standing behind her, his arms crossed over his middle as he listened to her conversation with the other females. None of the women seemed to notice him.

Apparently, he’d wanted Tink to see him in the hotel room, but Kane to see him now. What was his game?

Anger sprouted from roots that had yet to wither. “You,” Kane shouted. “What do you think you’re doing, hanging around here?”

Malcolm met his glare, and vanished.

“I’m not going to ask who you were talking to,” Maddox said. “I’m just going to go. Ashlyn and I must return to our babies. They are with the Sent One Lysander, and he had better be doing a good job or he will find himself without a head.”

Lysander, one of the seven leaders of the seven armies of Sent Ones. Married to Bianka, Kaia’s twin sister. Perhaps Zacharel, Lysander’s friend, had sent Malcolm, Zacharel’s soldier, to guard Tink?

Perhaps I should have been nicer.

Kane slapped Maddox on the shoulder. “I’ll miss you guys.”

“If ever you need anything,” Sabin said.

“We’re only a phone call away,” Strider finished.

“When we find Pandora’s box, we’ll let you know,” Reyes said.

Kane had spent centuries of his life searching for that box. To know he wouldn’t be alive when it was finally found and destroyed was a terrible blow. But whatever. He’d rather take out Disaster now, while the creature was too weak to fight back.

The men gathered their women, and Lucien flashed them away two at a time.

Kane strode over to Tink. “Well,” he said.

“Well,” she said.

“You’re officially the most powerful person in this realm.”

“No, that would be you, the new king.”

King? Him? He was her man, and that was enough. “The kingdom is yours. The people are yours. You’ll always be the final authority.”

Instantly, the terror returned to her eyes. “I don’t think I can do it,” she whispered.

“Tell me those words didn’t just spring from the girl who put the former king and queen in their place—the dungeon.”

“Yeah, but I did it with help,” she said. “Yours, the girls who fed me their strengths, William’s. The Rainbow Rejects.” Her chin trembled. “I couldn’t have done it on my own.”

He wanted to tell her she would never be on her own. Yeah. He wanted to. “You can do this, Tink. I have faith in you.”

“And I have faith in myself—sometimes.”

“That’ll increase.”

“You’re sure?”

“I am.”

“Because you believe in me. And you love me,” she said. “I know you do, whether you’ve said the actual words or not.”

“You, Tinker Bell, own me. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. No line I wouldn’t cross. I love you so much I can barely see straight. I’m obsessed with you, addicted to you. I respect you, and I revere you, and a thousand other words I’m not eloquent enough to express.”

Tears welled in her eyes. “Well, you did a great job just now. I think that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

“Then everyone else is foolish.”

“Oh, Kane...I shouldn’t let you give up your home to stay with me. I should force you to leave. I’m finally in control of my own destiny, and you should be in control of yours.”

“I am in control.” He planted his palms on the arms of the throne, and leaned into her face. “My place is with you. I choose you. I’ll always choose you. But go ahead. Try to force me to leave. I dare you.”

She gazed up at him with luminous eyes. “Thank you.”

“Like I said. You’ve got me, all the days of my life.”


KANE STOOD BESIDE Tink’s throne, and watched as she resolved disputes between the Opulens and poor alike. She had settled into her new role quite nicely, having taken charge of the palace staff and tasked the high and low court with the reconstruction of the garden. There had been several riots, and one male had even snuck into the palace and tried to assassinate the new queen.

Kane and the guard now under his command had quelled the riots, and killed the male. He had not died easily—because Kane hadn’t let him.

Word of Tink’s feats the day she’d fought her father had spread, gaining her more and more notoriety and support. These people had grown up on the exploits of Lords versus Hunters. They prized cunning, and she’d displayed ample.

Now, only a few weeks into the new regime, the people were beginning to prize Tink.

“Next,” the guard manning the line shouted.

Two Opulens stepped to the bottom step of the dais.

Tink shifted uncomfortably in the throne. How beautiful she looked. She wore a new gown of pink silk, with pearls falling over her shoulders, and velvet rose vines hanging from her waist.

The same roses were woven through her dark hair, making her look as if she’d just stepped from a magical forest. Even her makeup added to the illusion. Bold, glittery eye shadow formed catlike points at her temples. Her cheeks were bright with color, and her lips bloodred.

“Tell me your problem,” she said to the pair.

The woman on the left raised her chin. “No. I won’t do it. It’s bad enough I was dragged here, but you’re nothing more than a servant. I don’t care that you’re married to a Lord. There’s no reason I should have to abide by your judgments.”