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Kane had thought his tear ducts had dried, and yet, droplets rained down his cheeks. Tink. Fully immortal. His forever. “Thank you,” he said, the words for Tink, for Malcolm and his leader. “Thank you so much.”

Malcolm looked to the sky, paused and might even have smiled. “I have been told to tell you the baby reformed with his mother. Though he is only a few days old, he is specially gifted, and very strong.” After dropping that bombshell, he vanished.

A baby. A boy.

To know this soon...

Kane almost couldn’t process the news. Reverently his hand moved to his wife’s still-flat stomach.

Her eyes were wide and luminous. Then she laughed, joyous. “A baby, Kane.”

“Are you happy?”

“More than I ever thought possible. I always thought my gift and my circumstances were a blessing and a curse, but all along they’ve been a blessing, never a curse. I’m alive, and we’re going to have a baby, a baby that will be free—and you’re free, Kane. You’re free! The demon is dead. He’s no longer a part of you or me.”

He buried his face in the hollow of her neck, breathed her in. “What you did for me...I’ll never be able to repay you. The price you paid...the pain you just endured...” He shuddered. “Don’t you ever do anything like that again. I need you. You’re mine. We belong together.”

“Now and forever.”

He pulled back to peer into her eyes. The stitches had burned from her cheek and the swelling had gone down, but even still, a jagged six-inch line stretched over her skin. The hole in her chest had been filled, but there was a big, puckered scar.

“The injuries happened before you were fully immortal, so the evidence of them will never go away, I bet,” he said.

“Are they bad?” she asked, rubbing the scar on her chest.

“Bad? They’re amazing. Like you. Badges of courage—of your love for me.” He searched the rest of her, groaned. “We need to cover you up.” He tore off his shirt and tugged it over her head, concealing her bare breasts. He removed his pants and handed the material to her, leaving him in his underwear.

She smiled, a big happy smile. “The women are going to be drooling over you.”

“They can drool, but they can’t touch.”

“Because you’re mine,” she said, “just like I’m yours.”

“Forever,” he said.

“Forever,” she agreed.

A forever that would be very busy. “I want this kingdom at peace before our son arrives. I want Cameo and Viola found, and my debt to the Sent Ones paid. I’ll have to help them find the demons that killed their king.”

“Together, we can do anything.”

He kissed her, soft and sweet. “For now, I’m only interested in holding you, feeling your heart beat against mine, and proving you really are alive.”

“I think you want to remove my clothes,” she replied huskily.

He kissed her again, this time strong and sure. “Yes, but the removal of clothing is only step one.”

“And step two?”

“Come. I’ll show you.”

Lords of the Underworld Glossary of Characters and Terms

Aeron—Lord of the Underworld; former keeper of Wrath

All-key—a spiritual relic capable of freeing the possessor from any lock

All-Seeing Eye—human with the power to see into heaven and hell, past and future; Danika Ford

Amun—Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Secrets

Anya—(minor) goddess of Anarchy; beloved of Lucien

Ashlyn—human female with supernatural ability; wife of Maddox

Atropos—a Moirai

Baden—former Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Distrust (deceased)

Bianka Skyhawk—Harpy; sister of Kaia, Gwen and Taliyah; consort of Lysander

Black—one of the four shadow warriors; famine

Cage of Compulsion—artifact with the power to enslave anyone trapped inside

Cameo—Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Misery

Cloak of Invisibility—artifact with the power to shield its wearer from prying eyes

Cronus—former ruler of the Titans

Danika Ford—human female; girlfriend of Reyes; known as the All-Seeing Eye

Deity—former king of the Sent Ones (deceased)

Ever—daughter of Maddox and Ashlyn

Fae—race of immortals that descends from Titans

Flashing—transporting oneself with just a thought

Galen—former second-in-command of the Hunters; keeper of Hope and Jealousy

Gideon—Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Lies

Gilly—human female

Glorika Aisling—mother of Josephina

Gorgon—immortal creature able to turn any living being into stone

Greeks—former rulers of Olympus before Titans

Green—one of four shadow warriors; death

Gwen Skyhawk—Harpy; sister of Kaia, Bianka and Taliyah; wife and consort of Sabin

Haidee—former Hunter; Amun’s wife

Hunters—mortal enemies of the Lords of the Underworld

Josephina Aisling—half human, half Fae; aka Tinker Bell, Tinker Hell, Tink, Tinky Dink

Juliette—a Harpy

Kaia Skyhawk—part Harpy, part Phoenix; aka the Wing Shredder; sister of Gwen, Taliyah and Bianka; consort of Strider

Kane—Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Disaster

Klotho—a Moirai

Lachesis—a Moirai

Lazarus—an immortal warrior; only son of Typhon and an unnamed gorgon

Legion—demon minion in a human body; adopted daughter of Aeron and Olivia

Leopold—only Fae prince

Lords of the Underworld—exiled immortal warriors now hosting the demons once locked inside Pandora’s box

Lucien—coleader of the Lords of the Underworld; keeper of Death

Lysander—elite Sent One

Maddox—Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Violence

Malcolm—a Sent One; member of Zacharel’s army

Marigold—a female from the past

Moirai—three immortal witches who weave destiny; aka “The Three Fates,” “hobags”

Neeka—deaf Harpy; prisoner of the Phoenix

Never-ending—a portal into hell

Olivia—an angel; beloved of Aeron

Olympus—former city of the gods; now known as Titania

Opulens—the Fae upper class

Pandora’s Box—made of the bones from the goddess of Oppression; once housed demon high lords, now missing

Paring Rod—artifact with ability to rend soul from body

Paris—Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Promiscuity

Penelope—queen of the Fae

Petra—female Phoenix

Phoenix—fire-thriving immortals descended from Greeks

Princess Fluffykans—Viola’s pet Tasmanian devil

Realm of Blood and Shadows—location of the Lords of the Underworld’s current fortress

Red—one of four shadow warriors; war

Reyes—Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Pain