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Sainte-Ménéhould, 123, 125, 128

sans-culottes, and Bailly and Pétion, 135; independent action, 147; and Legislative Assembly, 151, 159; and National Guard, 153; and Danton, 179; demand King’s execution, 184; insurrectionary activities, 194; and Revolutionary Tribunal, 194; and Jacobins, 198; and Girondins, 198, 201; militia raised, 198; granted daily allowance, 211; and Committee of Public Safety, 225; attitude to Robespierre, 254; in prominence again, 271; excluded from meetings of sections, 272; and gap between rich and poor, 273; bread riots, 274–7; journée of 1 Priarial, 278; further weakened, 280; Convention uses against royalists, 283; influence destroyed, 288

Sanson, Charles (b. 1739), 187, 188–9, 309, 316

Sanson, Henri (d. 1840), 187, 222, 316

Santerre, Antoine Joseph (1752–1809), Vainqueur de la Bastille, 82; at demolition of Vincennes, 133, 134; in hiding, 135; and invasion of Tuileries, 147, 148; commands National Guard, 154; warned of forthcoming attacks on prisons, 169–70; and septembriseurs, 177; and King’s execution, 186; later life, 316–17

Sauce, Jean Baptiste, 125–6, 128

Sauce, Madame, 127

Sauvigny, Bertier de, 92

September Massacres, 170–79; revulsion against, 181

Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph, Abbé (1748–1836), 94; history, 43–4; and Third Estate, 54, 55, 59; supports Mirabeau, 62; monarchien, 133; and Directory, 291; warns against return to ‘disastrous times’, 299–300; plans coup d’état, 301; and Bonaparte, 302; Consul of French Republic, 304; later life, 317

Sillery, a Girondin leader, 223

Staël, Madame de, 144, 152

Sullivan, Eleonora, 120

Sweden, 298

Swiss Guards, at storming of Tuileries, 155, 159, 160, 161; in September Massacres, 173–4

Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, later Prince of Benevento (1754–1838), 42, 114, 259, 303, 317

Tallien, Jean Lambert (1767–1820), Terror at Bordeaux, 228; Robespierre attacks, 260; attacks Saint-Just and Robespierre, 262; and Lescot-Fleuriot, 264; becomes reactionary, 271; calls for vengeance, 277–8; later life, 317

Target, Gui-Jean-Baptiste (1733–1807), 53–4, 184, 317

taxation, of peasants and nobles, 30; exemption of nobles from, 31–2; inequitable system of, 36; proposed land tax, 37–8, 39; riots over, 39–40

Temple, 162, 182, 280

Terror, days of the, 221–9; Danton on, 235; victims, 248; Robespierre justifies, 248; outspoken condemnation of, 257, 259; rejection of, 271; officials physically attacked, 272; Sieyès recalls with horror, 300

Thermidorians, 282–3, 285, 288

Thiébault, Baron, 153, 177

Thrale, Hester Lynch, 24

Thuriot de la Rozère, Jacques Alexis, 74–5, 262, 271, 317

Toulon, civil war, 202; British occupy, 203; executions in, 227; retaken, 257; uprising at, 279; Bonaparte at, 285; Egyptian expedition sails from, 298

Tourzel, Duchesse de, governess to royal children, on Queen in Versailles riot, 103; leaves Versailles, 104; flight to Varennes, 121, 122, 126; return journey to Paris, 128, 129; and September Massacres, 173; later life, 317

Tuileries, royal family in, 105, 117, 118, 153; closely guarded, 119; flight of royal family from, 121–2; flight discovered, 123–4; return to, 130; Liberty tree to be planted, 147; mob invades, 148–50; storming of, 155–61; Convention meet in, 197; sans-culottes march towards, 275; insurgents leave, 277; journées of Vendémiaire, 286–8

Turgot, Anne-Robert, Baron de Laune (1727–81), 27, 29, 35, 36

Turgy, 182

Two-Thirds Law, 283

Vadier, Marc-Guillaume, and Danton, 236; and Robespierre, 257, 260, 262; brought to trial, 272; later life, 318

Valazé, a Girondin leader, 222

Valmy, battle of, 179, 180

Varennes, 125–8

Varlet, Jean, 194, 198, 211, 271

Vendée, uprising in, 169; civil war, 194, 202, 215; order restored, 257; anti-Republican control, 273

Vergniaud, Pierre Victurnien (1753–93), 141, 263, 282; President of Legislative Assembly, 136, 159; threatens Court, 144; reassures King, 158; and September Massacres, 181; objects to creation of Revolutionary Tribunal, 195; condemned to death, 222; execution, 223; on Charlotte Corday, 310

Versailles, Petit Trianon, 19; Louis XVI’s library, 24; cuts in Household expenditure, 36; Estates General at, 46, 49–55; troops converge on, 63; banquet for arrival of Flanders Regiment, 95–6; demands for march on, 96; market-women’s march on, 97–100; National Guardsmen converge on, 100; mob violence, 101–3; royal family appear on balcony, 103–4; royal family leaves, 104–5

Victoire, Daughter of France, 119

Vilate, a juryman on Revolutionary Tribunal, 251–2, 254, 318

Vincennes, Château de, 133–4

Voltaire, 71, 205

war, civil, 194, 195, 202–3, 215, 281

Wars, Revolutionary, with Austria and Prussia, 145; Longwy falls, 169; war declared on major European powers, 193; French defeats, 194; Committee of Public Safety prosecutes, 215

White Terror, 272

Young, Arthur, 29–30, 34, 41, 58