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The devscripts package contains many programs helping with a wide array of a Debian developer's job:

debuild allows generating a package (with dpkg-buildpackage) and running lintian to check its compliance with the Debian policy afterwards.

debclean cleans a source package after a binary package has been generated.

dch allows quick and easy editing of a debian/changelog file in a source package.

uscan checks whether a new version of a software has been released by the upstream author; this requires a debian/watch file with a description of the location of such releases.

debi allows installing (with dpkg -i) the Debian package that was just generated, and avoid typing its full name and path.

In a similar fashion, debc allows scanning the contents of the recently-generated package (with dpkg -c), without needing to type its full name and path.

bts controls the bug tracking system from the command line; this program automatically generates the appropriate emails.

debrelease uploads a recently-generated package to a remote server, without needing to type the full name and path of the related .changes file.

debsign signs the *.dsc and *.changes files.

uupdate automates the creation of a new revision of a package when a new upstream version has been released. debhelper and dh-make

Debhelper is a set of scripts easing the creation of policy-compliant packages; these scripts are invoked from debian/rules. Debhelper has been widely adopted within Debian, as evidenced by the fact that it is used by the majority of official Debian packages. All the commands it contains have a dh_ prefix. Debhelper is mainly developed by Joey Hess.

The dh_make script (in the dh-make package) creates files required for generating a Debian package in a directory initially containing the sources for a piece of software. As can be guessed from the name of the program, the generated files use Debhelper by default.


cdbs is another approach to Debian packaging, based exclusively on an inheritance system across Makefile files.

That tool has its advocates, since it avoids duplicating the same list of dh_* commands in the debian/rules file. However, Debhelper version 7 introduced the dh command, which itself automates the appropriate sequence of calls to all the individual commands in the correct order, and CDBS has lost most of its appeal since then. dupload and dput

The dupload and dput commands allow uploading a Debian package to a (possibly remote) server. This allows developers to publish their package on the main Debian server (ftp-master.debian.org) so that it can be integrated to the archive and distributed by mirrors. These commands take a *.changes file as a parameter, and deduce the other relevant files from its contents.

15.4.2. Acceptance Process

Becoming a Debian developer is not a simple administrative matter. The process is made of several steps, and is as much an initiation as it is a selection process. In any case, it is formalized and well-documented, so anyone can track their progression on the website dedicated to the new maintainer process.

→ http://nm.debian.org/

EXTRA Lightweight process for “Debian Maintainers”

A “Debian Maintainer” status has recently been introduced. The associated process is quicker, and the privileges granted by this status are only enough to maintain one's own packages. A Debian developer only needs to perform a check on an initial upload, and issue a statement to the effect that they trust the prospective maintainer with the ability to maintain the package on their own. Prerequisites

All candidates are expected to have at least a working knowledge of the English language. This is required at all levels: for the initial communications with the examiner, of course, but also later, since English is the preferred language for most of the documentation; also, package users will be communicating in English when reporting bugs, and they will expect replies in English.

The other prerequisite deals with motivation. Becoming a Debian developer is a process that only makes sense if the candidate knows that their interest in Debian will last for many months. The acceptance process itself may last for several months, and Debian needs developers for the long haul; each package needs permanent maintenance, and not just an initial upload. Registration

The first (real) step consists in finding a sponsor or advocate; this means an official developer willing to state that they believe that accepting X would be a good thing for Debian. This usually implies that the candidate has already been active within the community, and that their work has been appreciated. If the candidate is shy and their work is not publically touted, they can try to convince a Debian developer to advocate them by showing their work in a private way.

At the same time, the candidate must generate a public/private RSA key pair with GnuPG, which should be signed by at least one official Debian developer. The signature authenticates the name on the key. Effectively, during a key signing party, each participant must show an identity card together with their key identifiers. This step makes the link between the human and the keys official. This signature thus requires meeting in real life. If you have not yet met any Debian developers in a public free software conference, you can explicitly seek developers living nearby using the list on the following webpage as a starting point.

→ http://wiki.debian.org/Keysigning

Once the registration on nm.debian.org has been validated by the advocate, an Application Manager is assigned to the candidate. The application manager will, from there on, follow procedures and validate the various steps that the process includes.

The first verification is an identity check. If you already have a key signed by two Debian developers, this step is easy; otherwise, the application manager will try and guide you in your search for Debian developers close by to organize a meet-up and a key signing. At the very beginning of the process, when the number of developers was small, there was an exception to this procedure which allowed this step to be completed with a digital scan of official identification documents; this is no longer the case. Accepting the Principles

These adminitrative formalities are followed with philosophical considerations. The point is to make sure that the candidate understands and accepts the social contract and the principles behind Free Software. Joining Debian is only possible if one shares the values that unite the current developers, as expressed in the founding texts (and summarized in Chapter 1, The Debian Project).

In addition, each candidate wishing to join Debian ranks is expected to know the workings of the project, and how to interact appropriately to solve the problems they will doubtless encounter as time passes. All of this information is generally documented in manuals targeting the new maintainers, and in the Debian developer's reference. An attentive reading of this document should be enough to answer the examiner's questions. If the answers are not satisfactory, the candidate will be informed. He will then have to read (again) the relevant documentation before trying again. In the cases where the existing documentation does not contain the appropriate answer for the question, the candidate can usually reach an answer with some practical experience within Debian, or potentially by discussing with other Debian developers. This mechanism ensures that candidates get involved somewhat in Debian before becoming a full part of it. It is a deliberate policy, by which candidates who eventually join the project are integrated as another piece of an infinitely extensible jigsaw puzzle.