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Robert Londrigan seems to have it all. He is a newscaster with a rising career. He has a beautiful wife, Denise, and a new baby on the way. But in just a few short hours Robert's world is turned upside down. Now his family is gone—but the torment only gets worse when his daughter's body is stolen from the morgue by a strange, disfigured man... .

Robert is about to begin a journey into a world of nightmare, an unimaginable world of mystery, horror and revelation. He will learn—from both the living and the dead—secrets about this world and things beyond this world. Though his journey will be gro­tesque, terrifying and heartbreaking, he will not be allowed to stop. But can he survive with his mind intact? Can he survive at all?

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Graham Masterton is the author of more than 70 horror novels, historical sagas and thrillers. His first horror novel, The Manitou, was published in 1976 and filmed with Tony Curtis, Susan Strasberg, Burgess Meredith, Michael Ansara and Stella Stevens.

Other notable horror novels have included Charnel House (awarded a Special Edgar by Mystery Writers of America); Tengu (awarded a Silver Medal by the West Coast Review of Books); Picture of Evil (only non-French winner of the Prix Julia Verlanger); and The Chosen Child (named Very Best Horror Novel of the Year by Science Fiction Chronicle).

Masterton's short stories have been collected into three volumes, and three of them feature in Tony Scott's TV series The Hunger. He was the editor of Scare Care, a horror anthology published for the benefit of abused chil­dren in the USA and Europe.