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Will nodded. From under his cloak, he pulled at a small object wrapped in a black velvet cloth. He thought he could hear the obsidian mirror sing to him, with stories of Jenny appearing in the glass whispering words of love. An illusion, like so many things. ‘As promised,’ he said, offering the looking glass to the older man. ‘Did Cecil not insist this be delivered to his door, so his wise men could endeavour to unlock its powers for the benefit of England?’

‘One cannot trust governments or authorities of any kind,’ the alchemist snorted. ‘That would be as foolish as trusting men. This looking glass will be conveniently lost until I can find the time or the inclination to probe its secrets once more.’

‘It is not too dangerous?’

‘No secrets are too dangerous,’ Dee replied with a tight smile. ‘We risk all for knowledge. It is the sunlit hill on which we build our dreams.’ He allowed himself a brief smile before his features darkened. ‘And speaking of devils. .’

Will glanced back in the direction of the alchemist’s glower and saw Sir Robert Cecil coming towards them with his rolling gait, two black-robed advisers following at a safe distance. Nathaniel had noticed the new arrivals too and was hurrying over, ready to defend his master should the need arise.

‘Beware of him, Swyfte. There is much poison in his fangs.’ The alchemist’s tone was not unkind.

‘That is not news, doctor.’ Will eyed the spymaster and felt the cold weight of all the lies and the betrayals that had cost him so many years of his life. And Jenny. But he had long since decided not to let that wretched past taint his days to come. This would be a fresh start for all of them.

‘Then consider this,’ the alchemist continued. ‘His hired blade was all but ready to slit your throat the moment you arrived in Tilbury. And yet that rogue was found floating in the Thames with the butchers’ offal. How strange.’

Will and Dee exchanged a sly glance. ‘Then I owe the School of Night my life,’ the spy said.

‘More than that, as you will soon discover. My friends in our society now have some influence with the Queen herself, but there has been a high price to pay.’

‘Then I thank you, too, doctor, for all you have done for me.’

‘I hope we will never meet again, Swyfte,’ Dee grumbled, ‘but I doubt the course of my life will ever run so smoothly.’ As Cecil approached, he climbed into the carriage and shut the door, knocking on the roof to urge the driver to move away.

When the spymaster arrived, Will bowed so deeply that it could only be considered a taunt. ‘Sir Robert. How fares the Queen’s eyes-in-the-shadows?’

‘Keep your sharp tongue in your mouth, Master Swyfte.’ Cecil’s eyes narrowed, but only for a moment, and then his gaze flickered elsewhere, his expression a combination of embarrassment and annoyance. ‘It seems the decision to end your employment was. . rash. I was, of course, preoccupied with the troubling business in the Low Countries and had no notice of this affair until the papers had already been issued. But know that the offending secretary has been reprimanded. . most forcefully, I must add. . and that the matter has now been resolved.’

As Nathaniel joined them, Will raised one eyebrow at the spymaster’s bluster and lies. ‘Then your signature and seal was a forgery? A conspiracy reaches to the very heart of England’s security. Why, ’tis good I am away from this intrigue, Sir Robert, for if we cannot trust those in highest office, we are all at risk.’

The Queen’s Little Elf glared, knowing he had no choice but to allow the other man his moment.

Will held out his hands. ‘And yet, I have those papers, and my stipend, and Warwickshire has many comforts at this time of year-’

‘Damn you, Swyfte.’ Cecil flushed. ‘The Queen herself has requested your continued service. Even you cannot refuse Her Majesty.’

‘The Queen, you say?’ Will glanced in the direction of Dee’s trundling carriage.

‘I have kept Her Majesty aware of your many successes,’ the spymaster said, attempting to flatter though his expression was sullen, ‘and she found your recent exploits in the New World of particular interest. You tweaked the beard of the devil himself, Master Swyfte, and returned from Hell to tell the tale. Any man who can achieve such a thing must surely be needed in the Queen’s service.’ He paused, moistening his lips. Will thought he saw a flicker of unease in his eyes. ‘Particularly in the turbulent times that lie ahead.’

‘Why, perhaps my master is England’s greatest spy after all,’ Nathaniel said, his nose in the air.

Cecil looked daggers at him, but Will cut in. ‘What are these turbulent times you speak of?’

‘While we dwelt on our all-consuming struggle with the Unseelie Court, other shadows were moving beyond our attention.’ A strong wind blew, whipping the dry leaves into gold and brown waves. Cecil shivered. ‘In Venice, across the course of this last month, six of our agents have been found floating in the canals at dawn, eviscerated, as if set upon by a wild beast. There is talk of an English spy turned traitor, a young man with fiery red hair who has spoken widely of his hatred for one Will Swyfte.’

Strangewayes? Could it be that he had somehow escaped Manoa before the way closed, and now, scarred by his failure, was seeking revenge for all that he had lost?

‘In Muscovy,’ Cecil continued, oblivious of Will’s ruminations, ‘the court of the mad Tsar is gripped with fear at tales that the dead have risen from the frozen earth, Mongols from the horde that swept across their land in times gone by. And in the far Orient, in China, comes word of something darker still, a plague of devils. .’ The words caught in his throat as he eyed Nathaniel. ‘But that is a discussion for another time.’ He watched Will’s eyes for a long moment and then smiled tightly at what he saw there. ‘Very well. Assemble your men, Swyfte, and await further orders.’

When the spymaster had departed, Nathaniel sighed. ‘I suppose this means I must unpack your boxes of doublets, cloaks and shoes, which only this hour I had finished packing.’

‘No rest for you, Nat, and none, it seems, for the swords of Albion,’ Will replied with a grin. As he watched the young man walk away, his thoughts abandoned Whitehall and London and journeyed across the world. Venice, Muscovy, China, one true road ran through all of them. From every fiend he encountered, he would prise the knowledge he required until he had found the key he needed to unlock that way between worlds.

‘And then, Jenny,’ he whispered to the wind, ‘I will come to fetch you home, and no man nor devil will stand in my way.’

For a moment, he waited there alone in the golden autumn light, remembering. And then he turned back towards the throng. There would be blood, he knew, and strife, and there would be an ending. But not this day.