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Joey dropped the clothes on the coffee table near Fingers and walked over to Betty. He still had that same smile of sarcasm glued to his face as he reached down and yanked the sheets from her grip. "We need them for the dummy, darling. Sorry that your beautiful body has to be exposed for everyone to see, but there's no helping it. We need to keep you here in case anything goes wrong."

"But it's going wrong from the first if you don't keep your word and let me go." She wondered how she could have ever spit out all of those words in one harsh breath, but she knew that her point had been made, even if he wasn't going to be affected by it.

She huddled naked in the corner now, trying hopelessly to cover herself with her hands and arms. She knew that most of her tits and all of her cunt were still open to view, but she couldn't do anything about it.

She watched, curiously, as the two men worked at making the sheet into tubes of cloth, taping and twisting it into legs and arms. Then Fingers turned around and faced her, pulled out a gravity knife and flicked it open with a twist of his wrist as he walked toward her. Betty was frightened now, and she knew that the training that she'd had in karate and judo were not much good against a knife.

Fingers then pointed the knife toward the mattress and put a big slit in the side with one motion.

"We need stuffing," he said with a sardonic smile.

Joey laughed and went back to work tying off the sheets that were going to be stuffed. Betty watched as Fingers took large handfuls of cotton stuffing. The fright had disappeared and left a cold feeling in her chest. She was glad that she didn't have to try to fight him while he had a knife in his hand.

Betty then realized that the two were very occupied with what they were doing. She looked at the door and knew that they hadn't locked it. She began moving across the bed to where the door was. She knew that she would have to move fast to get out before they catch her. She suddenly realized that she didn't even know where she had been taken. She swallowed deeply and decided to try the break anyway.

Just then she heard their watchdog bark. Her heart sank. Willy and Albert walked in holding cans of paint. Shorty was still asleep on the foot of the bed, snoring away quite wildly.

Willy walked over and shook the big black man by the shoulder. "Hey, wake up you big oaf!" demanded the fat man.

The spade jumped up violently, flaying his large arms around in circles as if to strike some invisible adversary. Betty watched as his cock swung around in circles. She laughed and the Negro turned around and glared at her.

He was approaching her in an aggressive anger just as Joey called out for him to get his ass over and help. The large Negro shrugged his shoulders as he got off the bed. He pulled on his pants, still glaring at Betty.

"We're almost finished," Joey said. "You can help stuff this last leg."

Shorty ambled over and began shoving cotton into the empty leg of the dummy. He would look over at Betty between handfuls and glare at her with mean eyes. She decided that he wasn't going to do anything as long as the rest of them were there, so she relaxed and returned his awful stare each time he looked at her.

Finally the dummy was finished and they were all preparing to leave. For a moment Betty thought that they had forgotten about her, and were going to leave her untied. But as they were walking toward the door, Willy turned around and walked toward her. He picked up the discarded cord and began binding her in the same position that she had been in before.

"I was going to leave her free," said Joey, "because the dog would make sure she didn't escape. But I guess you're right, Willy – she could have gotten out of the window, even though they are nailed shut. These cops are pretty tricky sometimes."

"And just plain old pretty sometimes, too!" Fingers exclaimed emphatically, as he walked over to her outstretched body and ran a quick hand down her still juicy slit.

"Ya," Willy agreed as he fastened the last knot.

Betty looked at them all sneering at her, and only saw compassion on Albert's thin face. She knew he was the smartest one of the group, and she deduced by his look that he was also the kindest one.

When they left, Betty tried pulling on the thin cords at her wrists again. This time they seemed to have been done looser, and they gave a little each time she pulled. After about ten minutes she could feel that they were going to give way eventually. She decided to rest a minute before trying it again, her wrists being very sore and red.

She looked up at the head of the bed and saw where the cord was tied to the bedpost above her left arm. It wasn't tied right. She stretched her body, trying to reach it with her left hand, but her feet were tied too well and she couldn't move up enough.

Shifting her weight seemed to help as she bounced on the bed and continued pulling on the cord.

Suddenly it came loose and Betty sighed deeply. She quickly untied the knots on her right wrist. She sat there for a minute with her legs still tied, rubbing her sore wrists until they felt better.

Betty then began undoing her leg bindings. Just as she was getting her right leg untied, she turned around and saw Albert staring down at her. She hadn't heard him enter.

"Can I help?" he asked in a sincere voice.

She was prepared to be shocked, but his words had sounded so full of honesty that all she said was, "All right!"

Albert moved his thin body gracefully over to Betty's side and began undoing the last restraints that had been put on her. As he did this, his fingers kept brushing up and down her ankle. Betty could feel the sparks of excitement running up her lithe leg. She tried to shut it off, but the tingling sensation kept running up her.

The knot finally came undone, but Albert did not let go of her ankle right away. He caressed her leg before he let go. Betty could tell that he had been affected by helping her. His face was flushed and his eyes gazed at her nakedness.

"Ah… ah… can I…" He kept hesitating, trying to say something that he just couldn't get out.

Betty reached over and touched his arm to tell him that it was all right, and he turned to her quickly and grabbed her breast.

"I'm a virgin!" he yelled at her.

Betty caressed his arm lightly. He had released her breast, but now he turned back toward her and began fondling both of them, but much more gently than before. She accepted his caresses and forgot completely about getting away for the time being.

Albert's dark eyes wandered over Betty's voluptuous body, and she blushed. But she kept control of her composure and ran her hand down the front of his shirt to his belt buckle. Her lithe fingers quickly undid the brass buckle and pulled the belt loose. Albert just kept staring at her and fondling her tits.

When she had the buckle undone, she ran her fingers down the front of his pants, feeling the bulge at his crotch expand as her hand brushed over it. She was becoming excited now herself, the flame in her belly burning hotter all of the time.

She ran her hand back up the ridge under his zipper, causing Albert to moan loudly, and then he grabbed the brass tab of the fly and began pulling it down very slowly.

Betty was worried. She'd never been in a position like this in her life. But now that she was taking the lead she didn't know how to drop it, and she was scared.

Albert kept pressing her tits, the great mounds flattening to his pushes. The zipper dropped easily in her small hand and the purple head of his turgid cock protruded from the opening. Betty looked down between his arms and saw the organ throbbing.