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The other man started, then paled and fell to his knees, bowing his head to the ground. “This insignificant person is the governor’s secretary, Akinobu. Your Excellency is expected, but we thought... That is, the forerunner of an official cortege usually arrives well ahead of the dignitary. A thousand pardons for not being prepared to receive Your Excellency with the appropriate honors. I hope Your Excellency had no trouble on the journey?”

Akitada noted the man’s nervousness and took secret satisfaction from their unorthodox arrival. He said breezily, “None at all. I traveled on horseback, accompanied by my secretary, Seimei, and one servant who will arrive later. Please rise.”

Akinobu rose, his thin face a study of alarm and puzzlement, but he said nothing, merely bowed and led them through the main administration hall, a large empty space with beautifully polished dark floors and painted beams supporting the soaring roof. This building, Akitada knew, was for official receptions and public hearings. Beyond the main hall they crossed another wide courtyard and entered a second, somewhat smaller hall, this one divided by tall screens into individual offices, where many clerks were busily copying records, filing documents, and consulting registers.

“The governor’s library,” Akinobu said, ushering them into an elegant room furnished with shelves of leather document boxes, handsome lacquer desks, and paintings. The wooden floor was covered with thick grass mats, and several silk cushions rested on these. “Please be seated. His Excellency will join you immediately.”

When Akinobu had withdrawn and they had sat down on the silk cushions, Seimei whispered, “Who would have expected such elegant surroundings in a province?”

Akitada did not answer. He was looking at a set of very fine scroll paintings of the four seasons displayed on a standing screen. The governor was a man of taste as well as wealth.

They did not have to wait long. Fujiwara Motosuke bounced in, fluttering his hands excitedly, a wide smile on his face, and cried, “Welcome, welcome, welcome! How glad I am to see you, my dear Sugawara! All safe and sound? What very good fortune!” He spread his arms wide to embrace his guest.

Akitada was taken aback not only by the greeting but by Motosuke’s resemblance to his cousin Kosehira. Though the governor was about twenty years older than Akitada’s friend, he had the same short, stout body and, apparently, uncrushably cheerful disposition. There were a few silver threads in his well-oiled black hair and his mustache was thicker and grew downward, but Akitada had an eerie feeling that he was seeing an older Kosehira.

Seimei knelt, touching his forehead to the mat in the prescribed deep obeisance, but Akitada remained seated and merely inclined his head politely and without smiling. He was intensely aware of being rude, but he could hardly allow this man, who was under heavy suspicion of having diverted three years of provincial taxes into his own pockets, to embrace him like a long-lost brother.

The governor blinked. Under normal conditions, his rank and age placed him several degrees above Akitada, but Akitada had chosen to assert his temporary status as kageyushi, imperial inspector charged with examining the records of an outgoing governor.

Motosuke dropped his outstretched arms and seated himself, beginning a nervous spate of more welcoming words and concerns about their journey and probable fatigue.

Akitada interrupted. “Yes, yes, Governor,” he said curtly. “I will take all that for granted and am much obliged for your greeting, but my purpose here is neither personal nor ceremonial. Let us get to business without further delay. This is my confidential secretary, Seimei, who will now present my credentials.”

Motosuke looked shocked but received the scrolls with proper respect, touching their imperial seals to his forehead and bowing deeply before untying the silken cords to read.

He sighed when he was done. Carefully rolling up the papers again and returning them to Akitada, he said, “It is a great shame to me that these outrages should have been perpetrated during my administration.” He paused and gave Akitada an almost timid look. “My cousin wrote that you have great skill in solving puzzles of all sorts. It is my sincere hope that your inestimable experience may allow you to help me find the scoundrels and clear my record before I leave office.”

Akitada frowned. Much as he disliked the role he was forced to play, he had no intention of allowing Motosuke to transform him from official investigator into his personal adviser in the situation. He said coldly, “It will be necessary that we are given access to all your files immediately. You will so instruct your staff. My secretary will keep you informed if the investigation warrants it or if your testimony is required.” He rose.

Motosuke, who had paled at his words, scrambled up also. “Certainly. I shall make all the arrangements,” he said, then added timidly, “You ... you will wish to rest. I am having quarters prepared for you in my residence. May I take you there now? You will only have to tell the servants if there is anything, anything at all, that you might require.”

Akitada said stiffly, “Thank you, but I should prefer to stay in the tribunal compound. Surely you have guest quarters for official visitors?”

Beads of perspiration on his brow, Motosuke was wringing his hands. He sputtered, “Yes, of course. How stupid of me! Only, the guesthouses are not nearly so comfortable. And it is getting cold. A very uncongenial season, winter. I wish you had come earlier. We could have given you some excellent hunting and fishing. Still, I hope I may introduce you to some of the important persons in town. You will not like the tribunal food. It is for the soldiers and prisoners only. My personal kitchen, my servants, and my stables are completely at your disposal.” He was babbling and looked so distressed that Akitada softened.

“Thank you,” he said with a formal bow. “You are very kind. I shall be honored to make the acquaintance of the local dignitaries. Now, perhaps, you might show us to the archives. My secretary and I should like to meet your clerks.”

They spent the day in the archives, talking to clerks and making a superficial inspection of the records. Akitada was favorably impressed with the efficiency of the staff and the neatness of the paperwork, but he avoided questioning anyone about the missing taxes. When he had seen enough of the provincial recordkeeping, a servant led them to their quarters. It was getting dark, and a chill wind blew across the tribunal compound. The guest pavilion with its covered veranda turned out to be spacious and pleasant and had its own walled courtyard. Seimei gave their quarters a cursory glance and asked the servant for the way to the bathhouse.

“It’s still early,” protested Akitada. “I wanted to walk around the tribunal first.”

“You forget the dusty archives,” said Seimei. “Besides, who knows, the governor may call on us to make certain we are comfortable. He strikes me as a most polite gentleman.”

Akitada thought so, too, but would have preferred a less likable host.