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When she was done, the patch of fur on her mons was still luxuriant — but its edges were confined, which should be enough. An attempt to trim the stuff for length would take longer than her resolve might last … She wiped off the excess soap and hair with a washcloth and looked around for something to use as after-shave, settling on witch-hazel. Then it was back into the bikini bottoms, out to the bedroom to check the effect, and downstairs to see if the boys were still in place.

They were. Collecting a pitcher of tea, ice, and glasses took a moment; some snack crackers, cheese, and sliced pepperoni went on the tray, too. Then she was out the door…

Toby caught it first. He glanced up and caught Jean turning as she came free of the sliding door and his eyes widened while his jaw dropped. Lon glanced at Toby, frowned, glanced toward the door — and snatched off his sunglasses! "Miz F! Nice suit!"

Rick’s eyes popped. How long had it been since Mom turned out in THAT?

"Hello, boys!" Jean smiled sunnily. "I thought you might like some snacks!"

"I guess!" Lon murmured, under his breath. Shit, SHE was a snack!

Rick stifled the urge to tell Lon not to drool on the pool deck, suddenly realizing that the pact didn’t allow any such commentary. Lon was busy ogling the exposed cheeks of his mother’s ass as she collected her own glass and moved on down to the lounger beyond Toby, but Rick had to let that slide, too; pointing it up might kill Lon’s chances to be taken seriously…

Toby watched Mrs. Flanders pass by owlishly; wow, she was so tiny! Well, she was taller than he was, but no wider. Now that he was forced to evaluate her as someone he might want to have sex with, Toby saw a different woman — and for once, she was decently presented! The bikini displayed a lot of skin Toby had never seen before, and it pointed up some areas that had been under-emphasized in the past … Mrs. Flanders DID have titties — little, pointy ones, but they were there, all right! Toby had always assumed she was kind of pancake-chested. And she had a tiny little ass, but it was round and firm and hanging half out of those bottoms … Probably most amazing was that gap between her legs — how had he not noticed THAT?

"Toby, is there anything wrong?" Jean caught Toby staring.

"No, M--" Yeah, stupid — great idea! Call her 'Ma’am! Remind her how much older she is!' "N-no, everything is fine … Wow, that’s a really nice suit!" Toby sputtered.

"Why thank you!" Jean replied, preening and smiling. "It’s been a while since I wore it…"

It sure has! Rick thought. Dark suspicions began to fester. Lon, seeing his expression, queried him with his eyes. Rick leaned up and hissed, "Do you think she heard us?"

"If she did…" Lon’s eyebrows went up. If she HAD heard them, and she changed into that bikini, it meant only one thing, right? Didn’t it mean she was playing up? That she wanted it? He swept a wondering glance in Jean’s direction.

Jean watched the pair out of the corner of an eye hidden by sunglasses. Rick seemed suspicious; Lon, thoughtful. And Toby — suddenly, little innocuous Toby was looking at her like he thought she might be edible…

It had been literally years since she’d seen that look — and it did things to her. She felt her nipples tighten and extend themselves, tenting the tiny triangular cups of her bikini top. A glance up at Lon detected the same predatory look sliding over the blond boy’s handsome features. Oh, my God! They ARE serious! Jean realized. And I just told them I want to play! Very carefully, she settled back in her lounger and began to pretend to concentrate on her tea … Should she make a run for it? Pack everything up and pretend that this never happened? Well, at least two of them have decided that I’m NOT a drone! she thought, smiling crookedly.

Lon thought about it and came up with the next ploy. "Are you wearing any sunblock? A person with your skin shouldn’t sit out here in the sun unprotected…" Lon had the same problem as Toby, at this point — calling Mrs. Flanders Mrs. Flanders or Ma’am or some such introduced an age barrier — but he neither knew nor had permission to use her first name…

Lon put the ball in the air, but it was Toby who caught it and ran with it. He was up like a shot, crossing to Jean’s lounger. "I’ve got some suntan oil right here…"

"Why, thank you, Toby!" Jean reached for the bottle.

Toby, however, was thinking; instead of handing her the bottle, he squirted some in her hand. "Why don’t you do the easy stuff, and I’ll do the hard to reach places?" he offered.

Jean froze. Admiration for the slight, doughy, unprepossessing dark-haired boy with the eyeglasses welled up in her. Somehow, the little shit had neatly torpedoed her! She could get stupid and stuffy and get out of there, or she could let him put his hands on her — there was apparently no middle ground… "All right…" She put her glass down beside the lounger and began applying her handful of suntan lotion to her arms, face, and neck.

Toby watched with bird-bright eyes, gloating; that I’ll get the hard to reach places tactic was genius! Where did that come from? It had just appeared in his head when it became apparent that the whole thing was about to go south — and it was working perfectly! "You’re missing places." He stepped in and started working on her neck and ears, fully cognizant of the fact that if he wanted access to forbidden territory, he’d have to lull her a bit, first.

In the background, Rick and Lon shared a wondering glance. "That’s Toby?" Rick whispered. Lon shook his head. Who’d have thought Toby could even hit? As it was, while it probably wouldn’t be a homer, he was already at first, and he might get a double out of it … Heck, he might steal third!

Jean was having her own issues with disbelief. This was TOBY — gangling, clumsy Toby — suddenly all masterful and in control … While she bet that he had no idea that her ears were a sensitive place, there it was — the work he was doing on them was giving her little tingles.

Toby grunted and gently picked up the bikini strap tied at the back of her neck so he could work under it; there was no way he could untie it, yet, but he COULD identify it as a source of future problems. "Gonna have to keep an eye on this," he grunted. "It’ll wipe off the suntan lotion and you’ll get red. Or you’ll just end up with a white stripe…"

Jean nodded and held her hand out for more lotion. How much area was she going to end up deeding to him? Embarrassment was acting as an impediment to her own work on her chest and belly — and while doing them herself was embarrassing enough, if she let Toby do them, what was she saying? To cover things, she went to work on her feet and calves.

Toby had a full inventory of the places she was missing — and they were extensive. Heck, she hadn’t even done her arms well! He continued covering her back while she leaned forward and dealt with her legs, taking advantage of her stretched position. Feet and calves went well, but she was missing places above the knee, especially at the back. Arm coverage was limited to the main areas, but the backs of her upper arms — and especially the pits and those delicious areas just below that verged on her tits from the sides hadn’t been touched…