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Toby was beside himself! The smell! Heavenly! Mrs. F was hot for him! God! He got up and circled around to Jean’s left; he could have gotten at the leg from her right side, but he couldn’t have possessed it like he did the right. Besides, it shielded him from the prying eyes of the boys behind him … He worked his magic in the hollow of her left thigh, deliberately covering every millimeter of uncovered flesh right up to her crotch — and then, in an excess of bravery, caught her eye while he slid his finger right through the gusset of her panty, drifting it up and down over her labia!

Jean sucked in air, but didn’t move; to do so would be to alert the other boys. Instead, she wet her lips, her tongue peeking out as it lubricated their inner surface. Toby’s finger ignited a flash fire of pleasure, just brushing over her nether lips; she was powerless to stop him. She couldn’t speak, but her hand slid down to capture his right forearm in an urgent grip that did NOT imply that he should stop…

If Toby had possessed just a little bit more experience, he would have dipped his finger into her wet opening, and she’d have been lost; instead, he stood up and announced gruffly, "I’m going to lower the lounger. I want you to roll over so I can do the back side of your legs…"

"Yes, Toby." This was more than acquiescence to his instructions and both of them knew it. Jean relaxed into the chair while he lowered the back, trusting him not to drop her, then rolled over meekly. She never gave any thought to keeping her knees together — that defeated the purpose of the exercise. Toby started on her left, smoothing the coverage on an already oily ankle and calf before moving on to the back of Jean’s knee, then, planting his right knee on the lounger between her legs, he worked up the back of her thigh — all the way to her ass! He didn’t stop there, either; deliberately, he took his fill of her tiny round ass cheek, working beneath the panty boldly, knowing that he owned the territory. When he was done enjoying the left cheek, he shifted and repeated the entire procedure on the right. Again, masked from direct view, he invaded her secret places, his cock a burning bar of flesh pressed against the back of Jean’s leg while he fingered the tender area between her tightly puckered anus and her vaginal opening. Jean was shaking; she wanted him to do something — ANYTHING — that would finish her — but he couldn’t, and they both knew it.

When he was done molesting her, Toby stood up, murmuring, "You should think about sunbathing nude. As small as that suit is, it still has straps and things that would get in the way of showing off your tan in nice outfits."

"I don’t know…" Jean managed to murmur. Oh, God, just … fuck me!

"You should think about it," Toby pressed, continuing to pretend that nothing much had happened. "It’s very private, here — no one would see you. Of course, you’ll need someone to see to your proper coverage, or you’ll burn…" Toby mused a moment. "Maybe you should get an even more revealing suit. I think you should wear a thong."

"A thong? Really?" Everything Toby said seemed to have wicked undertones.

"I think so…" Toby looked up and waved at Lon. "Dude! Come here a minute!"

Lon blinked. "Sure…" He got up and crossed the pool deck to stand beside his friend. Rick got up, too, and shadowed the others.

"I think she ought to wear a thong, don’t you?" Toby asked his friend.

"Could be…" Lon pretended to mull over the idea.

"No, really, check it out…" Toby put a knee on the lounger and reached down to gather the seat of Jean’s bikini panty, pulling it into the crack of her little round ass. "That’s a prime location for a thong, don’t you think?"

Jean didn’t DARE look over her shoulder! She held still while Lon pursed his lips and nodded. "Yeah, I think you’re right. That’s thong territory. Good territory, too — sweet…"

"Yeah…" Toby, still holding the panty bunched into Jean’s ass-crack, absently collected a handful of her right cheek with the other hand. "Real nice…" He let go and stood up. "It’d be a shame not to see that tanned…" He delivered a look that challenged Lon as clearly as if he had said aloud, And it’s MINE! Lon threw up his hands and nodded; Toby would get the first round with Miz F., at least — he’d earned it!

Rick shook his head, dumbfounded. If anyone had told him an hour ago that Toby was capable of getting into Mom’s pants, he’d have laughed out loud — but he’d seen enough to know that Mom’s defenses were down…

Jean lay there, pretending to be drowsy, while the flames of desire slowly waned. The thong bit had been seriously humiliating, but she knew as well as everyone else that Toby had been staking claim to her. It was a just claim, too — clearly, if he got her alone and showed anything resembling the finesse that he had displayed in the last few minutes in handling her, she was going to find herself on her back with her legs open while he reamed her vagina with that pole in his trunks! Just thinking about it extended her agony of desire…

She spent twenty minutes pretending to sun herself before staggering up on unsteady legs. "I should go in and leave you boys to your own devices," she muttered, breaking for the door.

"Sure, no problem." Lon leered at her as she went by. Rick merely nodded.

Jean got almost to the door before Toby called out, "Come back any time…" She turned and flashed Toby a smile as she closed the slider, then went over to lean against the sink and eavesdrop through the kitchen window. Undoubtedly, this was going to be embarrassing…

"You STUD!" Lon erupted. "You had her on the ropes! I could tell THAT from here!"

Toby grinned from ear to ear. "If you guys hadn’t been here…"

Lon turned to Rick. "Well, that pretty well settles the question of whether your mama is doable, don’t you think?"

Rick shook his head. "I’m amazed, frankly."

"Man, women her age shouldn’t do without. We’re performing a public service, here!" Lon insisted. Leaning forward, he added, "First round targets are pretty much settled, then — Toby gets Miz F — what’s her first name, Man? I can’t call her that, and neither can Toby!"

"Jean," Rick supplied.

"Toby gets Jean. I get Toby’s mama — Beth, right?" Lon confirmed. Toby nodded. "And you get my mama."

"Uh, first round?" Rick queried. "Mom’s not a slut, recent evidence to the contrary…"

Lon waved it off. "Nobody says she is — but we may want to switch up — THEY may want to switch up, too! Let’s not limit things…"

Rick threw up his hands and sat back, shaking his head. Turning to Toby, he asked, "So how close did you get, really?"

"Do you really want to know?" Toby asked.

"Yeah…" Rick began to wonder if he did.

Toby stepped forward and put his right index finger under Rick’s nose. "Smell that."

Rick did so, and his face went white. "That isn’t… !"

"Pussy," Toby confirmed with a nod. "I didn’t play around inside — that’s just off the surface — but she was soaked, and she didn’t complain when I dipped inside her panties…" He shifted the finger to Lon, who was gesticulating wildly that it was his turn. "I think, if we’d been alone…"

Lon inhaled. "That’s pussy, all right! Man, I NEVER thought I’d see you put the moves on a woman like that! What happened?"

Toby shook his head. "I dunno. It was just right — everything fell into place. I was getting pretty brave at the end, but it didn’t start that way. I just took it easy, and took whatever ground she gave; pretty soon, I was deep in enemy territory…" He looked up at Rick, "Dude, your mom is NOT a drone! She’s hot stuff!"