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“Well that wasn’t my fault!” I giggled. A shiver ran through me as I saw what he was about to do.

“I don’t like to be interrupted while I’m working.” Taking both of my wrists easy in his one hand he looped the belt around them and then around the frame of the bed. I lay there, bound and speechless.

He scooted down the bed until he reached my navel. Then began kissing softly and occasionally sucking on the flesh of my stomach. With every new movement, he inched down, growing closer to the one place he had not yet touched. His breath warmed my skin as his mouth brushed over my curves and tingled as his breath caressed it.

The anticipation of his touch made goosebumps raise up on my skin, like a path of pleasure which guided him across my body. His hands ran down the insides of my thighs all the way down to my feet. Making each tiny hair on my body stand on end.

As the lusty heat of his mouth reached the part of my body that was so desperate for his attention. I gasped. It was only a matter of seconds before waves of pleasure began to build, rolling through my body. I threw my head back and used the end of the belt restricting my hands to bite down as I held back the sound of my release.

He could feel the tension in my body as my orgasm built but it only served to spur him on. He hooked his wrists around my hips and held me down. Increasing the pressure of his warm circling tongue until I was bucking against him. The intensity was too much. I wasn’t sure that I could take any more of this and keep our passion discreet.

I was thinking about kicking him off to get some relief when he knelt up and grabbed my waist positioning me in the centre of the bed. In his gruff Irish accent, he whispered.

“I wanted you all this time. And now you want me, so I’m going to fuck you like I should have done when I found you.” My body twitched with excitement; this was it. He lunged up towards the headboard above me, and in an instant, he had released my hands. As soon as they were free, I clawed at his boxers removing the final obstacle in our way. Hungrily he pushed up against the throbbing between my legs and obediently I opened them for him. He looked into my eyes as the length of him slid deliciously inside me, radiating heat throughout my body.

There was fire between us. Both of us were covered in sweat as we moved against each other. Starting off slowly he plunged into me over and over, but always with meaning and worked up to a steady pace. My legs now out of my control began to shake as I found myself coming for the second time. Inviting it, I clamped my legs around his waist as he drove into me, each time never losing eye contact. With each movement he slid deeper and held me closer than the last. Until just as I felt my orgasm fading, he exploded into me. He held on to me so tightly that his fingers pressed down hard into my flesh. I was sure there would be bruises the next day.

An evil thrill shivered through me. Knowing in that moment, I didn’t care if Liam got me pregnant. Sex like that was worth the risk.


I WOKE UP early. Being as careful as possible to be quiet, I rolled out of the double bed and left Liam where he slept. A horrible knot had begun to form in the pit of my stomach since the moment I had opened my eyes and saw him lying beside me. Last night. Holy crap.

I had to get out of there. Pulling my t-shirt over my head, I left the room and turned to close the door, willing it not to creak and wake everyone up. I almost jumped out of my skin when I turned back to see Kate who sat watching me from the top of the stairs.

“Good morning. Sleep well?” Raising an eyebrow, she smirked and gave me a look that let me know that in no uncertain terms, she knew what we had got up to last night.

“Shhh.” I grabbed the back of her shirt and escorted her forcibly down the stairs and into the kitchen. “Where is Rosa?”

“Don’t worry she’s fine. She was in with me last night. I told you I’d keep an eye on her. You’ll be relieved to know her temperature is back to normal and has been since midnight. But I think we should keep her on the iodide solution for a few days until she is back to her normal self. She’s fast asleep upstairs. Shadow hasn’t left her side all night.” Kate picked up a mug from the kitchen worktop and looked back at me. “She looks like you.” Cradling the mug in both hands, she walked out onto the front porch.

“What’s that smell? Is that coffee?” Kate smiled and nodded. “Please, I’m desperate,” I begged her. “I can’t remember the last time I had a proper coffee.”

“Only if you promise to spill the beans on the dish of the decade upstairs.” She giggled.

“Shut up Katie. It’s not funny. I feel awful.” She scowled at me and shook her head turning to go back into the house. Hopefully, to bring me coffee.

With everything that had gone on I had expected there to be some change as I walked down from the veranda at the front of the house. It wasn’t until I got out of the front driveway and along to the side of the farmhouse that I was able to see the additions to the surrounding garden. There was now a somewhat haphazard but recent looking construction of a chicken coop complete with chickens. And near to the old barn a couple of polytunnels over raised beds lined up side by side. Kate always did like to be a step ahead of things. I could just imagine her braving the dangers of radiation poisoning to get these set up before the fallout had reached her over here.

“Here you are hussy.” Kate handed me the coffee and nodded over to a couple of old chairs around by the kitchen door. We walked over to them as I sipped my mug of sweet tasting black coffee. How well she knew me. “So why do you feel bad? I take it you hadn’t done that before last night?”

I thought about what I should say before I said it and then I remembered who it was I was speaking to.

“I found out Matt was dead less than two weeks ago Katie. I’m going straight to hell.”

“Don’t be ridiculous Liz. Look around. We’re already there. I’d assumed you two were a thing. If I’d known he was a free agent, I would have set him up a bed in my room!” I looked at her and we both giggled. “You’ve been on your own for the best part of three months. Looking after Rosa, keeping you both alive. You’ve done an amazing job. You need something. Something to keep you going. You know? Give yourself a break.”

I stared into my coffee.

“I know all that, but then I think about Matt. I mean a part of me knew that he could be dead, but I had to try to believe he was out there somewhere. Looking for us. Then this happened.” Without realising it, my hand moved to my heart and rested on my chest.

“When I had to break Liam out of the bunker. We were forced into a position that I would never have put myself in, but It changed me. The way I feel about him.”

“In a good way though right?” I nodded. “Oh, Lizzy. I know that look. You’ve got it bad haven’t you?” She sniggered.

“Yes. I think I have. But I still shouldn’t have slept with him last night. It was that bloody wine. We were both a bit drunk. Him more than me I think. Oh God.”


“What if he regrets it? I feel so stupid. I should’ve known better.” I put my head in my hands.

“Was it bad?” I looked up at her. She began to laugh.

“From the look on your face right now I would say that it wasn’t bad at all!” I punched her in the arm playfully, and she returned the favour but twice as hard.


“Ladies! Please, can someone explain to me where you found coffee? I could smell it from all the way upstairs.” Liam stuck his head around the back door from the kitchen. Both Kate and I looked flustered at one another. How long had he been stood there listening to our conversation without us noticing? Kate recovered first.

“Come and Sit down and I will bring you out a mug.” Kate patted her chair inviting him to take it as she got up and gave me a sly wink as she turned to walk past me and back into the house. I sipped my coffee and held it up close to my nose using it to cover the bottom half of my face.