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Just as I was about to close the car door behind me a hand stopped it from shutting and pulled it open, it was Liam.

“Move over.” It wasn’t a request. I moved. Liam sat down beside me and closed the door He motioned to the driver that he could set off.

He looked smarter than usual; I noticed that he’d even shaved. In a bid to break the silence I smiled across the back seat at him. Wishing to seem less nervous than I felt.

“Well, that was an eventful night.”

“Which one?” He shot the question at me and watched my face for a reaction.

“I… Liam. I thought he was dead. I haven’t told him anything yet.” I looked at my feet.

“And you shouldn’t. I’m moving on to the Army base. I think your sister’s might be a little crowded with me there too.” I was grateful to him for his kindness.

“Thank you.” I was disappointed he wouldn’t be with us at Kate’s anymore. At the same time, I was relieved that I wouldn’t have to see him and Matt in the same room together again.

“So did he explain himself? Let’s hear it?” Liam demanded.


“Where the hell was he for all this time? It doesn’t take three months to travel down to Sussex and back. So where was he?”

“I dunno. Matt didn’t talk much about himself. He asked me so many questions about you last night. When he stopped I didn’t feel like asking him anything.”

“Felt threatened, did he? Good.”

“Liam. Behave.” He had his old glint back.

“I should warn him what a firecracker his wife is. I’ve got the broken nose to prove it.” I tried not to laugh, but it was funny.

“I’m sorry about that it was an accident.”

“Don’t be sorry. I deserved it. You would have been a tidy little boxer you know.” Liam ran his finger over my knuckles.

“Very funny. I couldn’t say boo to a mirror not so long ago.”

“Good job you found me then wasn’t it?”

“You found me. Remember?” I smiled at him and he took it as an invitation. He moved over the back seat to be nearer to me.

“Even though you’re the most frustrating woman I’ve ever known I could never leave you and Rosa on your own for three months.” His hand grazed my thigh as he clasped a hold of mine in my lap. “It’s been hard enough keeping my distance from your moody self for the past few weeks.” I tried to ignore him, but despite myself, I was pleased by what he said. I decided not to let it show.

“You’re leaving me now.” I retorted. He looked confused.

“Oh no my darling you misunderstand. I’m going to be speaking to the Major this morning and asking him if I can be on your personal staff. If that’s alright with you?”

“How personal?” I countered suppressing a grin. That’s why he looked so smart. He was trying to make a good impression.

“As personal as it gets. If you need anything from me, day or night. I will, of course, make myself available. But if you don’t want me to then I can ask to be put somewhere out of sight if that’s what you would prefer.” The look he gave me back was one I had seen before. He had a wicked streak, and I knew it. He was asking my permission to continue our affair.

I wasn’t sure, but the feelings I had for him stirred at the suggestion. I was going to say yes. Perhaps not today, but if he was persistent, I couldn’t guarantee my willpower would hold out. We had some gruelling days ahead. It would be good to have a friend beside me.

“That would be a comfort, Liam. Thank you.”

We arrived late at the Army base to find Major Bradley waiting for me in the car park.

“I’m afraid we have some urgent business that needs your attention Prime Minister.” The Major looked over at Liam and eyed me carefully. He obviously didn’t want to tell me in front of Liam what the urgent business was.

“It’s alright Major. Liam has come to assist me in my work. As my private secretary. I trust him implicitly. Anything you wish to say to me you can say in front of him.” The Major looked surprised.

“Very well Madam. Welcome to the team.” The Major offered Liam his hand to shake. Liam looked like he had always belonged in the role as he took the Majors hand.

“Thanks, Major. I look forward to helping in any way I can.”

I gestured to the Men to accompany me over to the building which contained my office. I walked in and sat down at my desk offering both men a seat in front of me.

“What is the problem, Major?”

“We have a briefing from some of the men returning from the east section at 0800. You should prepare yourself. The men who have been cleared to return to the base are in some distress.”

“Why only some of the men? Did we lose many?” Our numbers were already low, every man who didn’t return to the base after a mission was a blow.

“Not exactly Prime Minister. There’s been an outbreak.”


WOW. I CAN’T believe you read this whole thing. My first book. And you read it all the way to the end! Thank you so much.

I really hope that you enjoyed it or at least parts of it! Writing was something which I had always done privately in journals. Never thinking that anyone but me would be interested in the crazy stories which my over active imagination would think up. My bias towards the land of make believe started in the theatre, working as an actress. I’ve spent my whole life telling other people’s stories. But to say that there is now something out there of my own blows my mind a little bit.

I live in Brighton on the south coast of England with my husband (the lunatic who challenged me to write) and our 10 month old son, Jackson. I’ve been very lucky to live in and visit some amazing places in my life but Brighton is my favourite.

I started writing this book in November 2017 when I was challenged to take part in Nanowrimo. Let me tell you. When you’ve never written creatively in your life before, writing 50,000 words in 30 days is no mean feat. Especially with a 7 month old baby to look after and a part time job.

Something happened to me in those 30 days. I went slightly insane from lack of sleep and exhaustion but I also reconnected with a part of my brain which had been dormant for a long time. As an actor you learn lines which someone else has written, for someone else to say. But as a writer you become every character in their creation. The world is your blank page and you can do with it whatever you desire.

I’m aware that being a novice I have a lot to learn and am really looking forward to getting started on that. I have a new project. One that I’ve actually outlined this time. If you like this book and would like to know more about me and what I am working on next there is a link to my mailing list below. Any feedback is good feedback when you’re learning (and I am!) So please leave me a review and let me know what you liked and what you didn’t. I also have a Facebook page where I can interact with my readers. If any of you crazies fancy being on my round table and giving advice regarding what you would like to see me writing then please get in touch!

The End is Nigh was written by the seat of my pants and all I really knew was that I wanted to write an adventure story with a strong woman and a steamy sex scene. (Mostly because it pisses me off when people chicken out of the sex scenes in a book.) I don’t know what genre I am or where I will end up yet but I’m fairly sure that each story will contain a bit of romance, because well, why not! Life is short. Make it sexy!