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It seems that perhaps what was once called the press, a fourth estate of dogged pursuers, is not in fact dead. It was merely paralyzed by partisan fervor. The news outlets finally found their bearings, remembered first principles, and followed the money. Maybe there is hope after all.

As for Betz and his estate, there was never any question that the government owed him the money, the massive whistleblower award. That they ever tried to link it to his continued silence is now being denied at the highest levels within the Justice Department. It wouldn’t have mattered, for in the end they were forced to swallow a survivor’s clause that I slipped into the settlement agreement that freed Betz. Under no circumstances may the government reclaim the money that has now flowed to his daughter within terms of the agreement.

We had one final conversation just before he died. Rubin realized the only way any of us would have peace was to allow the information to go public. Once all the tainted members were exposed and whoever owned them was out of business, the danger would evaporate. What they say about sunlight is true. It is often the best disinfectant.

As for the gardener, the man I first thought was Rufus Becket, it turned out that he became my lodestone. Police detained him at the house and questioned him. With his employer dead on the floor, the gardener led them to a storehouse of documents, including transcripts of telephone conversations. Several of these documents established beyond any question why Olinda Serna was murdered and who did it. Alex Ives is free. The duce, an ancient term of California legal art dating from the time that drunk driving was charged under Vehicle Code Section 502, the case that Harry and I inherited as a favor to my daughter, Sarah, is over. But its legacy lives on.

Harry and I have disclaimed any of the mounting and additional fees now being netted from the politicians who have been caught, and who are now showering the Treasury with cash in bids to stay free. For us, this latter money is tainted. The fact that we counseled Betz in his ultimate decision to allow his hidden bank documents to be exposed, the act that caused the money to pile up, meant that we had a conflict. To take the additional funds would have lined our own pockets and might have muddied the water regarding his daughter’s ability to receive her share of the added portion. A guardian has been appointed and other lawyers are now on the scene to assure that this happens.

Harry and I face an uncertain future. The thirty-five million dollars, the original fees awarded us by Betz for my work at Supermax, is now in process of being paid. This is like the serendipity of winning a lottery. The fact that it flowed from a dog of a case that neither of us wanted to take speaks to the mystery and caprice of wealth-the imponderable puzzle of who gets it and why.

How this will affect our lives in the future is anyone’s guess.