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Her reward for that came when Harry rolled her over and pinned her down with his hand in the small of her smooth back. His right hand rained down a dozen brisk spanks to both her buttocks so that she was pleading for him to stop as she laughed and cried at the same time.

When he did let her up and she turned over to protect her bum from further assault, she saw that his cock really was quite young and surely strong enough to plow a straight path in any willing soil.

All four got out of bed then and went about their morning rounds of washing and preparing for what all knew would be a very special day. Of the four, only Faith was less than excited at the thought of what was to come.

Having seen her father's massive tool, she still sensed that it would hurt terribly when he forced the monster into her narrow slit. There would be delight later, she told herself, but that first time was going to be a painful experience.

While she bathed her twat carefully so that it would be fresh and sweet for anything that happened later, only the fear of hurt was with her. Not even the thought that later there would be ecstasy as Elizabeth so well showed, could change that.

Harry decreed that they would remain nude while they ate breakfast since it would save the trouble of removing clothes later. This time, the maid showed less surprise. It was as if after the shock of the previous evening, she was prepared to accept just about anything in a house she found so suddenly changed from the sedate, orderly place it had been.

Smearing a slice of bread thick with butter, Elizabeth punched a hole in the center and placed it over her right breast, so that the nipple stuck through and held it there.

When she offered it to anyone who cared for it, Clyde and his father took turns nibbling from it until nothing remained to be nibbled on except the breast. They nibbled on that until the teat doubled in size and became amazingly hard.

Captivated by the idea of playing with her food, she took a thick sausage from her plate and, pushing her chair back from the table, fitted it into her twat. Before she could even offer the boy her special snack, he was on his knees in front of her eating it with a good appetite as he probed deep inside her to find the last of it. Smacking his lips and smiling, he commented that he had never had the pleasure of eating tastier sausage.

But while Elizabeth and Clyde seemed dedicated to having fun, Harry and his daughter were relatively subdued.

The father was overcome by the thought of what he would soon do to his daughter. It wasn't that he was bothered by the thought of incest, something had changed drastically in him recently so that incest didn't bother him at all.

Rather, he was filled with excitement at the thought of introducing an innocent young girl to the facts of life and that soon, his cock would throb in the silken confines of a tiny, girlish twat.

She would bleed, he knew, and there would probably be cries and tears, but after that, she would be a woman with cravings in her cunny, cravings that could only be filled by a man with a stout staff.

After today, he told himself, he would be able to choose between a fully matured woman and a growing girl at any time he felt the urge to dip his pole into warm, smooth pools of feminine softness.

Faith too was deep in thought as she looked down to the roundness of her belly and the triangle of hairs she saw between her thighs. Before she could become a real, functioning woman who could find enjoyment with any man, she was going to have to undergo pain. If only, by some magic, she thought, there were some easier way for her to lose her maidenhead, everything would be lovely.

But there was no other way and she knew it.

Edward Cartwright

The Family Man


Harry Brougham closed the bedroom door behind him and looked from the three others in the room to the wide bed that was about to be the locale of things that just a few days ago would have terrified him had he thought of them, let alone contemplated doing them.

All that had changed though when Elizabeth stripped him naked and strapped his behind in a way that he had secretly wanted for years without ever knowing it.

The other things she had done to him after that while he still howled from the sting of the strap had loosened a jam of pent up feelings that had been buried deep inside for too long.

There was no more fear of women now. The strong scented vagina, the moisture and confinement as it trapped his prick were all things to be desired and taken at every opportunity and would, he sensed, continue to be that way for him as long as he lived.

But now, the time for thought had passed and it was time for sensation of every sort. He and Elizabeth had worked out the plan carefully and they would follow it.

As the first step, the four would play on the bed until, when the right pitch had been reached, she would take the boy onto her body and remove his virginity while the others were, their passions continuing to build,-watching and waiting till their turn came.

They all moved toward the bed with mixed feelings of anticipation and tension. Without words needing to be spoken, they paired off so that Elizabeth and Clyde fell into an embrace, while Harry took his trembling daughter into his arms.

He intended only holding her for the time being so that she could calm herself while Elizabeth and Clyde entertained them and heated their bodies to the fever pitch he wanted for the taking of his daughter.

As for Elizabeth, she had no intention of leading the boy all the way this time. She had taught him all he needed to know, she reasoned, and it was going to be up to him to take the lead.

More than anything, she wanted the excited boy to go through the motions of seducing her while she played the role of reluctant maiden until his cock throbbed with an intense desire that would drive him wild, wild enough to take her roughly and make up in force what he lacked in size.

As their first passionate kiss ended, she whispered to him that he was in control and would have to make her hot before he could get between her thighs and push his cock into her cunt.

The words intoxicated the boy and he felt his whole body surge with desire. Until that moment, he thought he would merely have to lie on top of her and drive his tool home. Now, knowing that it was up to him to put her into the proper mood for it, he became even more excited as he savored the thought that he could have such power over so mature and experienced a woman.

It was just what he needed to hurry his growth from boy to man. Until then, he was the boy and she was the tutor. When she felt so inclined, she could lower his trousers, put him across her lap and beat him until he cried like a baby.

Now, through the magic of some miracle he didn't really understand, he had been handed the role of male and given power to seduce a woman who knew far more of matters sexual than he had even dreamed of.

As he drew her back to him for another passionate kiss, one of his hands fondled a ripe breast and squeezed until he felt her jerk against him. Their tongues rubbed in the warmth of their locked mouths and Clyde compared it to the rubbing that would soon take place inside her moist twat.

Both her breasts had been liberally bathed in his spittle before he pushed her down onto the bed and began tracing a line of wet kisses down her belly. At the navel, he paused and licked the smooth depression while she wriggled under him in passion.

As his lips moved down over the bottom slope of her belly, Clyde saw her thighs parting as if of their own volition, as if her mind had nothing to do with the move.

His first urge was to reach for her crotch at once and press his lips there. He sensed he was maturing at a fast pace when it struck him as being much wiser to postpone that pleasure while he kissed and teased close to the spot until she screamed for that one kiss she had to have.

Raising his face and letting her see him lick his lips, he reached his hands under her body to cup both chubby cheeks of her firm behind and raise her toward him.