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As an alternative, Faith continued to ponder her plan, she could walk up close to one of the men working alone and really surprise him by asking in a quiet voice if he would like to ram his cock into her steaming hot cunt.

She would smile at his look of shock and walk into the shelter of some hedge. Before long, she was sure, he would come to her with his stiff, hungry prick held in his hand at the ready.

Faith felt the searing heat of her crotch and knew there was no time to waste. Some nameless field hand was about to receive a surprise screwing and there was no point in keeping him waiting-While she considered whether to inform Elizabeth that she was going for a walk or whether to just leave the house, Faith saw a man turning into the walk leading to the front door of the house.

Recognizing him as the new minister come to pay a call on the family, she was tempted to be angry for just a moment. It took her no longer than that to strike on a plan of using the man of the cloth to satisfy the hunger that was burning in her crotch.

What a thrill it would be, she thought with excitement, to turn his mind from matters spiritual to those of a much more sexual nature. With growing confidence and rising passion, she allowed her mind to dwell on the delights of seducing a man who delivered stirring sermons on the evil of the flesh and the terrible sins committed to satisfy the lusts of the body.

If she had stopped to think of the enormity of her plan, Faith might have realized how difficult it could be, but she didn't stop to question. Instead, she hurried to the door to admit the man just as he was reaching for the knocker.

Smiling and greeting the man with her best curtsey, she welcomed him to the house while permitting her eyes to rove over his husky frame. He was bigger than her father, she noted, but his size was all muscle without a trace of fat. In addition, he was much younger and more virile looking.

I wonder how big and strong a cock he has, she mused silently while commenting on the loveliness of the weather. She was pleased to see that the minister seemed charmed at her manner. That was important to her. He could consider her to be a girl and a lovely one, she reasoned, but more than that, he had to see some of the charm of a maturing woman at the same time. Without that, her plan would be in trouble.

While she was assuring the minister that her father was well, Elizabeth walked into the room. Faith glowed, her confidence growing, as she heard the man enthuse in praise of her ladylike manner.

Elizabeth was quick to go along with the game by assuring the man of the cloth that the girl was mature beyond her years and gave promise of becoming a lady of the highest standing.

For a little while, Faith was content so sit quietly while the man and woman exchanged polite conversation. A lull arrived in the conversation, and when it did, Faith was ready to pounce.

“Dear Elizabeth,” she spoke almost shyly, “I've been greatly troubled by spiritual problems of late. Would it be an imposition to ask this man of the cloth to discuss certain troubling matters with me in the privacy of daddy's study?”

“Why, my child,” the man replied before Elizabeth could bring herself under control as a result of the surprise query, “I should be pleased to listen to your problems and offer what help I can.”

“I'm confident your father would be proud of you my dear,” Elizabeth managed to reply at last. “He has done his best to guide you in the proper paths and would, I'm sure be proud of you at this moment.”

“Be assured, Elizabeth, that it is my intention to further the good works to which my father has introduced me that I wish to discuss such intimate matters with this obviously good man.”

Looking over the head of the seated man, Faith's eyes flashed a message and she saw Elizabeth go pale in terror as she comprehended what the child was about.

“I trust, my dear,” Faith saw a glint of excited humor replace the terror that had been in the woman's eyes a moment before, “that you won't burden this man beyond his capabilities with your problems.”

“You have my assurance of that, Elizabeth. I do wish you would inform my dear brother of my intentions. I feel confident he would view it well.”

He would indeed view it well, Faith thought, if he gets the message. Understanding what I'm about, he'll introduce Elizabeth to the peep holes into the study so that they could both watch as she set about seducing in her best style this unbending looking person.

Assuring Faith that she would deliver the message to her brother, Elizabeth stood back as the girl led the man to her father's study and closed the door carefully behind them.

Telling herself there was no reason to hurry, Faith engaged the man in light conversation for a few minutes to allow the others time to get into position in the adjoining room. Hearing the click of the closing door, Faith took a deep breath and prepared to launch her seduction of the minister.

“What seems to be troubling you, my child?” the man asked in a gentle tone.

“I fear sir, that I am ceasing to be a child and it is because of that, that I am troubled. Are you sure I am not burdening you unfairly with my silly problems?”

“Of course not, my dear. It is my role in life to assist with problems such as yours. Speak with complete freedom, my dear and try to tell me what bothers you.”

“Well, reverend,” she tried to look coy and womanly at the same time, “I find that strange things are taking place within my body. Until quite recently, I was more than content with being a girl, but now my body demands that I be a woman and sends the strangest feelings with temptations and hungers that I find so difficult to see through.”

“Can you explain these things to me, my child? Do not fear if you do not know the words that seem to fit. Choose any words which come to you and I shall endeavor to understand and assist you as best I can.”

“I'll try, good sir, but please don't think me too evil, I pray you. Perhaps only a woman can understand. Perhaps I have wronged you in asking you to listen to the foolish sentiments of a girl who cannot cope with the things that are happening inside her.”

“Come, my child,” he encouraged, “I am wise in the ways of the world. Tell me in the clearest words about the things which trouble you and I shall do my best to help you.”

“Well, good sir,” she bent her head in such a way that she knew he would be able to see over the top of her bodice to the gentle swells of her blossoming breasts, “I have been finding of late that there are strange feelings besetting me in that region between my thighs.”

“Do I understood that this is a physical feeling, my child? I mean is there pain or some rash with which you do not know how to cope?”

“No, sir, it is nothing like that. I mean…” she paused for effect, “that my little cunny becomes terribly restless as if demanding that something new and strange should happen to it.”

“Tell me more, my dear.” His voice became shaky and Faith saw beads of perspiration stand out on his forehead. “Can you explain these feelings so that I can understand?”

“Well, reverend sir, it is something much like a mad itch which cannot be scratched. There are times when the madness becomes such that I must put my hand inside my gown and attempt to still it with my hand. Can you truly understand such things?”

“Well now, my dear,” the man stammered, “I'm not sure that a man can truly understand the most secret things of women, and I see you really are becoming a woman rather than a mere girl child. I shall try though.”

“Perhaps, good sir,” she went on in a splendid act of innocence, “if I were to show you the nature of the act I must perform to find relief, it would assist you in understanding.”

“That does seem like a wise suggestion, my child,” he managed, “but perhaps such an act could be misunderstood if someone should stumble upon us while you are making such a demonstration.”

“Truly, there is no chance of that. The door behind us is well locked. Please, sire, if you feel it could help to show me what is wrong, do allow me to demonstrate for you. I know it will embarrass me to show my cunny to a man, but as a man of the cloth, you are surely different. Is that not so?”