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"You can let me down, Frank…" she said in a cajoling voice. "Let me down, and I promise to satisfy you. I'll do anything…"

"That will come later, Mrs. Cassidy!" Frank declared. "First I have a little something you might like to try out!"

Frank had often thought of the first intimate glimpse he'd had of the nakedly trembling Sylvie Cassidy straining with the gilded candle thrust up between her smoothly trembling thighs, trying to satisfy her drugged loins with the outrageous object, pushing it steadily upward with in the moist confines of her passion-drenched cunt. She'd asked him to help her and he had, until finally she'd insisted upon feeling his own human phallus deep within her tormented young pussy.

"I've constructed a little something in your honor!" he said, going over to a drawer in the desk and taking out a large double-headed object that Sylvie could not identify through her drunken daze.

"Wh… what is it?" she asked, peering through the haze, but still not managing to clear her eyes or her dully throbbing head.

"It's a dildo! A double dildo…which I've gilded just for you!"


Ron and Arlene turned back, Ron's small MG traversing the heavy midafternoon traffic of Washington, darting in and out, shooting red lights and going at about 70 miles an hour.

"How could we have lost her?" he snarled. "How could that possibly have happened?"

Slumped in her bucket seat next to him, Arlene was silent. She did not know how they could have possibly have lost Sylvie's trail across town, but they had. Her cousin's taxi had turned down an unfamiliar street and they had turned right, whereas the taxi had made a left turn.

"I know!" she said suddenly. "Go to Sylvie's office. Maybe her secretary can help us!"


Sylvie was in a fog of confusion. Frank had given her the extra glasses of brandy she'd requested. That made five now since she'd been in his apartment. Before her, she could feel he was brandishing the lewd dildo that he had made for her. Suddenly she felt him move closer, and something thick touched between the exposed lips of her pink vagina, pressing inside and parting the pubic hair.

"OH!" Sylvie jumped against the bracelets that bound her hands, her eyes jerking open and staring wildly down at Frank. He was pushing one end of the double-edged phallus into the moistly parted split of her cunt! She could see the object well now, and to her amazement it looked just like a living penis except for its garish color and the strange double-headed design. There were two false cocks, one of large, almost outlandish proportions, and the other smaller and more slender. They were attached in the middle by two hanging objects that were meant to signify testicles, and the whole thing appeared to be made from some kind of rubber.

As she hung there helplessly trussed, she felt Frank parting her legs still wider, and moving the thicker tip with insane persistence within the defenseless opening of her honey colored pussy.

"Oh please, please stop, please stop! I can't stand it! I… can't!" she cried. It felt lewder than anything she might have imagined-a teasing artificial cock playing at the tender parts of her widely presented vagina, working its way up the full length of the narrow palpitating slit to her tiny throbbing clitoris and rubbing against it maddeningly until, with a sudden groan, Sylvie felt the sensitive little bud involuntarily jerking into hardness. She could hear Prank laughing above the sounds of the crashing climaxes of their own voice on the all-pervading tape recording. Her desperate pleadings were lost, and he seemed driven to even faster manipulation by her attempts to squirm backward away from the golden dildo.

"I made this with my very own hands," Frank mused. "It took days, dipping it and re-dipping it in liquid latex. Inside there is a hard but flexible length of rubber hose that gives a satisfactory consistency, and the whole is carefully modeled to give satisfaction!"

Sylvie stared down at him, her eyes wide with terror, her lips mumbling supplications which he did not hear.

"This is much more satisfactory than a candle, you will find, Mrs.

Cassidy. And you must look upon it as a kind of offering to your great beauty… and how shall I put it… your secret charms?"

He worked the lewd rubber object up slowly over the mound of her haircovered pussy and across the flat golden plane of her trembling belly, pausing for a moment as he held it by the small phallus shape, pushing the thick cleft head of the larger cock up along the sides of her rib cage, playing tantalizingly with the soft, tender area under her lifted arms.

"Almost like a little pussy there…" Frank murmured, his face beginning at last to betray the true state of his disturbed mind. He had held together for so long. All those years of being discreet and kind, polite and helpful, and then that one event, that one evening, had started him on a long decline. Sylvie's call for aid had sent him rushing to her dressing room that night so long ago, and the final result was this moment when he had the newest member of the Cassidy clan in his own workroom where HE was the master and she was the servant!

Sylvie felt like she was going to go crazy as she felt the awful soft yet hard consistency of the obscene fake phallus moving over her nakedly cringing flesh. She was relieved when it moved from under her arms where it had prodded first one exposed armpit and then the other, running next over her fully ripe breasts where it began to rub against the turgid nipples, bringing them to a throbbing sensitivity. In spite of her revulsion toward the depraved valet who was subjecting her to these horrible indignities, her feeling was slowly changing.

Her cries of humiliation and torture were tapering off into gradually deep groans of forced pleasure. Her thrashing body, helped by the great amounts of alcohol coursing through it, quieted to a slow helpless writhing of uncontrolled sensation. Small rivulets of sweat began to drip from her forehead, wetting the slick gilded of the dildo before her. Tears of frustration again brimmed to her eyes as she felt control of her body slipping away. She had vowed to do anything to get those tapes and to stop Frank in his attempt to ruin the family, and now she was making good on her word! But the sheer hopelessness of her position and the awful two-headed cock in the hands of the deranged former valet were forcing Sylvie into a kind of helpless submission that was intolerable.

Her shackled hands pulled desperately at the leather bindings that held her to the wall, as against her will her proud firm breasts throbbed up into full, firm roundness and the peaks tweaked up hungrily as the crude rubbing made small circles of tingling pleasure around the brown areolas. As the maddening instrument began its downward journey again, she found to her fascinated horror that her body was reaching to absorb its caresses. It dwelled long again on the soft flat area of her naked belly, massaging there and in the flexing hollows of her inner thighs, again causing a slow, uncontrollable undulation of her rebellious hips and causing her torso to do a strange little shuffling dance upon the wooden altar that Frank had constructed for her torture. The narrow pink split of her silken pussy was again wide open to the leering, lust-crazed eyes of her tormentor.

With a lewd chuckle, Frank twisted the double dildo in his hands and pushed the smaller end without warning between Sylvie's parted thighs and up against the sensitive puckered ring of her anus where it nestled between her softly rounded buttocks. The tight, rubbery orifice jerked in surprise and Sylvie tried to screw herself back against the wall to escape the cruel probe.

"AAAaaaaaaaah! Please… I can't stand it. It's driving me crazy!" she gasped between clenched teeth.

Frank answered with a sadistic laugh as she bucked and squirmed against the worming probe at her clasping anus. She tried with all her strength to close her legs, squeezing her buttocks tightly together, but there was no relief; it only made the instrument push harder at her back passage.