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This time, Frank felt his cock jerk slightly as he heard Sylvie's recorded moaning in the throes of abandoned intercourse. He watched the horrified and helpless expression crossing over the young blonde woman's face with a new kind of inward sadistic satisfaction.

Since Sylvie was still sitting motionless in the chair, he added: "You do understand, Mrs. Cassidy, don't you? You can certainly make my declining years much more pleasant with just the slightest bit of… uh… cooperation!"

Sylvie stood up quickly and tried to force her way past her husband's former valet. She felt hysteria mounting rapidly inside her as she yelled at him.

"You don't understand! I've got to get home! You can't possibly expect me to-why, my husband…!!!"

Frank easily barred her way, taking hold of both of Sylvie's wrists with a surprisingly strong grasp. As soon as he touched her, Sylvie knew that he meant to carry out his threat. His voice was pleasant and his expression mild, but he meant to force her into some kind of lewd agreement with him! She fought him briefly, and then realized that she was helplessly compromising her dignity. With great difficulty, she struggled to gain control of herself again. Certainly she could reason with the man. He was standing so close to her, his tall, elegantly thin body slightly curved with age, that she could smell his cologne.

Yardley's… she recognized it as the scent her father always wore back in the little town in which she'd been raised.

"I'm sure Mr. Tim would want you to do anything you could to help me out… and then of course you would have the tapes… both copies to do with as you like. I'm sure my book will be interesting enough without that whole chapter, although it does lose some of its sale value, I'm sure!"

"If it's money… Sylvie spit out desperately. But the deceptively mild-mannered gentleman's gentleman waved his hand in a gesture of annoyance.

"As you mentioned before, I already have more money than I know what to do with."

Sylvie realized from the slightly sarcastic tone of his voice that she had insulted him deeply, and she knew instinctively that somehow she would pay dearly for that insult. Already the mention of her husband's name was enough to send her into a complete state of shock. Whatever happened, she must get the tapes and avoid letting him know anything about this threat to his campaign! He had already shown enough understanding where she was concerned, and she didn't want to do anything now to lose his love. Nothing must change that wonderful relationship they had now. Everything just had to remain the same!

Suddenly she collapsed, falling back onto the edge of the bed. She sat with her hands covering her face and began to sob into theta like a little girl. "Oh God! I don't know! I just don't know what to do!"

Frank looked down at the tanned stockinged thighs that were almost completely exposed as she sobbed into her hands. Her short pink dress had snaked up higher than she knew and he could feel small beads of sweat breaking out on his upper lip as he studied the delicate fullness of her upper thighs.

"It's not too difficult for you, I'm sure," Frank said. Although he was a native American, his English training had brought a definite accent to his words, and Sylvie thought of how ludicrous it was for her to be sitting there like that, crying uncontrollably, while this man, so well known to her and yet a total stranger, stood hovering menacingly over her.

But when she raised her head, ready to tell him that she would return another time to discuss the matter further, she saw something totally unexpected. There before her very eyes was the bloated hardness of Frank's fully exposed penis. He stood holding it now, just inches away from her face, and she jumped backward, trying to scramble away from him.

"Oh God no!" she cried.

But he had already grabbed her by the shoulders and was waving his nakedly throbbing cock in front of her face.

"Suck it…" he said, so softly that she thought he might not have spoken after all. But he said the horrible words again and Sylvie knew that she had not been mistaken. "Suck it!" he commanded, louder this time, pulling her unwilling head and shoulders toward his beet-red, heavy-veined cock.

"I bet you like to suck cock!" he added reflectively. He had thought about this many times. As a young man he had only succeeded in having this rare treat once, and he had often thought that any man worth his salt should have more than one such delight in a lifetime. This would make twice, at least, he mused, fondling the warmth of his rapidly hardening cock.

"This is grotesque, Frank… You can't do this… Frank… You need help, Frank… you mustn't do this to me!" Sylvie babbled a steady stream of words, hardly realizing what she was saying. But none of her words seemed to help, and she visualized her senator-husband, handsome and serious, perhaps speaking right now on the Senate floor, unaware of what was happening to her. She must protect him at any cost!

Helplessly, she shuddered underneath the former valet's hard fingers.

She felt his hand at the back of her head, pushing her face gently but filmy down. His other hand was still wrapped around his own rigid cock that stood out in the air in front of her like an ugly fleshy monster.

She could see him rubbing the wetly lubricated head with his thumb and forefinger, and then, horribly irreversibly, he was rubbing it softly against her tightly clenched lips. He continued to do so until it was evident that she was not going to open her mouth. And then he reached forward and pinched her nostrils tightly together.

Sylvie fought for a moment, trying to move her blonde head from side to side in desperation, grunting out her protest at the obscene performance that was being requested of her. Then with a sudden gasp for air her mouth opened wide. Instantly Frank flicked his hips forward, sliding the blood-filled head of his penis thrusting deep within the confines of the young wife's tender lips.

Again, Sylvie fought, but Frank, feeling the hot wetness of her oral cavity against his pulsing penis, tangled his hands cruelly into the Senator's wife's hair and forced her to begin a gentle sucking motion.

"Ah… ah… oh… Mrs. Cassidy… yessssss!" he murmured, oblivious to her torment as her lips unwillingly hollowed and expanded with each stroke he made into her wide-forced mouth. Tiny ridges of soft pink flesh could be seen pulling from her availed lips as he drew back, and Frank smiled to see his former mistress in such a subservient position. Passion mounting in his loins as his thoughts wandered, Frank began a rhythmic sawing back and forth, never quite drawing his hungrily thrusting cock all the way out, but leaving the tip just inside the warm moistness of Sylvie's stretched and aching mouth.

"So happy you could oblige me, Mrs. Cassidy!" he cried, groaning as he thrust his loins forward into the warm moistness. It was far, far better than he had imagined it would be. The memory of his initiation into such oral delights had dimmed considerably over the years, but now, he thought, he would have this memory always. Mrs. Cassidy's golden-blonde head bent backward as he forced his stiffly probing cock forward into her mouth. Her deep blue eyes were alternately wide open in horror and tightly closed as she performed the lewd task of sucking his demanding, rock-hard penis! It was a sight to remember!

Frank looked at the mirror on the wall facing the bed so that he could see a good profile view of the Senator's wife's face as his lusthardened shaft continued to saw rhythmically in and out of her ovalled mouth. The very sight of it caused his loins to tense and jerk into her face until in the mirror it looked as though he were sinking the full length of it all the way down her swan-like throat. Almost all of it seemed to disappear with each hard thrust he made, until only a little stretch of its purplish mass showed glistening and protruding from between his lips.

Sylvie could protest no more. She was so completely humiliated and shamed by what was happening that she only whimpered now and then as the harshly thrusting rod of Frank's cock plowed willfully into her widely-separated lips.