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“Please don’t.”

“Not that I’ve minded it. But I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I’m too young and dumb for you.”

“You are younger and smarter than I am.”

“I’m nineteen years old. Quick figurin’ says I’m twenty-five and ready for babies when you’re forty. And I’d be forty years old and still hot as a tamale when you’re fifty-five. And so forth. The difference is the same year to year, but the relativity of it gets smaller. God, I sound like Clint.”

“It’s not that, Mary Kate.”

“That I sound like Clint? I’m funnin’ with you, Mr. Former FAT agent. I know what you mean. You mean it’s not my age. So okay, then, what exactly is it?”

Hood slid the end table out of the way and unlatched the grate lid with his toe. He knelt and slid it open and looked in. “Move her right in, Charlie,” said Mike. “Party central.

“Who’s that?” asked Mary Kate.

Hood slammed the grate closed and set the latch and walked outside. “I want the best for you, Mary Kate. I want you to live and love and act and let your heart run free in the world. I want you to get your dreams. I’m sorry to sound so corny but I can’t say it better than that.”

“Dreams aren’t corny! And what if you’re one of my dreams?”

“Get a bigger one, Mary Kate.”

“It is me, then.”

They said nothing for a long while. Hood sat on the rock wall and looked out at the Devil’s Claws and the downy white clouds in the west.

“Okay, Charlie. I’ll put in for a dream upgrade but I’m still holding two tickets for you at will call. You bring whatever guest you want, and it can be a woman or a man.”

“I’ll be there.”

“I don’t want an upgrade, Hood.”

• • •

Hood applied for jobs online so as not to be drawn away from his duties, but the rough economy and his questionable terminations didn’t help. He did have a few thousand dollars left in the bank and wasn’t particularly worried. There were security positions listed often, as well as janitorial work and a veterinary hospital night-attendant job that ran in the Buenavista Beacon classifieds every week. He figured that the job was noisy and stinky and sleep-robbing and difficult to fill.

Accepting Owens’s offer to stand guard in his absence, Hood started leaving the house for an hour a day. He worked his way up to four and sometimes five-hour breaks. He’d go for a run or to the library and sometimes even a movie. He had the diamonds in his tooth removed and had his biannual periodontal cleaning. These excursions went without a hitch back home. His design of the vault, and the workmanship of the builders, had apparently been more than adequate. When he came home from hours away, Mike would sometimes glance up at him in irritation at the intrusion and continue his conversation with Owens, and sometimes ignore Hood altogether. The three had occasional conversations and drank some wine, Hood lowering the recorked bottle and a foam cup into the dungeon with a kite string. Of course Hood never entertained or invited anyone into his home, and at first he worried when the mailman came trundling up the road in his delivery Jeep. But the vault soundproofing was excellent and he would always leave the living room stereo on at some volume when he was gone. No calamities so far, though he truly missed Beth. Life was livable.

• • •

Mid-September Hood got a call from Erin with a dinner invite for the coming Saturday. The occasion was the nearly completed rebuilding of the barn. It would be her and Thomas, Owens, Reyes, Beatrice, the Little Chiefs from next door, and the contractor who’d done the barn, whom she said she hoped Hood would like. Hood’s antenna vibrated at this.

He drove out through the Imperial County heat and arrived at Valley Center well before sunset. The memories ganged up on Hood as always when he was here-and now he had the flamboyant shedding of Bradley’s past, his unsolved murder, and Beth’s departure to add to the canon. For a while they all sat in a circle on the thick grass in the shade of the big oak tree and let Thomas crawl from one pair of outstretched arms to another. He laughed and slobbered and the light in his eyes flared with young life.

Hood sipped a margarita and let Thomas climb on his crossed legs. The infant’s hands seemed remarkably small and well formed. Hood could hear the contractor, Jason, spitting away with a nail gun inside the barn, still “putting on the frosting,” as Erin put it. She said Jason had quoted six weeks for a complete rebuild, shown up with a three-man crew and brought the job in, under budget, in four weeks. Well, almost brought it in. She said he had some good ideas how to improve it, such as turning Bradley’s old bunker into a wine cellar. Hood saw him come through the barn door, a man with square shoulders and big safety goggles and thick blond hair held back in a bandana. Hood handed his margarita off to Owens and stood Thomas up in front of him and let the boy stand upright, clutching Hood’s thumbs for balance. Hood saw that Thomas had Erin’s lithe frame and Bradley’s head. Murrieta’s head. Don’t start, thought Hood. Don’t remember. William had it only half right. Sometimes the past is dead and should be.

They ate on the big porch. Hood sat next to Owens and they talked about everything but Mike. She was working again, doing a series of commercials for Hyundai, where she appeared to be piloting a two-hundred-and-fifty-horsepower sports coupe through the curves of California 1 near Big Sur. She never actually drove it, just got in and out. Tonight she wore a retro dress of big black polka dots on a white background, and shiny black bracelets that didn’t hide her scarred wrists. In the yellow glow of the bug lights her black hair looked touched by gold and Hood silently noted her beauty. He liked it that she wore her scars as trophies, not shames, because, as she had explained-she had finally chosen life.

Erin was more relaxed and happy than Hood had seen her since her kidnapping nearly a year ago. She’d gained a little weight. Reyes waited on her hand and foot, a hangover from the old days in Hood’s Buenavista home. Beatrice ate with some semblance of self-control. She’d gained seventy-five pounds since her release from the mine and had slowed down her intake accordingly. Fully nourished, her body had regained its natural proportions and she was a tall, strong, and handsome woman.

Jason the contractor joined them late at dinner and left the table early. He was followed to and from by the dogs. Hood figured he was middle twenties at most and he was well muscled and had an unusually deep, clear voice. He sat at the opposite end of the table from Erin, ignoring everyone except Betty Little Chief on one side of him and Beatrice on the other. He appeared more interested in his food than in the conversation and he only looked at Hood once. For Hood it was enough. Soon Jason was gone and Hood heard the nail gun firing away across the barnyard and he looked out at the light from inside the barn forming a trapezoid on the grass.

Hood filled his wineglass, then walked under the oak tree to the pond, then over to the barn. Inside Jason was nailing pegboard to the drywall where the quads were kept. Hood stepped in and looked around. The inside of the barn was almost completely restored and the workmanship looked very good. Jason stood with his back to Hood, not twenty feet from where Bradley had died. The dogs whirled and dashed over to Hood and panted and yapped but kept their distance as Bradley had trained them to do. Jason turned and pushed the safety goggles up onto his forehead. Call ran his big head under Jason’s hand.

“Nice work on the barn here,” said Hood.

Jason nodded and petted the dog. “Glad you like it.”