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Okay, so I was hoodwinking Jerome all that time, getting the journey organized oh-so-casually, but it was only for his own good. For the good of our marriage. Better yet, I could safely introduce Zoe as an old friend in Tijuana, then she could talk to him in person and size up the general prospects. And so off we went, bag and baggage, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ackroyd, typical Yankee tourists in search of sin and such. Some of which we found in the Blue Grotto, just enough to whet a true sinner's appetite. Although I was fast becoming convinced that my husband just didn't have the prerequisite sinful nature to begin with. Maybe I would do better dropping the scheme and starting from scratch.

Still, after coming this far, if I didn't try to get in touch with Zoe it would be a sign of weakness. Not that I was afraid of her, really, but my nerves did get a bit edgy once we got this close-not paranoid, just apprehensive. Which was why even the comparatively tame Blue Grotto had looked like a hangout for junkies and rapists and TV repairmen last night. For a while, at least, until I glanced around and saw all those other tourists peering at us in that same furtive way. Edgy or not, though, I couldn't chicken out on that phone call.

I rang her in the afternoon while Jerome was napping and got lucky the very first buzz. Zoe was overjoyed to hear from me after all this time; and of course we ought to get together as soon as possible. I gave her only a brief rundown on the plan to "corrupt" my husband, figuring on a more thorough airing later on; and could we all meet for a drink tonight?

Fine. Except that she wasn't free until late; wouldn't it be best if she just met us someplace? I suggested the Blue Grotto for no reason but its familiarity, and perhaps Jerome would feel complimented by my corroboration of his choice of nightspots. Anyway, we left it like that and I began getting nervous again. Only I didn't know just how much I had to be nervous about!

Late in the afternoon Jerome got a wire from his Mexico City office, things were in a mess there and could he come for a few days right away and finish his vacation later? He could, of course, but would probably be working day and night, so why didn't I remain here in Tijuana and see the sights till he got back? See the sights, but stay out of trouble, little girl. Oh shit, if he only knew! I had seen myself face to face in the Blue Grotto last night, my lesbian self, and the secret was becoming an awfully heavy burden, too heavy for one small wife to bear.

Once again I almost chickened out. Almost but not quite. Zoe and I hugged and kissed like old friends and then sat down and watched the show. With plenty of booze, natch. She didn't tell me what business she was in down here. Nor did I get around to any lengthy discussion of my husband. No, we just sat there and got drunk and felt each other up under the table and fell in love all over again. Just like that. Maybe it was the influence of the strippers that got me so darn sexy; Zoe knew them all by name and described their unseen talents to me during each act. Pretty soon I got darn near hot enough to duck under the table myself. Fingers were okay, but my mouth was parched for a sip of cunt, the genuine stuff. And I realized how much excitement had passed me by in the snug security of my marriage. Too much. A young kid like me?

"Zoe, I just decided something. I'm going to divorce Jerome and come live with you."

"Don't be a goddam fool. He's got money, hasn't he? And you'll get a chunk of it some day, right?"

"Uh-huh. A great big chunk."

"How's his health?"

"So-so. I think he's got some kind of heart condition."

"Kid? And you want to walk out on that? You only hit the jackpot once, baby, stick with this one. That's good advice."

"I, I suppose so. But never seeing you or hearing from you, "

“The hell you say. You'll be hearing from me plenty. And maybe seeing me, too, if it can be arranged. I'm on your side from now on, sweetie. I don't have that many rich friends, you know. Or rich lovers, that's for sure. Only you. And I'm going to wait it out with you, year by year. Or maybe just month by month, if we can find some way to speed things up a little."

I knew what she meant. That was all we said about it, but we both understood. It felt pretty weird to be sitting so calmly after such a bombshell. The murder of my own husband? Zoe was telling me about one of the strippers, the tall blonde, a German girl named Lorelei. She had a tongue that stretched a half inch beyond any other among the local lesbian belles; would I like to go backstage and meet her? My mind was still shaking after the bombshell and I just shrugged and dug a little deeper into the nice softness under the table. That helped. It helped even more when I pulled my hand out and stuck those nice cunty-wet fingers in my mouth and licked them clean. My mind was crisp and clear now; I knew exactly where I stood.

"Tastes better than ever."

"Yeah? Glad to have your expert opinion, kid."

"Darling, listen. You know what's going to happen when I get rich? The first thing I'm going to do? Buy you a ring, the biggest ruby ring in the world."

"It won't have to be that big. Just big enough. But if it comes from you… well… "


"Have it made up as a toe-ring. Yeah. And then you can go down on your knees and put it on me yourself."

"Hush. You'll have me creaming in my panties."

"Hey, let's have a party tonight. We'll invite the strippers, they're always great fun. The young redhead, Estrellita, that's her name, the one that bounces around like a cheerleader, she's got the tiniest cunt this side of the border. Cutest little thing, tight enough to squeeze your tongue, you know?"

"I like Pilar best."

"Spoken like a true cuntlapper. You've got good taste, kiddo. Come on, let's go backstage now and you can compliment Pilar yourself, she'll just love it. Vain bitch. And we'll see if they want to swing at a party later."

"Oh. Do you think we ought to, "

"Besides, the dressing room toilet is cleaner and more private than the public one. And believe me, I gotta go. Come on, wiggle your pretty ass, the least you can do is keep me company."

I knew only too well what that innocent remark meant. But I was already up and on my feet and wiggling my ass, no longer just a mere tourist in this sin-bin. About to meet the magnificent Pilar. And gorgeous Lorelei and little Estrellita with the cute cunt and that plump one, the peasant with the big tits, Carmen; oh shit, it was fun to get out of the tourist crowd. Backstage at the Blue Grotto, imagine! I only hoped the dressing room toilet was big enough for two. But of course it could be if Zoe had suggested the idea…

Just hidden from the audience, she swung around and stared into my eyes. Then she smiled slyly and I felt a hot-and-cold thrill streak through me as her words warmed my ear:

"When it happens, you know?, I'll have a little gift for you, too. No ruby, nothing elaborate. Just a pretty silver chain for your wrists."