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It was scary almost, but terribly exciting too as some of that sensation imparted itself to me. I felt a hand clutching way down deep, much deeper.than Jerome could possibly go, an artful hand that contracted and expanded maddeningly. And again I realized that everyone else must have been feeling it, too. I got the impression of bodies twitching all around me, twitching to the touch of hot fingers encroaching and squeezing intimately, the lascivious fury of the performance brushing against a thousand exposed nerves to create an atmosphere of hushed delirium…

The band slammed back in with a violent shock of sound, driving the dancer to an even higher level of activity. Her movements grew more frenzied and her body jerked crazily, leaning backward in arched abandon. There was beauty in it. But now it had become the beauty of raw emotion, an animal thing that went beyond the boundaries of civilization. She wasn't a lesbian anymore, she wasn't even human, she was just a female beast of the jungle copulating with the male of her species.

I hated that. But the invisible hand clutching my vitals never let up for an instant; it was unbearably real now as the inexorable contraction and expansion kept pace with the ever-increasing tempo of the onstage madness. Until my inflamed secret flesh seemed to be shipping itself into an irrepressible rage, about to spark and sizzle and explode right through the prison of my skin. Monstrous, absolutely monstrous, and I couldn't do a damn thing to slow it down!

Then, abruptly, Pilar came out of her distant trance and made contact with the audience again. It happened without warning, so swiftly that even the musicians missed their cue. All of a sudden she was a civilized woman once more, an artiste, a striptease dancer flirting gaily with the people who were paying good money for the privilege of seeing her perform. Her gait turned mincing and then swaggering, lewdly suggestive one moment and impudently disdainful the next, the act of an experienced stripper.

She took her flirtation pretty seriously, too, getting intimately involved with the men at the nearby tables after a while. One of them she grabbed and hauled in close to her body, bending down to mash her bosom against his laughing face. The laughter stopped as he put up a struggle, but her strong arms and smothering breasts held him captive until at last he quit fighting and moaned in token of total surrender, bowing to her will with a slight but visibly tremulous motion of his cheeks and chin. Above his half-hidden head she smirked and rolled her eyes shamelessly to let the amused audience know how much she was enjoying the unseen but obvious fruits of her victory.

All of that calmed me down, naturally, and I too became nothing more than a giggling spectator as she went from man to man using those big breasts of hers. Those big beautiful tits, first as a lure and then as a weapon. It was something to giggle at, too, except for the one time when she chose her foolish victim from the very next table, near enough so that I could sniff her perfume and see the tiny iridescent beads of perspiration on her skin. The poor dolt actually whimpered as her powerful hands pried his jaws apart and forced his buried mouth open. And then I shuddered and almost died of embarrassment as that big naked lesbian bitch winked right at me and pursed her thick lips in an obscene kissing gesture! Worse yet, she followed it with a flash of luridly glistening tongue that made me squirm again, doubly humiliated because of the undeniable surge of heat in my loins…

Chapter 3

Outside our hotel there was still plenty of activity in the street, the mixed shouts and strains of music floating up to catch my ear and interfere with my concentration. Not that I really needed to concentrate at that point; Jerome was doing fine down there all by himself. Down there between my legs. Just the same, though, this was no time to be thinking of other things.

His cheek brushed the skin of my thigh. I quivered involuntarily and my limbs went lax, twitching now and then in an irregular rhythm that seemed to stimulate him by its very inconstancy. Somehow I got the feeling that he was doing his best to follow that fitful, capricious cadence, and the more difficult the task, the better he liked it. I shifted my body in a lazy fashion, deliberately desultory.throughout the motion, making his chore even more complicated. It spurred him to greater effort, and he seemed almost abject in his anxiety to please me, the old darling, burrowing into my crotch as though every nook and cranny harbored some priceless pearl.

I wondered if the strip-show had affected him as much as it did me. Probably not. This was affecting him more, this sudden urge of mine, a demand he could never resist. Tired and sleepy as he might-have been, the dear boy had succumbed readily and without protest, offering his services willingly. Even hopefully! As if he feared a possible rejection after my clearly stated desire had whetted his appetite. Although he needn't have worried on that score, not tonight certainly. Rejection? Fat chance! If ever my cunt needed a good hot suck…

Anyway, he was doing just fine at the moment, satisfying himself with whatever appetizing delicacy I cared to dole out to him; oh yes, the guy was in love with all of me. His little Dana-baby was one sweet dish. So there was no great necessity for concentration on my part, not at this stage of the game, and I could afford to relax and simply flow with the tide. Or even rush with the torrent, if and when that minor miracle occurred.

Our hotel room was dark, but the drawn blinds were only small protection against the glare from outside. It penetrated the darkness in an ever-changing pattern, a multicolored blossom of light generated by a streetful of animated neon signs. Quite pretty, in a way, but garishly symbolic of the wicked city, a psychedelic sight to complement all that sexy noise out there. None of it came from the place we had just left, though, the Blue Grotto lay some distance beyond this centrally located area. But that was where my mind kept drifting, naturally, right back to the little hole-in-the-wall that had put me in this sultry mood.

The next performance had probably gone on by now, the last of the night, most likely, just the thing to leave all those poor bedazzled males in torment. Oh well, the desperate ones could always find a whorehouse. In this town, it was merely a matter of knowing which door to knock on; any bellhop or cabdriver would be glad to help. But could a whore ease that kind of frustration, a common whore after those distinctly uncommon strippers? It seemed pretty doubtful. Unless the man had imagination, of course, an ability to shut his eyes and fancy himself in more fortunate circumstances. And even that would be a sad substitute, like water after wine!, only how else could a mere male achieve intimacy with a seductive but oh-so-scornful lesbian?

If they were lesbians. But that was no longer in question, at least not to me; after all, hadn't I been the target of their attentions? Especially the dark one at the end, the star of the show, the arrogant bitch who had winked so brazenly while smothering that whimpering idiot half to death with her big soft tits. Pilar. Was she just as bossy backstage? Not so flagrantly, perhaps, but I'd have been willing to bet that the other girls respected her rank and bowed down accordingly. The youngster, for instance, the cute little redhead with all that bubbling enthusiasm, wouldn't she be prime material for an experienced lesbian to befriend and win over and then train as some sort of sex-slave? Pilar would use a kid like that for her own perverted pleasures. And get plenty of help indoctrinating her, no doubt, help from those two others.

The clumsy fat one was probably a slave already, obeying the star's orders even if only to keep her job. And. the tall blonde looked like the kind of woman who lived for sin and sensuality, a perfect partner-in-crime for the depraved boss. Maybe they were lovers from way back, the golden girl and the blue-black bitch; oh shit, wouldn't that be a sight to see? Too bad they couldn't put on that type of show, the two of them together, a pair of beautiful bawdy lesbians rolling around naked…