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"This. Just what I'm doing. Taking a leak. I used to have a rich old geezer who loved it."

"Oh. You mean he liked watching you?"

"Watching me? Hell no, this guy got into the act. I mean right into it, soaked, you know?, that was how he got his jollies."

"Hmph. There's no accounting for tastes, I suppose."

"I'll say. He used to pay me a small fortune, too, he liked the way I could get excited just doing it to him." The liquid rustle had ceased and Zoe was wiping her crotch brazenly, exhibiting no shame whatsoever. "Yeah, it always got me steamed up somehow, and I didn't even like the old bastard, how about that?"

"You, you didn't like him?"

"Oh, he was just another John to me. And you know how it is with us hookers, kiddo. We all get bored with men after a few years in the business. Hasn't that happened to you yet?"

"No… not really… "

She shrugged at that and then rose to get into the tub. I lowered the toilet lid and sat down upon it, feeling a bit more comfortable physically if not mentally. And pretty soon, as the conversation became less crude, I began to relax and just enjoy being there. Zoe was quite a talker, a yarn-spinner with a fine sense of humor; she knew dozens of jokes and anecdotes that kept me in stitches. I found myself liking her more and more, liking her just as a friend, of course, even though she had practically declared herself and was sizing me up as a prospective lover, no doubt. By this time I was fairly sure she wanted me in bed.

Curiously enough, I didn't mind that. My body was beautiful but hardly precious or untouchable, considering how many men had used it. After selling my flesh so often, couldn't I offer it to a friend for the sake of friendship? I may have been rationalizing, true, but by now the idea of a small gay affair between us seemed pretty much a foregone conclusion. Just being there with Zoe and feeling so relaxed was enough to make me want to come back again. I had found a friend and didn't dare risk losing her, not for such a minor thing as a little offbeat sex. And besides, hadn't I already made a decision about losing my innocence?

Strictly speaking, of course, I wasn't that innocent to begin with. I had been at least mildly intimate with a girl a couple of times, an almost inevitable stage in every youngster's development, both of us doing it with an experimental attitude. And since it hadn't meant much, well, I knew my own lesbian tendencies ran too shallow to worry about. I simply wasn't the type to get bored with men. So let it happen, I figured, whatever was in the cards for this relationship of ours, let it happen here and now.

Chapter 5

Immersed in the tub, Zoe' was soaping her breasts, big breasts with a mature sag, attractive although far from perfect. She frowned, wrinkling her nose in distaste. "Damn! I'm getting old. These tits of mine used to stand up like turrets. Oh well."

"They're still nice."

"Not like the old days, that's for sure. Like yours, for instance, I'll bet you've got a pair that would put mine to shame. Come to think of it, though, I've never really seen them. Without a bra, I mean. Hey, aren't you warm in here dressed like that? Come on, honey, strip down and get comfy. Let me have a look at you."

"Oh… it's not that warm."

"Do it, kiddo, just for me. Please? Yeah, I'll bet you've got gorgeous tits. Unless maybe it's all padding, huh?"

"No padding. I'm for real."

"Show me, show me."

How could I deny her such a trivial thing? Somehow it seemed like a simple and natural request that merited an equally simple and natural reply. I shed my blouse and then my bra and sat there on the toilet lid with pardonable pride, basking in the compliments she immediately tossed my way.

Then, after the burst of flattery, "Touch them, kid. Rub your nipples a little, make those cute little buttons pop right up and get stiff. Go ahead, I want to see you like that." And in a casual tone, almost an afterthought, "I've got a hunch you and I are going to be good buddies, you know? I don't mean just in a sexy way, either. I mean real pals."

It was as if she had been reading my mind, and I practically melted on the spot. Automatically, my hands glided up to my breasts, caressing the nipples to hard peaks. It felt nice, but that was just a normal reaction, not a lesbian response; actually, my sole thought was to please my new-found friend.

"Zoe? Like this?"

"Can't you make them any bigger?"

"Not much."

"Maybe you need a little help." She climbed out of the tub and started drying herself with a bath towel. "C'mere, honey, do my back, will you?"

I moved toward her quickly, jumping up from my seat to reach for the towel. But she shifted slightly and I ran smack into her naked body instead. And then once again she was kissing me, the taste of her mouth vaguely reminiscent of alcohol and perfume. It was a gentle kiss this time and I let my lips go soft and pliant to allow her questing tongue to creep in. The tongue became an ingenious delight, darting back and forth and around and around and never coming to rest. I gasped for breath and felt a dragging sensation in my loins, aware of how sexy the kiss was but even more impressed by its sweetness. I couldn't smell the alcohol anymore, only the perfume. The blend of woman and woman. The taste of woman and woman. There was something sugary and delicious and terribly overwhelming about it…

With apparent purpose, her kiss slid down to seize upon one of my nipples. To make it bigger? She sucked avidly, her moist lips and open mouth forming a busy vacuum with that delightful tongue in the middle. To me it felt just great, but I couldn't tell whether her effort was succeeding or not. It must have, though, because she made a little chuckling noise in her throat and transferred her attentions to the other nipple. And right then and there I recognized the instantly noticeable difference between the two! Although I could already sense this second effort of hers bringing them both into balance.

A moment later she pushed me away, her hands strong and firm on my shoulders. I thought she was going to kiss me again, kiss my lips, kiss me and stick that big hot tongue in my mouth, but she just stood there like that and we leaned closer and closer until at last our breasts were touching. Bare breasts, nipple to nipple, touching and grazing and moving just enough to make each contact a feathery caress.

"Nice, huh? You've got terrific tits, kid." Zoe's hands slipped from my shoulders, one dropping down to attack the zipper of my skirt. "Great legs, too, but I want to see all of you."

"Oh… "

"I want to see your pussy."

"Please don't-"

"You've seen mine, right? Okay, so now it's time we got a peek at yours. Only I'm going to do more than just look, honey, especially if it's as pretty as the rest of you. And I'm damn sure it is, too. But if that's the case, I'm going to suck it. Fair warning. Okay? Of course, if your cunt is ugly… "

It all sounded a bit silly, standing there and discussing the relative prettiness or ugliness of the female sex organ. A vagina is a vagina, hardly an object of beauty! But I didn't stop her from tugging on the zipper. And when the skirt tumbled, I shoved my panties right down along with it.

That broke the contact of our breasts. Mine felt all swollen and huge, the nipples like hard round pebbles. Due for a small compliment, I assumed, since that was how it had all begun. By the same token, so was my now-nude pubic area due for some flattery; that too was part of the strange scene we were playing. But there were no compliments, no words of flattery, only an embrace that was pulling me downward toward the floor, pulling and positioning and arranging my body for greater intimacy.

"Zoe? What-"

"I want it, I want that cunt of yours. Like I said, kid, I'm going to suck it. Suck you off, that's what."

"But, but can't we… uh… the bed… "

"Right here. Now. Turns me on, the bathroom, you know? I told you I was kind of freaky, remember?"