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"Oh, oh, ooohhh, I'm cumming," she screamed. "I'm cummmiiinnnggg now!" and a great whirlwind of release picked her up as she arched her back and rose to meet the waves of orgasm as they slapped deep at her very being, sending her into a psychedelic rapture, colors everywhere, smashing at her senses like huge waves in a cataclysmic storm.

She could feel Martin rise up in his own climax. "AAaarrgghhhhhh," he groaned, his face contorted in ecstatic pain as the balloon of sperm in his balls burst and hurled floods of white hot lava deep into her writhing belly. He kept thrusting his great cock into her, cumming in spurts, each one like a long, snaking whip beating a spastic rhythm on his quivering buttocks. She could feel his pelvis slam into her one final time as he emptied the last of his lewd, flowing semen into her for the second time today. He fell on top of her in collapse. He knew that he could do this ten times a day, and definitely planned on fucking this hot little bitch again and again before this weekend was over.

They lay still for a few minutes, neither saying anything, but only listening to their exhausted breathing and the light slap of waves against the boat that they had set to rocking in its mooring. Finally Martin got up.

"Here," he said, handing her the clothes that she had dropped hurriedly to the chair. "I want to see something." Not suspecting the slightest what was in store for her, Janet obediently dressed. Martin had seen Greg and Darleen at the porthole because he had know that the younger man would be there. Darleen had devised the plan, knowing that she would be able to take Greg, if he could see his wife with Martin.

The planning required that Martin now take Janet into the house, where Darleen would be giving Greg the working over of his life. Once the younger couple had both experienced the sight of the other in an unfaithful embrace, there would be no more obstacles for the two experienced swappers. They could then use them in any perverted way they so desired.

Martin did not have to wait for Janet. She dressed quickly. She wanted to get out of the boat house and back to the main cabin, where she could safely be with Greg. She did not want him to know what she had been doing. Her watch was in her purse. She did not realize that they had been alone for almost forty five minutes. She did not dream that Darleen might be making her move for Greg so soon.

Nearly blinded by the bright afternoon sun, she stopped for a moment outside the boathouse. Martin was patient. He knew what was coming and savored each extra moment. Darleen would be sure to hold the young man back until her husband could bring the unsuspecting young girl into the house and see what was taking place. He knew, she was a monster at that sort of thing.

"Don't be surprised at what we find up there," Martin said to her as they came up the path. "I'll bet Greg and Darleen have been going at it too."

She straightened her hair as best she could with her hands. "Why, they were unloading the car," she said innocently. "Besides, you know Greg better than that."

"For almost an hour. Don't be an idiot. And remember, he's human too."

Janet decided that Greg could not be so weak as to submit to another woman. He loved her and had proved it by trying to steal for her, and by his understanding that she had not been unfaithful by going to bed with Martin. It had been forced on her.

"Quiet," he said opening the back door. "We don't want to disturb the lovers just in case you're wrong."

Janet was angry that he should even be insinuating such things. She followed him silently into the house. There was no sound in the kitchen or living room. She looked up the stairs toward the balconied bedroom that hung overhead. The waves on the beach rushed onto the sand with the surging power of the sea. Their wet crashing impact was all that she could hear.

Suddenly her ears picked up the distinct humming sound that she knew could be imitated in only one way, the way she had heard herself as she had been trained to suck Martin.

Quietly the couple walked up the stairs, careful not to make any noise. At the top Janet's eyes first came upon a large orange and brown painting of a couple in copulation. Ugly, she thought first, before seeing what was going on below the picture.

There, through the open door of a bedroom on a huge king-sized bed, were Greg and Darleen, locked in the same obscene, but exciting, sixty-nine position she and Martin had almost devoured each other in, a few short minutes before. Darleen was upside down astride Greg, her loins pressed tightly down over his face as he licked and chewed hungrily at her wet, open pussy. Her head was bent and she had wrapped her lips tightly around his cock. It was hardened, she could see as Martin's wife bobbed her head up and down in an age old sexual rhythm, to a size she had never thought possible. Greg had never been so huge, so huge and excited as he obviously was at that moment. This could not be her husband, she thought in sudden confusion, and if Darleen had not momentarily lifted her grinding loins to expose the glistening passion-crazed face of Greg, his young trembling wife would never nave believed it.

The huge bed was rocking and groaning with their movement as they twisted and turned in wild abandoned rhythm, their bodies appearing as some great headless four-legged monster thrashing about in the last desperate throes of death.

Martin smiled triumphantly and handed the younger girl a glass. She knew instinctively that he had probably filled it with the same passion inciting liquid he had given her before, but right now it didn't matter. Her breathing had stilled slightly and her heart seemed to be beating high in her throat. Instead of being repulsed and horrified by the lewd spectacle of her husband and another woman locked in the unnatural embrace of oral love, she was becoming strangely excited by it.

She lifted the glass to her lips and watched the couple perform. Martin sat on the bed beside them and leaned over, tapping Darleen on the shoulder, she released her grip on the young man's cock and turned to look at her husband. He made the "V" for victory sign and she smiled, then turned back to the twitching cock of the young man below her. He continued to suck at her, inserting his tongue deep into her yearning vagina, teasing the soft pink flesh as he rotated it lasciviously back and forth.

"Hmmmmmmmmmm," she hummed on, starting to add a little beat to it as she felt Martin's hand begin to slap her lightly on the buttocks in a definite musical rhythm.

Janet listened, intent on the musical fluctuations of Darleen's vibrating vocal chords. She saw Martin slipping off his trousers after he drained the glass that he had been drinking. He had not put his shirt back on after leaving the boathouse and was quickly naked. She picked the glass off the bed and put it on the table. The glass had become hot to her touch. She knew it wasn't the liquid, because she was drinking the same thing herself. It had to be her own sense of heightened touch. She had become supersensitive to everything.

She watched as Martin began toying with the cleavage between the soft rounded moons of Darleen's buttocks. No, Janet, thought, the potion now having taken effect. That's mine. He is mine now. She started to take off her blouse, and stood to remove her shorts. Her eyes looked down at Greg as he turned his head, gasping to get a little extra air. He looked at her, recognizing her, but giving no sign. She was just another naked woman to him now, and she would not let him get away with screwing Darleen, she would get hers too. She jumped on Martin's back.

He started to buck her off, but stopped when he felt her fingernails run down his backside and between his legs. She had gone wild. Like a savage animal, she was completely taken into the lustful battle that raged on the huge bed.