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"They should be here in a few minutes," Martin told Peter Grant. "We told them to meet us at ten."

"I'm looking forward to it," the shorter man replied. "If she's everything you say, we should have a real ball."

"Don't leave me out," Deborah interrupted. "Darleen told me that Greg is a man to be reckoned with in bed."

"That's true," Martin said. "She said that he hardly knew a thing when they first started. But by eight o'clock Sunday night I was starting to get a little jealous. He really put it to her. He seemed to be some sort of sleeping beauty. It just took the right teacher to get him to wake up," he said, putting his arm around his wife's shoulder and looking at her like a father whose daughter had just won a scholarship.

"Where's Monroe," Darleen asked. "I wouldn't want him to miss out on the fun for all the world."

"Don't worry," their host said, smiling. "He has been thinking about it all day and is really ready. I only hope she isn't too shocked by his looks. He's not what you'd call a handsome man."

Monroe watched them laugh from a distance. He knew that they were talking about him but didn't mind the laughter. If it pleased Peter to laugh about him, then it was alright. After all, none of them had ever done anything to hurt him.

He grinned and turned to the door as it opened. A beautiful young woman, her blonde hair piled high in ringlets entered the club, a young man about the same age right behind her. Monroe had never seen them before and suspected they were the new couple.

"I'm Mr. Richards," the man said hesitantly as his gaze wandered around the club. "We're supposed to meet the Kellys and Mr. Grant here."

Monroe smiled. His wide mouth spread hideously across his rough face. This was the girl they had told him about, he thought. Mr. Grant is a God. Never before had he met a girl like her. And now, thanks to his employer and friend, he would have her tonight.

"Please," he said. "This way." He led them toward the two couples standing near the dark curtain. A few of the diners lifted their heads to watch the girl in the baby blue cocktail dress as she and her husband followed the ugly giant across the room.

Greg laughed a greeting to Martin and they were introduced to the Grants. Monroe left them alone, not wanting to seem as if he were imposing.

"Who was that bruiser at the door," Greg asked.

"My bodyguard. He's most helpful."

"I don't think I have ever seen a more ugly man in my life," Janet said, genuinely in awe of the huge man, but trying to seem sophisticated at the same time.

Peter told them Monroe's story as they walked behind the curtain to a large door. He took out his key and unlocked the double lock, then motioned them to ascend the staircase.

The men talked while Janet thought about the bodyguard who had seemed so polite. He acted somehow as if he had been waiting for her especially. Of course, he probably had special instructions to meet them at the door and take them to Peter Grant. She always enjoyed being watched by men, but not leered at. He's just a dumb animal, she thought, pushing the sudden anxiety from her mind. He meant no harm.

She had no idea what the party was going to be. She had supposed it would be a dinner party in the private rooms above the main club. She had heard Greg speaking with Martin about the excellence of the upper rooms. Though Greg had changed a great deal in the last few days, she thought his enthusiasm was for the food Martin had told him about. Greg said nothing to her when she had casually asked during the drive to the Tomb.

It must be special, perhaps a surprise. She knew she would spend the night in bed with Martin after they left. It was obvious and she didn't really mind it. Once or twice a week for a few weeks wouldn't hurt. Greg didn't object, but seemed to look forward to being with Darleen. If that was the case, then she should not object, but make the most of whatever would come of the night.

At the top of the stairs they entered the first door on the right. The room was blue, covered with drapes. Four other couples sat on red pillows on the floor. The men rose as they entered. One by one Peter introduced the newcomers to the special club members. Most of the men were about Martin's age, or a few years younger. The women were in their late twenties and exceptionally beautiful.

It was apparent to her that they were all affluent. The men all wore black ties and tuxedos, as did Greg, but theirs seemed to fit better and they wore them more comfortably.

Everyone held a tall frosted glass. A waiter brought a tray and Janet took a glass. It was filled with a light red liquid that tasted much like punch, but with a strange, haunting sweetness to it. "What is it," she asked Martin.

"Something from the islands. It will do you no harm," he said, then added with a warning smile, "but watch out for the kick."

Janet didn't understand why he laughed. Surely he wouldn't think of spiking this punch as he had done to her earlier. They could not possibly do something like that in a place where all these wealthy and important people congregated.

Later, when everyone had gotten to know each other, she heard Peter talking to the huge bodyguard. "I think we are ready," he told Monroe who stood by the door. The bodyguard walked into the hall and locked the door at the top of the stairs and then locked the door to the room from the inside. He stood like a statue and nodded to his employer. Peter took a seat and spoke with Martin. She didn't hear what he said, but thought it had something to do with either Monroe or the door. He nodded several times in that direction and the two men laughed.

Monroe knew what the two men were talking about. He was pleased that so much notice was being paid to him tonight. He would be the center of attention and wanted to perform well in order to please Peter. He looked at the girl that would soon be his and smiled inwardly to himself. Yes, he would please his boss very, very well tonight.

His large hairy hand turned the dial beside him and the lights dimmed to almost darkness.

"Tonight has a special treat for us donated by none other than Martin and Darleen themselves." Peter Grant said from his sitting position. As he spoke one of the curtains parted, displaying a large white screen. Janet turned as she heard a curtain open behind her, exposing a motion picture projector. Monroe walked to the machine and turned it on.

Janet took another large sip of her drink. The glass was almost empty. She had never tasted anything like it. It was like a mixture of strawberry and cantaloupe. A waiter took her glass and handed her another without her asking then passed the tray to the other guests as they replaced their empties with the glasses he gave them.

Lights flashed on the screen. A small whirring sound came from behind her as she listened to Peter. "We have two new members with us tonight. You have met them. And now you are about to see them in action." Janet did not quite hear what he said but she gathered that he had been speaking about her and Greg by all the turned heads that looked in their direction.

Martin knew exactly what Peter meant. The light from the screen reflected on his lewdly grinning teeth. This was going to be fun he chuckled. Really fun.

Janet watched the white sands of a familiar California beach roll across the screen and felt herself becoming extremely light headed. She gave a puzzled look down at the drink. No, she thought, shaking her head. He wouldn't dare do it here. Besides he was never near the drinks. He couldn't know which one would be mine.

Deep in thought about the drink, she didn't notice the house on the screen. She looked up when she heard Peter speak. "You will all recognize Martin's beach house. Everyone here has been there at one time or another. With the exception of these introduction shots, this whole film was shot last weekend. It took a lot of work getting it developed in time for tonight."