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Janet looked about her. The couples were swaying gently to the soft Indian sitar music that now flowed through the room. It was like a sacrifice. She was the most innocent of the group and they were going to change her, make her exactly like them, perverted, insane with sexual desires.

Her future flashed before her as she looked into the dark, far away eyes of her husband and her friends. There was no escape. She knew that no matter what she would try to do, they would have a hold on her. It was no use, no use at all.

The music sounded louder to her. A faint drum and sitar played in the melodic undertones of the new music of the twentieth century. She was on an altar, her innocence about to be slaughtered in sacrifice to the ritualized sex cult of the new age.

Tears filled her eyes. Once she had wanted children. After tonight, she, like the rest of the couples, would have no children. No woman would be able to face a child, knowing that she had done what she was about to do.

If the act had been totally forced upon her, such as rape, she might have survived, but she knew she would willingly consent. Tears involuntarily streamed down her face and she found herself actually wanting Monroe to take her with all his ugliness, all his brute strength, right in front of these people. She wanted him as she must have wanted Martin, as she would want so many other faceless men in the years to come.

She uttered a silent prayer for herself as the giant bent to kiss her. His yellow teeth shown from under his dark mustache. His breath was strangely sweet. He must have made a point not to offend her and seemed almost like a child to her, doing what he knew would feel good, doing what he had been summoned to do.

She made no sound as his heavy lips sensuously caressed her neck. The aphrodisiac accented the touch of his hairy lips upon her skin, her legs weakened as he leaned his body on top of her.

The huge swollen prick was lying against her thigh almost reaching to her waist. Its size outlined against her flesh frightened her. Perhaps, not knowing what he was doing, he would kill her with his monstrous weapon. It would be impossible for her to take such a massive cock into her. God, she moaned in her half conscious state, she would be split open and she prayed silently that pain might black her out, then she would not have to remember what happened when her reason returned and with the reason, the horrible, horrible guilt of the leering faces around her.

She looked at the swaying eyes as they stared through the dim light. She could see her image reflected on their glazed pupils. The couples silently sipped at their drinks.

Her husband looked down at her with a detached interest, his interest in her was not her plight, but what the sight of her with another man would do to excite him. He smiled as Deborah slid her hand between his legs and played with the soft flesh surrounding the base of his erect penis. He was like a total stranger.

Janet stared at him. It was not her husband at all and he could never be again. For them, marriage would only be a partnership in adultery. She accepted the fact with a foreboding shudder of the future and turned her attention back to the Goliath on top of her.

What the hell, flickered through her shattered mind. If that's what the bastards, including Greg, want then give 'em a show they'll never forget!

Monroe was too excited by her beauty to control himself. He did not know what to do and was surprised and grateful when the beautiful girl he held started to gently scratch the small of his back with her nails. He wanted to get inside her at once and feel the sweet warmth of her pussy clasping around him but she was so small, he was afraid he would hurt her.

Then, unexpectedly she rose to a sitting position beside him. He looked at her while he leaned on one arm. He did not know what she wanted. He turned his head to find Peter, hoping that the little man would have some advice for him, some word to guide his next move. But he needed no next move.

Janet gently pushed at him, so that he would lie on his back. The giant obeyed like a small child. She closed her eyes and tried to smile, hiding her disgust at the ugliness of his innocent face. She doubted if a face like his even held the intelligence to add simple figures. They were both nothing but playthings of the group. They were to perform, or be thrown to the lions of loneliness and so they obeyed.

She straddled his chest and touched her lips to his neck. He had no foul odor as she might have imagined. He was clean, and though his hands were rough, his skin was as soft as any man's might be. As she worked her way down his body with her lips she could see his muscles straining, holding back.

She slid her body further down as she toyed, teasingly with her teeth at the hair around his nipples. His entire body was covered with thick, black hair, though not as much as many men she had seen and it strangely excited her in a primeval, animalistic way.

She could see the power of Greek Gods in the muscles that strained beneath his tight skin. Suddenly her rear end bumped into his upward straining shaft of flesh. The head was white hot and she felt for a moment as though she had been burned. All the eyes in the room were intently glued to her now. They had expected to witness a wild, brutal ravishment and her sudden assent and participation had stirred their perverse expectations even more.

Without a sound the huge man started to roll his body so that she slid off and for a moment she was again afraid, too afraid to notice the heat welling up inside her. Monroe saw that her nipples were erect and knew that he would excite her as he had frightened her. Every woman that he had had in the last few years was as excited as she was afraid of his huge bulk and strength. But somehow this one was different. He could feel that her fear was not entirely of him, but of something in their audience. His unresponding brain could not determine what.

She lay on her back. Her husband and the others watching and waiting in excited expectation. She knew now that he had been to the club already, probably since Sunday. She knew that he had knowledge of what was to take place on the stage and vowed that she would revenge herself on him now if she could only stand the shame and humiliation of doing it in front of all these leering faces.

The giant leaned over and straddled her. His fingers stroked the moist lips of her vagina. He wanted to be sure that she was already rising in desire. He needed to be assured that she wanted him and was ready when he took her. The pain would be too great otherwise.

Instead of leaning forward and kissing her as she expected, the huge bodyguard began to shuffle forward on his knees, one straddling each side of her body. Her face was as close to the giant's pulsating cock as she had been. It swayed from side to side as he moved forward like a cripple, inching slowly on his knees, his body erect.

He leaned forward and placed his hands on the pillow above her head. The cock was now dangerously close to her face. Her mouth hung open at the sight of it. Her amazement did not cease. Such a penis should belong to no man, and it didn't. It belonged to the animal that leaned over her. He moved a few inches backward until his balls rested on her belly.

The huge, crimson head rested in the cleavage between her breasts. All eyes in the room looked at the gigantic reclining log. Slowly the big man began to rock slightly. She could feel the soft tickling sensation from the hair of his testicles as they seemed to roll across the flesh of her chest and stomach. They were huge and unexpectedly heavy. It's been a long time for him she thought, knowing that they must be filled to the brim with eager, but dormant sperm.

Her skin tingled at the touch. The great log moved between her breasts and she lifted her hands to their sides. She pressed her firm full breasts toward each other so that the shaft became almost invisible between them when he rocked backward.