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  You did not have time to release the straps!

  And the shield turned out to be defective,

  And evil fascism fraternized with the Yankees!

  It became unequal, cruel war,

  At least I'm a man: I cry bitterly!

  As if in trouble we dive to the bottom,

  After all, luck has disappeared from the Fatherland!

  To God my exclamation: the Almighty for what!

  You separated me from my beloved maiden!

  Even in the cold did not wear a coat,

  And for three adversaries, after all, she beat!

  Doesn't she deserve it?

  Meet victory with me with flowers!

  Generously bake pies for the holiday,

  And I will come to the parade with Natasha!

  The stern Lord answered gloomily:

  Who in the world is happy, who is well?

  Will suffer, and the flesh will groan with pain,

  After all, humanity is vile, sinful!

  Well, then when I come in glory,

  I will throw into Gehenna who is not worthy to live!

  I will resurrect your virgin and you,

  The best then will not want a share!

  The Komsomol girls applauded with great enthusiasm and fervour. That's how they like this song.

  One of them asked Slavka:

  - Do you like to lick?

  The young man replied with a smile:

  - Certainly!

  The girl yelled:

  - So let's lick our pussies!

  After that, Slavka had to kneel down and selflessly work with her tongue.

  The girl purred with pleasure and sang:

  The fatherland gave us a ray of freedom,

  Endless ocean of love...

  Peoples merge into a bright beam,

  A whirlwind of cool blood is raging!

  Yes, the girls, if they sang, then nothing will ever stop them. And let's throw bare toes with deadly force, very destructive grenades. And they exploded and destroyed numerous Nazi soldiers.

  Slavka tweeted:

  - The troops are ready ma'am,

  We will destroy everyone!

  Natashka giggled, she was the commander here and barked:

  White army, black baron,

  The royal throne is being prepared for us again...

  But from the taiga to the British seas

  The Red Army is the strongest of all!

  So let the red one squeeze imperiously,

  Your bayonet with a callused hand...

  And we should, irresistibly,

  Go to the last, mortal battle!

  The girls exclaimed in unison:

  - And we really like it!

  And then one of them exposed the nipple of the chest, and how it thrashes, on German planes with deadly lightning. And it really is an extremely brutal impact!

  Natasha sang:

  Boldly comrades in step,

  Strengthen our spirit in the fight...

  To distant happiness the road

  Let's breastfeed ourselves!