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Manuel II was the author of numerous works of varied character, including letters, poems, a Saint's Life, treatises on theology and rhetoric, and an epitaph for his brother Theodore I Palaiologos.

(Taken from Wikipedia: )

[8] The title of member of higher orders of clergy in Russian Orthodoxy

[9] If you, the hierarchs and theologians of Jesus’ churches, over the last 1300 years haven’t recognized Mohammed as a prophet of a true religion, why haven’t you shown the falseness and failure of the Koran doctrine then? This is a real hypocrisy towards Jesus.

[10] The term “sons of Allah”, if used only to Muslims, is inappropriate, and can be not used save metaphorically and moreover outside the Muslim culture. Koran, Sura 112 “Sincerity (of Belief)” tells:

1. Say: He is God, the One and Only. 2. God, the Eternal, Absolute; 3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; 4. And there is none like unto Him!

Used Yusufali’s translation.

[11] And what about those who didn’t have money for ransom? Did the Church provide money for their liberation? Or did they stay slaves for the rest of their life?

[12] John, 14:6.

[13] 14. “And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: 'The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation. 15 ‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! 16. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. 17. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. 18. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see” (Revelation, or Apocalypses, ch. 3).

[14] Using “English Standard Version” taken from

[15] We are sure that here is a real forgery. The matter was about the Kingdom of God, rather than of Heaven. One can find grounds for this in our works: “Towards God’s Kingdom…”, “«Master and Margaret»: a Hymn to Demonism? Or the Gospel of the Covenantless Faith” (One can find them in Russian at , ).

[16] That’s a sort of private agreement of “dividing the congregation”. Moreover, such words are being told for several last years, regardless of the fact that in the past a stupid following traditions hadn’t let to find and solve problems of social development. That was the very cause of the Russian Empire break-up and made possible an epoch of undisguised atheism spreading.

[17] We cite Koran mainly based on Shakir’s translation replacing the Arabic word “Allah” with the English word “God” and the word “shaitan” with “satan” (he shouldn’t be written form the capital letter). Sometimes we place our commentaries or compile different translations into one – the most adequate.

Taking in consideration the particularity of Arabic language and the sophisticated subtext of Koran itself, its translations into other languages are far from being perfect either concerning the style of Arabic, which is generally impossible to be translated, or concerning the meaning of the text, if a translator concentrates at the style. Interpreters tend to express their own understanding of Koran, diverging from original. That’s why all the Koran translations are somehow inadequate and the reader should trap out the point without dignifying this or that translation as a divine canon.

One should keep in mind that the culture of the society and Mohammed’s personality became the factors, restricting the possibilities of perceiving information, presenting from Above. Lots of vitally important things are described indirectly in Koran, because of the fact that its contemporaries couldn’t understand them within the frames of their culture with the lack of worldview. That’s why it is useless to look for direct answers for the questions of today life in the texts of Koran and its translations. And it’s much more stupid to hedge off from the life with Koran, and moreover with Shariat and commentaries on it.

Nevertheless, those who sincerely desire to get keys to the vitally important questions can find them in Koran. He or she just should have a wish: God answers to people’s appeals besides the formality of this or that religious ritual. He speaks with people with a language of life’s circumstances, confirming the Truth and revealing the falsehood and outrageous lie. And that’s the real ethical proof of His existence given by Him to everyone who is attentive and able to think and get free of prejudices. (Look for the book of IP USSR “Dialectics and Atheism: Two Incompatible Essences”)

[18] Mohammed informed his contemporaries in Byzantine about his mission in the written form, but they preferred to ignore the theological speeches with a “barbarian”, having created a background for the Byzantine collapse.

[19] This regards all those who pay to much attention to this subject in modern mass media.

[20] Marked out with bold by us when citing. To call other people to the guidance within God’s Providence considering circumstances of real life – that’s what traditional Islam representatives avoid, and Islamic radicals don’t know how to do and don’t what to study. The same is for Koranic recommendation “Take to forgiveness and enjoin good and turn aside from the ignorant!”

[21] Marked out with bold by us when citing. This is the direct evidence of the fact, that it is unacceptable to spread Islam by compulsion and intimidation. Those who don’t follow this, should read Koran, understand its point and correlate it to the life of his society and the life of the whole humankind.

[22] This regards contemporary Muslim extremists desiring to distribute their own version of historically set Islam. And the answer to them – is the following sentence of the same Sura.

[23] The word “Hanif” origins from the verb “hanifa” that means “to tend (to the right way)”.

[24] Practically, the new Testament – is not the statement of Jesus Christ’s creed by his learners, but four biographic references about the life of Jesus Christ among the people + the apostles writings about philosophic and theological issues. And all was censored by founding fathers of the Christian churches and their supervisors from “the world backstage” of that time.

[25] This is the Koran appeal to those, called the “world backstage”; and to those who overtop rabbinate and masonry.

[26] The word “kashrut” means in Hebrew “applicable/useful”. This word symbolizes the system of permissions and prohibitions of Judaism regarding different kinds of food. Later this notion distributed on all spheres of Jew’s life.

[27] “The planners” – this is how the nearest so-called fellow campaigners of Jesus Christ – his apostles – are presented in Koran. Koran was sent in the 7th century, by this time all the dodges – the distortions of Jesus’ teaching – had already formed the basis of traditions of historically set Christianity. The founders of Jesus Christ’s churches were sure that they would never be unmasked. But then emerged Koran and all their “dodges” were revealed. Actually, God is the best of all planners.