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Nick groaned. Leon was a sadistic bastard, for sure. The cock ring was sure to keep him from coming anytime soon.

"You don't like that?" Leon asked, humor lacing his husky voice.

"I like it fine, Sir," Nick answered obediently.

"Sure you do. Did you think I was looking for a quick fuck?

I told you they call me The Black Devil. I earned that name."

"I'm sure you did," Nick muttered, which earned him a slap to the tip of his dick, making him wince and quickly apologize.

"Seems you need to be taught a lesson or two." Leon gripped Nick's shoulder and moved him to the center of the room.

Oh, crap. Maybe he'd gotten in over his head. The possibility this guy was into some real hard-core shit hadn't crossed his mind. Sure, he liked being dominated, but as Leon reached up and pulled down the suspension bar, Nick had a few reservations pop up.

As Leon lifted first Nick's right hand, then his left, and strapped him to the bar with padded leather cuffs, he took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves. It was okay. He could do this.

Leon pulled the chain that lifted the bar, and Nick had little choice but to raise his hands over his head. Leon clicked the latch into place to hold him. Nick's arms were nearly straight over his head, bent only slightly at the elbows.

But then Leon nudged Nick's feet apart and bent to attach a spreader bar to Nick's ankles with more soft cuffs. With his legs spread wide, he was stretched out. He could still stand flat-footed, but it wasn't exactly comfortable on his shoulders.

"Breathe," Leon commanded.

Nick let out a gust of air he hadn't realized he'd been holding.



"Good." Leon flicked his fingertip over Nick's cock, which had lost its erection. "I like my boys a little scared of me.

Makes it more fun."

Nick was far from being a "boy", but he kept the thought to himself. At almost forty, he thought he'd done and seen it all. He'd been strapped up to this device before, but never with a stranger holding all the power.

Leon disappeared behind him, and Nick closed his eyes, breathing slow and deep. Excited? Yes. Scared? Damn straight. Looking forward to whatever this man had in store?

Oh, yeah!

The nip of the flogger cut through his thoughts, and he grunted in surprise. It hadn't been that hard, but he'd not been expecting it. His ass heated as the sting wore off. The second time the strike landed, he was more prepared and kept quiet. His cock stirred back to life as heat radiated from the lash marks. The third strike was harder than the previous two, and he fisted his hands around the suspension bar. It was good. Very good. Leon knew exactly how to use the flogger, not striking the same spot twice.

Slap, slap, slap. Leon found a rhythm with the strikes.

Lower back, ass, thigh. Slap, slap, slap. Other thigh, side, ass.

Nick threw his head back and moaned as his cock throbbed, seeking release that wouldn't come because of the tight leather strap.

"More?" Leon asked in that deep baritone.

"Yesss..." Nick hissed.

"No. You're enjoying it a little too much."

Fuck. He groaned and pulled himself up slightly with the bar, stretching his shoulders. Nick heard more rummaging through the drawer behind him, and all he could do was wait.

He could have turned if he so wished, but now that he knew the big guy wasn't going to permanently injure him, he preferred to wait in anticipation of the next punishment Leon would mete out.

The sound of lubricant splurting reached him. He licked his lips. Would Leon fuck him now? Give him that big black cock?

God, he hoped so.

"You seem experienced, so I chose the largest size," Leon said from right behind him. "You think you can handle it?"

Nick's brain didn't register what Leon was talking about until cool, slippery silicone pressed against his ass. A butt plug.

"Answer me, boy."

"Yes. Yes, Sir. I can handle it."

The silicone stretched his anus but caused no pain as it smoothly slid into him. He groaned as it pressed against his prostate. His cock jumped, pulsed. If it hadn't been for the cock ring, he'd be coming.

"You do have one fine-looking ass," Leon said. "Hell, all of you is pretty fucking fantastic." Leon's big, long-fingered hand caressed the still heated flesh on Nick's ass, squeezing, petting, rubbing, making the plug move ever so slightly in and out.

Nick dropped his head forward and pressed his butt into Leon's hand for more.

A quick slap made him jerk in surprise, and Leon's husky laugh sent a shiver over Nick's skin.

"Greedy little slut, ain't ya?"

"Yes, Sir. Greedy for you."

"Good answer." Leon reached between Nick's spread legs and fingered his balls. "Mmm. Nice and tight."

No shit. He hadn't had sex in what felt like months, though it had only been a couple of weeks. His balls were ready to explode. If Leon let him come, he'd no doubt get it right back up again. He thought about telling Leon that, but then Leon gripped his ball sac and gently tugged it. All thought left Nick's head as the pleasure shot through him.

Nick gasped, then nearly shouted when the plug started vibrating in his ass. It was too much. Too much.

"Take it," Leon said, his voice a mere whisper in Nick's ear.

"You know you like it. You need it."

Nick nodded. But what he needed was to come.

Leon still fiddled with Nick's balls, but he reached around Nick with his free hand and splayed those long fingers over Nick's stomach then slid lower, over his pelvis until just Leon's fingertips tangled in his pubic hair right above his dick and lightly tugged.

A sound of primal need rose up in Nick's throat, and he was powerless to stop it from escaping.

"Such intriguing sounds you make," Leon said quietly, then touched soft lips to Nick's shoulder.

The difference in the kiss, compared to the electricity in his ass and the tugging of his balls, made him shiver.

Leon's tongue was warm, damp, and soft as it skimmed over Nick's shoulder, then up his neck to his ear. "The torture makes the release all that much better, don't you think?"

"Uh huh," was all Nick could manage as goose bumps covered his body, caused by Leon's warm breath in his ear.

When Leon pressed his chest against Nick's back, Nick closed his eyes and breathed in deep, taking in the scent of Leon's spicy cologne and reveling in the man's heat, which seemed to brand him.

Leon nipped Nick's neck just below his ear, and Nick sighed as a wave of tingling warmth spread through his body.

That was quickly replaced by a wash of flames so hot he thought he'd burn alive when Leon once again slapped his dick. Nick grunted and thrust back, into Leon's body, lodging the butt plug even deeper, which made Nick's whole body tense.

Leon chuckled.

Nick tried to catch his breath.

Then Leon reached up and released Nick's right hand. "I'm afraid if I keep you in this position, you're going to pass out on me."

Nick thought Leon might be right. He saw stars.

His left hand was released, but before he could turn in Leon's arms, Leon pressed down on his shoulders, and he had no choice but to go to his knees, the spreader bar still between his ankles.

Nick made a face as his knees popped and the concrete floor bit into him. He was too damn old to do this. But then Leon was in front of him, his cock now fully engorged, and Nick couldn't have cared less about his old knees.

"Suck it," Leon said in that commanding, domineering voice that made Nick willing to do just about anything.

Nick reached up and wrapped a hand around the base of Leon's dick. It was thick and hot and hard as granite. Then he leaned forward and slipped his lips over the tip, swirling his tongue around, tasting the sinfully sweet saltiness of the man.