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The thought ripped a hole in his heart. Leon was his. Only his. And if he was a stubborn jackass, he'd probably figure out how to lose him. God only knew why he'd stuck around so long. Or even why he came back after the third date when Nick had given him the brush-off.

"It's okay to say no," Leon said softly, but Nick saw the disappointment in his eyes, heard it in his tone.

"I'm not saying no."

Leon's eyes brightened. "You're not?"

Nick licked his lips. "How could I say no to a guy who gives me multiple orgasms?"

"Don't." Leon shook his head. "Be serious."

"Okay. How could I say no to the man I love and don't want to live without? How can I say no to my crazy great-aunt who wants to hang out in nightclubs in Maine? How can I say no to..." He shrugged and pressed his lips together. "To my family?"

Leon wrapped his arms around Nick and pulled him hard against his chest, nearly crushing him. "I love you, babe. I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Lee."

When Leon released him, he took Nick's hand in his and opened it. "As I said earlier, Maine has legalized gay marriage." He set a gold ring in Nick's palm. "I'm hoping once we're out there and you're settled in, you'll be willing to make one more change."

Nick's breath caught for a moment, almost choking him.


Leon laughed and closed Nick's hand around the ring.

"Don't freak out on me. Breathe, Nick."

Nick sucked in a quick breath.

"When you're ready," Leon said around a laugh, "I'll be there, waiting."

"Aunt May's gonna shit," Nick said, because it was the first thing to come to mind.

"Aunt May is going to want to be your maid of honor."

Nick laughed and leaned into Leon, who kissed him through his own grin.

The most amazing sex of his life, a decision to move across the country, and the picture of Aunt May planning their wedding. He was scared shitless, but with Leon by his side, he'd make it through. Leon would see to it.

The End