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"You're unbelievable, Julie. Do you know that? You're a classic! For God sakes, listen to you! Avoid… avoid… avoid… you keep side-stepping the issue, and the issue is that you're horny and you want to get laid. Why make things so fucking complicated?" She slurped her wine, annoyed at the dribble that spotted her new tunic: she spit on her napkin and rubbed at the stain uncouthly, her friend watching with an amused smile on her face, despite her woes. Then Ertha went on talking. "You're a healthy female with healthy desires, that's all, and if Roy is going to get laid behind your back, then you have every right to do the same thing."

The pixie faced twenty-six-year-old stared at her friend in amazement. If only things were as simple for her as they were for Ertha. Physical… that's how Ertha interpreted everything… on the physical level. For her, Julie, it was a different matter. Love affairs for her had always been long and deep, not flirtations or light-hearted as they were for Ertha who went through them like pages of a calendar in rapid, even succession, with no cares for what happened yesterday. Today was the moment.

"You've got to be more independent and more aggressive with men, Julie. I've seen this same thing happen to you in college with Russ, then with that idiot husband of yours who ran off with another woman, and now with Roy… and all because you didn't get out when the going got tough. Men don't like women who are submissive and love him no matter what dirt he hands your way. Men want a woman who'll slap his fingers for doing wrong, because then they don't have to feel guilty about anything. You see," she leaned close again, her eyes clearly focused on the ravages of last weeks affair, the man who was now handing his wife a fist full of bills in bribery for an afternoon of peace. It dawned on Ertha then, with a twinkle in her eyes, that Friday was pay day and that, she thought secretly, was good for business.

"You see," she started again, concentrating once more on her distraught friend, "men don't feel guilty when they're caught at it, because then it's justifiable: they can call you a nag and righteously so and the issue is not what they've done, but how you found out. Believe me, if there's anything I know about, it's men."

Her blonde friend readily agreed. "Yes, you do," she said with a snicker. "Men is your subject, Ertha. Anybody in our dormitory would attest to that."

"Well, it's paid off, honey, let me tell you. Find the magic wand to a man's heart and there's nothing he won't do for you."

"Hmmm, maybe you're right," conceded Julie, resting her pixie chin in the upturned palm of her hand. "Maybe if I'm really aggressive in bed it'll carry over and Roy'll think of me as something other than somebody to wash his dirty socks and make him coffee in the morning."

Ertha licked her sultry lips, glossy with lipstick. "That's it. Be bold, make him love you."


Julie and Roy were sitting on the sofa, still dressed in their day-time clothes, a bottle of fine French wine on the end table. Julie sighed as she pulled her boyfriend closer to her with a surprisingly strong motion that sent the two of them falling suddenly backwards. This was her answer to Ertha's suggestion: she would be as sultry and vixenish as she could tonight, and if it didn't pay off, she would be forced to seek greener pastures. After a two year relationship, she'd diplomatically reasoned, she would give Roy another chance at proving his love, and if it failed, then… well, she'd think about that tomorrow. Right now she had headier things on her mind.

"Wait," Julie giggled, setting down her crystal wine glass. "Let me take off this pantsuit before it gets all wrinkled!" She was happy… at least they were going to make love, just as they used to. It had been far too long, almost two weeks, but she hadn't dared tell Ertha that. As she struggled to get out of the jumpsuit, she could feel the flush of the wine she had had at Henry's and now the half empty bottle they'd consumed together. Her heart was pounding wildly and she felt a bit dizzy.

Roy's kiss had raced through her like a thousand electric bolts, making her grow weak with desire. She could feel her nipples hardening as she tore off her French bra flinging it to the far side of the room. Julie's full, round breasts quivered slightly as they were exposed to the cool air, and a delicious excitement started at the base of her spine, rising along her back to the smooth cream-like flesh at the nape of her neck.

At last she could prove Ertha wrong! There was still love in her relationship with Roy! He still thought of her as a desirable woman with a desirable body and a desirable mind. She was no old hag.

Roy was lying quietly on the sofa waiting for her to finish getting undressed. It hadn't been easy tearing himself away from the nude shooting session tonight, but he knew if he didn't make his appearance at home, Julie would be pissed, and with due cause.

Julie could feel his eyes burning into her back as she shimmied out of her panties. Every detail of her sensuous nakedness was bared to his gaze, from her small pointed nipples to the mysterious triangle of her blonde pubic hair.

She wrapped her arms around her boy friend once more, feeling her nude body soft against the roughness of his clothes.

"Like me, darting? Am I still your woman?" she whispered into his ear.

"Mmmmmmm!" Roy answered, thinking of how it would feel when his hard prick was ramming deep into her tight little pussy. It had been a while since he had held onto the ripe succulence of her breasts, and now he grasped them and squeezed their tenderness between his fingers.

"Softly, darling, softly like you used to…" she whispered.

But still he manipulated the large milk-white globes roughly, almost as though he wanted to tear them off, and Julie squirmed beneath his caress, wishing he would stop and get on with the love making. In an effort to entice him further, she ran one hand along the inside of his leg, casually sliding over to his throbbing prick. Deftly, she manipulated the zipper, sliding it down rapidly and inserting her hand. She grasped and withdrew his already throbbing cock, with one simple motion.

"Oh, that's it, baby," he gasped, feeling her small hand grip his blood-filled cock with determination. His hands slipped from her breasts, down the lush contours of her torso, to her full hips. One finger found the soft blonde tendrils of pubic hair that nestled so cozily between her thighs and inserted itself between the soft pillows of flesh that protected her already excitedly oozing pussy.

"Ohhhh, darling," Julie moaned out, tossing her head back on the bed. "Oh, God, it feels good!"

Roy's middle finger was softly playing among the sensitive folds of smooth pink cunt flesh, smoothing up and down with an insistent motion. She could feel his hot breath on her neck as he held her close to him, while his fingers began to manipulate the rising bud of her clitoris.

"Oh, Roy, Roy!" she moaned, "Darling!" Julie's legs flayed out obscenely, giving her boy friend's hand more room, while her own hand pumped up and down on his rock hard cock.

The flat white plane of Julie's belly trembled as his searching fingers exposed the slit of her open crotch, and her rib cage rose and fell against his heaving chest, her nipples becoming hard as little beach pebbles against the material of his shirt.

Then two fingers were pressing into the warm opening of her pussy, plunging up, up, up, past the hard ring of muscle that released its tightness to allow this intrusion.

"Aaaahhhh!" she cried out, screwing her hips up to meet his thickly probing fingers. Little helpless mewls of pleasure issued from her lips as her long voluptuously slim body writhed in the throes of ecstasy.