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Roy could wait no longer. He had had about eight glasses of wine that night, and true, they had quickened his lust, but they had not given him the patience to continue the foreplay that he knew Julie craved. Ms large bulging cock throbbed painfully and tiny drops of fluid were exuding from its large throbbing head.

Pushing his pants down and off, he maneuvered himself so that Julie was forced to cease her steady up and down pumping, and he was kneeling in between her widely spread legs, his rod throbbing impatiently before him. One hand moved slowly over the thick foreskin, pushing it up and then back over his hardness, while his other hand resumed its exploration of Julie's hot, palpitating young pussy.

Boy, she's really going pretty good! he thought. Hasn't had any for a while, poor thing. This should hold her for a bit. The dull ache in his balls told him that he must push his cock into his girl friend's tight pussy before he blew his wad. He'd already waited too long. Abruptly, he removed his hand from her crotch, causing a small wet sucking noise as his fingers left the pliant hair-fringed opening.

Julie's large globular tits jiggled above the expanse of her rib cage as her naked body offered itself up to him.

"Ohhhhh…!" she jerked as she felt his hand sliding out of her pussy, "… Oh, Roy, oohhhh!"

She felt the round head of his cock touching at the inflamed entrance to her cuntal slit, throbbing against the quivering length of the moist furrow of her cunt. Roy moved his stone-hard cock up and down in the seething crack, up and down until on one down stroke it was poking into the small elastically stretching hole of her tight, hungry cunt.

It was so hard! Julie had never felt her boy friend's prick so hard, it seemed. She had to have him inside her! She had been just about to cum before he removed his hand, and now her body demanded satisfaction, demanded that this thick rod be plunged into her to the hilt. She held onto her boy friend's buttocks and spreading her legs around his body, bending them obscenely around his back, she pulled herself up brusquely, forcing her boy friend's stiff cock to slide up into the soaking wet slit of her pussy.

At first it was slow going, impeded by the tightness of Julie's cunt, but as the delicate tissues accustomed themselves to the bulk of his cock, the way was paved for him and Julie squirmed the silken sheath of her pussy over his enormous member, swallowing it up to the tip of her womb. She thought she would burst with her love for him, her lust growing minute by minute. This was the way it was supposed to be between them. Only Roy could give it to her. Whatever was wrong between them before would be made up for by this moment, this frantic, fleshy connection of their naked bodies.

"Oh… I love you… I love you…" she moaned, open mouthed, the tip of her tongue hanging out like a bitch in heat. She was thoroughly filled by the magnificent prick that fit so snugly in her belly and it gave her a wonderful feeling of completeness that she had sorely missed these past two weeks when her boy friend's interest in her seemed to have flagged. But that was all over now. From now on, it was going to be different. He was going to fuck into her, long even thrusts, burying the thick head of his cock harder and harder each time against her waiting cervix. She was going to cum again and again, and each time would be better. They would make love fat into the night!

He was deep… so deep inside her that she felt almost nailed down to the sofa, pinned in this lewd submissive position by the giant, fleshy stake of man she loved.

The blonde curls of her pubic hair twisted in tiny tangles around the base of Roy's cock. He held her like that for a long moment, savoring the power that he felt, enjoying the beautiful whimpering woman who was his woman, his to do with as he pleased. She was a pretty good lay, too.

He made a mental note to fuck her more often in the future. Didn't want her to start looking for it elsewhere. He could feel his balls dangling in the upturned crevice of her ass, and a surging tingle swept through him.

"Nnnnngggg…" he groaned, his cock bucking inside the tightly clasping passage of Julie's pussy, his semen spurting from deep inside his balls, spewing forth in sporadic jerks between the milkily contracting muscles of her cunt, splashing against the sensitive surface of her cervix.

"Ooooohh… yeaaaa…!" he cried out as the overwhelming sensations of orgasms traversed his thick cock and sent chills of delight throughout his entire body.

He collapsed heavily on her, expelling one last heavy sigh, relieved to have released the heavy load of his semen. He could feel Julie's softness beneath his body. She was warm and smooth. Her perfume wafted up to his nostrils as he buried her head in her neck.

"Mmmmm…" she sighed. And then he was silent.

Julie lay stunned underneath his dead weight. She had hardly time to realize that it was over! Part of her was still climbing to the erotic heights she had so recently foreseen, but the rapidly deflating cock inside her was little solace to her expectations. Roy's breath was coming smoothly and evenly now, hot on her neck and her legs were cramped, still forced wide apart by his impaling hips.

"Oh, damn!" she thought… "Oh… no."

She could almost taste the bitterness of her frustration. Anger rose in her breast as tears of self-pity began to form in her large violet eyes. And with Roy's first snore, the tears brimmed over and developed into deep sobs. She had had such high hopes for tonight, had so desperately wanted love between she and Roy as it used to: all consuming and magical. She knew it would be at least another week before they would make love again. Roy had been so busy trying to make money during the week, she had stopped her vain attempts at seduction, saving them for the weekends… when he was home.

Last week he'd spent nearly every night down on the Broadway strip where women flaunted their half-naked bodies behind glass doors of strip shows and massage parlors to hopeful customers. That had been painful enough. But now this! He'd come home every night drunk and incoherent. And now this! It was worse than not making love at all, because at least then she still had hope.

Angrily she attempted to push him over, squirming out from underneath him.

He was halfway off when he roused slightly.

"Ah… come on, Julie. Let me sleep… it's been a hard…" he mumbled in a barely audible whisper.

Julie froze. Then scrambling the rest of the way out from under his sprawling body, she stood beside the bed, staring down at him in disgust.

She shook with frustration and clutched her arms around herself in horror, her naked body beginning to feel the cold of the night air. A raucous sob escaped from her throat and she turned and ran into the bathroom, where she splashed her face with cold water.

Later, with her pet cat, Ralph, to keep her company, she watched the late night show for the second night that week, the fatigue that deflated her body having mysteriously transformed into a throbbing energy of anger and fear of what was happening to her two year relationship with Roy.


Corby Lewis slipped the cab driver a dollar bill for the tip and got out in front of Roy's apartment building. He padded his stuffed back pocket to make certain the bag of marijuana hadn't fallen out in the taxi.

Mmmm, looks like Roy's got himself a nice little crib here. If the porno business is what's making him his bread, then I'm gonna ask for another 10%. Shit, I'm the one who has to do all the work, fucking and sucking those sleazy ass chicks. All he's gotta do is snap a shudder…

Corby only hoped that Roy would be home for his interview. He'd said he had to make a couple more contacts in setting up the stage before they would start shooting.

He rang the bell and waited, tapping his platform shoe on the "welcome" mat as the moments slipped by and still there was no answer.