The Greek Tycoon’s Convenient Mistress

The Greek Tycoon’s Convenient Mistress
Современные любовные романы
Автор: Graham Lynne
Язык: английский
Год: 2004
Добавил: Admin 22 Июл 12
Проверил: Admin 22 Июл 12
Формат:  FB2, ePub, TXT, RTF, PDF, HTML, MOBI, JAVA, LRF

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Greek billionaire Andreas Nicolaidis had never kept a mistress for longer than three months…until Hope Evans entered his bed. But now, even after two years together, Andreas has no intention of making Hope his wife. She knows it is time to leave the man she loves, but then she discovers that she's expecting his child. Suddenly Andreas is looking at things very differetnly…his formerly convenient mistress will become his permanent wife!

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