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In a piglet heap.

The piglets settle down

So Mama will begin.

At night she reads to them,

Once they are all tucked in.

She embraces her eight children,

Gives every piglet a pat,

Reads them fables and fairy tales

And their favorite: The Cat in the Hat.

They have lain down together,

Touching side by side.

Papa looks in on his children,

Stroking his snout in pride.

«Oink oink!» says Mama Sow,

«Tomorrow will be bright,

A brand-new sunny day.

But now, good night, sleep tight!»

About the Author

An author and illustrator of children’s books, Diana Malivani lives in Paris, France, where she raises her young daughter Michelle, for whom this tale was originally written. Diana is a Doctor of Medicine (M.D., Ph.D.), specializing in sports medicine and nutrition, with extensive experience in the fitness industry. Diana is passionate about oil painting and preparing tasty and healthy dishes according to her own recipes.

Other books by the Author

English Edition

Snoutie and his Friends

The Great White Rabbit

Bazilio and the Little Mice

The Happy Little Pigs

The Little Honey Bears

The Gnome Magicians

The Little Lost Elephant

The Little Mouse Musicians

French Edition

Snoutie et ses Amis

Lapin Blanc Le Magnifique

Bazilio et les Souriceaux

Les Petits Cochons Heureux

Les Oursons de Miel

Les Nains Magiciens

Le Petit Éléphant Perdu

Les Souriceaux Musiciens

German Edition

Snoutie und seine Freunde

Der Große Weiße Hase

Bazilio un die Kleinen Mäuse

Die Fröhlichen Kleinen Schweinchen

Die Kleinen Honigbären

Die Zwergen-Zauberer

Der Verlorene Kleine Elefant

Die Kleinen Mäusemusikanten