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Jack sat in the sunroom, staring at the pages in his hand, twelve carefully drawn forthwiths and herewiths, all in a different language. He knew it was just a bargain as far as Hayes was concerned to get what he wanted. Money. It was the schedule attached that was the interesting part. Simple sentences, like someone else, not a lawyer, had written them. Perhaps even Riley?

The schedule was entitled Riley Nathaniel Hayes and __________________; clauses. He had to smile. Whoever had prepared the draft contract had left the space clear. Jack guessed Riley had a list of people he was going to ask, and he wondered how far down the list he had been. He scanned the list of clauses. Most of it seemed straightforward.

No partner shall give cause to make other people think that the marriage was not entered into for anything other than love.

Both parties to act like a married couple in public.

New partner entering into marriage to have no sexual or physical encounters outside of this marriage.

Partner to reside at the Hayes home.

Partner to attend all functions where needed, suitably attired, and with reference to previous clauses on appropriate behavior.

Partner to change surname to Hayes.

Partner to sign a pre-nuptial contract as stated in main contract.

In return, there was a not specified at this time financial settlement on this new partner and space for details. Jack wondered what it would finally say, and there was a sudden sorrow, tight and constricting in his chest. He imagined the words there— a promise to save his sister, to give the Campbell family a chance to stay whole.

He stood, stretching tall, the papers creased in his hands. Drawing in a deep breath, he went back into the kitchen, his own terms and clauses in his head. When he walked into the room, he found his nemesis facing the window, staring out over the ranch.

"For a start…" he began. Riley spun on his heel, coffee splashing on his expensive suit. "It will be Campbell-Hayes, not just Hayes."

Jack didn't move, his jaw set. He could almost see the thought processes in Riley's head, and the moment when the other man obviously realized it was a small battle he could afford to lose.

"Okay," Riley finally accepted.

"The money for Beth's care is signed over in trust so there is no backing out. It's set up so that Beth doesn't find out where the money is coming from. In addition to this, no one, and I mean no one, ever finds out about the contract or its implications for the year. There will be no big wedding, just a quick ceremony in Canada, well away from here, and back, simple rings, quiet."

Jack paused. So far so good.

"I need an even six million for the ranch, and you will at all times respect my day-to-day work here. It is, and will remain, my family's legacy. The contract will be written so it is out of your reach. End of story."

Riley nodded. "Agreed."

"I will move to your home. I will stay there for the one year, on two provisos."

"Which are?"

"There'll be occasions when I am needed here overnight for days at a time on ranch business. You will not give cause for me to be unable to fulfill those obligations."

"Why do you need to be here? Don't you have people to cover you?"

Temper rose in Jack in an instant. Fucking playboy thought he had people to take over the ranch if he wasn't here?

"When the mares are foaling, I could be needed here three, maybe four days and nights. At those times you will come here and live at the D with me."

"Within reason," Riley tossed out quickly. Jack chose to ignore that hasty defense.

"Secondly, I have contracts to honor, horses to train, and my mom can't run the place on her own. So while you're doing your thing at Hayes Oil every day," and he couldn't keep the sneer away, "I'll be here." He could almost hear Riley's brain working. "Not only that," he continued, on a roll now, "as part of this contract, I want you working on the ranch for exactly…" He paused, throwing together quick calculations in his brain and then doubling the number, just because he could. "Twenty-four days out of the three hundred and sixty-five of the contract." Riley's mouth fell open, his shock almost comical. "It can be weekends, Sundays, whatever. I don't imagine it will interfere in whatever you do or don't do at Hayes Oil, but your working with me will add authenticity to the whole shitfest. Agreed?"

"Say again?" Riley's voice dripped with disbelief as he cast a quick look around the kitchen, and that there, that disbelief coupled with the wrinkle of Riley's nose in disgust, was enough for Jack's temper to start to rise.

Riley finally nodded clearly deciding this was a battle he couldn't win. It was all he could apparently do, obviously not trusting himself to use actual words.

"So, there is a no-sex-outside-the-marriage rule for your new partner." Jack was starting to feel tired. He had been up since four a.m., and this was pushing even his levels of alertness.

"Of course there is, it needs to…" Riley paused, clearly sorting out the right words. "No, em, for you no… men." He stumbled over the words, plainly not sure of the etiquette in situations describing what Jack had with other men.

"You, too," Jack said simply, leaning back on the scarred wooden counter and crossing his arms. He had a great deal of satisfaction hearing Riley so screwed at placing the boundaries so firmly around his concept of gay sex. "'Cos you know, man, if I believe everything I read, you get way more than me, and I'm not gonna be taking that in this convoluted idea of a marriage."

"Taking it?"

"You horn-dogging around on me behind my back. You will agree to abstain for the year too. I won't be made to look a fool. We'll be married. I know what you're like, I've heard the shit you pull. So there will be no affairs, nothing, no girls and no boys. Agreed?"

"Nothing?" Riley sounded almost lost.


Riley frowned. "Do you think I can't go for a year without getting off using nothing but my right hand?"

"Evidence suggests otherwise."

"Fuck you."

"Not likely."

"Shit. Okay." Jack watched as Riley raised a single eyebrow. "Is that it?" He was clearly aiming for sounding bored, and Jack really wished he could think of more terms and conditions to screw with the younger man. Just out of sheer spite. He watched as Riley's expression changed from one of consternation to one of relief and then quickly to one of satisfaction. It was interesting how easily Jack could read his prospective husband.

"You know something, Hayes? You're as cold as freaking ice. Do you have no emotion in you? You sign away your life like this… Do you feel anything?" Riley said nothing in reply. "I am doing this for my sister," Jack added, obviously getting back to what he had really meant to say. "And for my family. They mean everything to me. I don't give a rat's ass why you're doing this, but I swear if they ever find out—"