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Comte, Isidore Auguste François Marie Xavier, 16, 48

Correa, Paula: ‘The Fox and the Hedgehog’, 114n, 115

Crimean War (1854–5), 52, 62

Crowder, George: Isaiah Berlin: Liberty and Pluralism, 104n

Danilevsky, Nikolay Yakovlevich, 8

Dante Alighieri: as ‘hedgehog’, 2, 4, 93, 103

Darwin, Charles Robert, 16

Davenport, Guy Mattison, 109–10

Decembrists, 62

Descartes, René, 111

determinism: Tolstoy on, 32, 34, 77–8, 80

dialectic, 100

Dickens, Charles John Huffam, 14

Diderot, Denis, 27, 47, 73

Diehl, Ernst, 112

Distributists, 84

Dodds, Eric Robertson, 113

Dostoevsky, Fedor Mikhailovich: as ‘hedgehog’, 2, 4, 91, 93, 95, 107, 108; speech on Pushkin, 3; contrasted with Tolstoy, 46; and natural sciences, 48; influenced by Proudhon, 66n

Edel, Joseph Leon: letter to, 93

Eikhenbaum, Boris Mikhailovich: on

Tolstoy’s view of history, 9n, 39–40; on Tolstoy’s research for War and Peace, 46n; and Maistre’s influence on Tolstoy, 55n; and Proudhon’s influence on Tolstoy, 66n

empiricism: Tolstoy’s, 13, 48, 68, 80, 86

Encyclopedists (French), 48, 64

Enghien, Louis Antoine Henri Condé, duc d’, 55

Enlightenment (French): influence on Tolstoy, 47

Erasmus, Desiderius, 2

Errera, Roger (of Calmann-Levy publishers): letter to, 93

eviclass="underline" Maistre on man as, 53, 80

executioner: Maistre on, 66

existentialists, 41n, 100

Fascism, 54

Fet, Afanasy Afanas′evich (pseudonym of Afanasy Afanas′evich Senshin), 7, 10

Flaubert, Gustave: view of Tolstoy, 6, 36; artistic purism, 23

Flower, Desmond John Newman, 9n

Fraenkel, Eduard David Mortier, 113

Frederick II (‘the Great’), King of Prussia, 60

free will, 51

Freemasons: Tolstoy on, 50, 72

French Revolution: effect on optimistic rationalism, 62; anti-clericalism, 64; Roman Catholic view of, 64; Maistre and, 84

Georges, Marguerite Joséphine Weimer, 55

Gibbon, Edward, 33

Gide, André Paul Guillaume, 23

God: Maistre’s faith in, 70–1

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: as ‘fox’, 2, 91; and knowledge, 86

Gogol, Nikolay Vasil′evich: relation to Pushkin and Dostoevsky, 3; contrasted with Tolstoy, 46

Gorky, Maxim (pseudonym of Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov), 66n

Görres, Johann Joseph von, 84

Grant, Sheila Sokolov: letter to, 92

Greece (ancient): Maistre on, 70

Gusev, Nikolay Nikolaevich, 15

Halban, Aline (later Berlin), xiv

Hardy, Henry Robert Dugdale: (ed.) The Book of Isaiah, 106n; ‘Thoughts of Taj Mahal will leave you as drunk as a fox’ (review), 105 see also Cherniss, Joshua Laurence

Hart, Jenifer Margaret, 98n

Haumant, Émile, 9n, 61n

Hedgehog and the Fox, The (IB): commentaries and remarks on, 91–119

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: as ‘hedgehog’, 2; influence on Tolstoy, 13; influence on Slavophils, 49; Schelling and, 49; as ‘owl’, 98–100

Heine, Christian Johann Heinrich: ‘Zum Lazarus’, 13n

Herder, Johann Gottfried, 111–12

Herodotus, 2

history: Tolstoy’s view of, 5–16, 18–22, 28–30, 69, 72–3, 78–9, 88–9; Marx on as science, 16; Chernyshevsky on, 48; Maistre on, 69–70, 74, 79–80, 83

Homer, 1n

Hume, David, 14, 100

Ibsen, Henrik, 2

Idealist movement (German), 49, 51, 80

Ignatieff, Michael Grant: interview with IB, 101–4; ‘Berlin in Autumn’, 104n; Isaiah Berlin: A Life, ixn

Il′in, Ivan Aleksandrovich, 8n

intelligentsia: Tolstoy’s aversion to, 49, 63

irrationaclass="underline" Maistre on, 62–3, 78

Isenschmid, Andreas: ‘Isaiah Berlin: Ein Porträt’ (broadcast), 91n

Ivan IV (‘the Terrible’), Tsar of Russia, 15, 27

Ivanov, Nikolay Andreevich, 15

Jacobins, 47

James, Henry: as ‘hedgehog’, 91

Jesuits: Tolstoy hates, 67; expelled from Russia, 68

Job, Book of, 79

Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius, 2

Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis), 70n

Kant, Immanueclass="underline" on ‘crooked timber of humanity’, xv; Bowle on, 100

Kareev, Nikolay Ivanovich, 9n, 36–9, 42

Kautsky, Karl, 9n

knowledge: rival forms, 84–6

Konovalov, Sergey Aleksandrovich, 103

Kurbsky, Prince Andrey Mikhailovich, 27

Kutuzov, Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev, 31–2, 35, 55, 72–3, 76, 78, 87, 86, 96

Lamennais, Hugues Félicité Robert de, 66

La Mettrie, Julien Offray de, 73

Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 29, 73

Lasserre, François, 110

Lear, Edward: ‘The Owl and the Pussy-Cat’, 98

Lenin, Vladimir Il′ich: and Tolstoy, 9n

Leon, Derrick, 9

Leont′ev, Konstantin Nikolaevich, 8 liberalism: and social contract, 28; Tolstoy on, 80

liberty (freedom): Tolstoy on, 33–4

Lieberson, Jonathan, and Sidney Morgenbesser: ‘The Choices of Isaiah Berlin’, 107n, 110, 114

Lilla, Mark, Ronald Dworkin and Robert B[enjamin] Silvers (eds): The Legacy of Isaiah Berlin, 105n

logical positivism, 100

Louis XIV, King of France, 24

Louis XVIII, King of France, 25

Lubbock, Percy, 8

Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus), 2

Lukes, Steven, 105

MacNeice, Frederick Louis, 105

Magee, Bryan Edgar: ‘Isaiah As I Knew Him’, 106n

Maistre, Joseph Marie, comte de: career and ideas, 53–6, 66–7, 76, 84, 90; influence on Tolstoy, 53–6, 63–4, 67–9, 76, 78, 84, 87–8, 92, 96; on men as evil, 53, 80; hostility to belief in rational, 62–3, 78; and fall of Speransky, 63; opposes Encyclopedists, 64; on authority, 65–6, 87; missionary activities in St Petersburg, 68; view of history, 69–70, 74, 79–80, 83; on original sin, 80; on knowledge, 85–7; Correspondence diplomatique, 55; Les Soirées de Saint-Pétersbourg, 54–5, 58n, 96

Maistre, Rodolphe de, 55

Marx, Karl Heinrich: on history as science, 16; Tolstoy and, 16; on self-deception of bourgeoisie, 30; as ‘hedgehog’, 102–3

Maude, Aylmer, 9

Maupassant, Guy de, 23n

Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeevich, 8

Mikhailov, Mikhail Larionovich, 13n

Mill, John Stuart, 48

Moleschott, Jacob, 82

Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin), 2

Monge, Gaspard, comte de Péluse, 76

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem, seigneur de: as ‘fox’, 2

Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de, 14; De l’esprit des lois, 74n

Moore, George Edward, 100

morale: in war, 56, 59n

Moscow: in War and Peace, 19

Moses (Biblical figure), 84

Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French: Tolstoy on, 21, 24–7, 28, 31, 55–6, 60, 72, 87, 96; Kareev on, 38; exiles king of Sardinia, 54; and suffering, 79

Navalikhin, S. (pseudonym of Vil′gel′m Vil′gel′movich Bervi, also known as Vasily Vasil′evich Bervi-Flerovsky), 7n

Nazar′ev, Valer′yan Nikolaevich, 15

Newton, Isaac, 76

Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, 62

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm: as ‘hedgehog’, 2; and Maistre, 54

nihilism: attributed to Tolstoy, 11, 61, 82

Norov, Avraam Sergeevich, 7n

Obninsky, Viktor Petrovich, 9n

Omodeo, Adolpho, 53n

original sin: Maistre on destiny and, 80

Orthodox Church, 50

Oxford and Asquith, Julian Edward George Asquith, 2nd Earl of, xv, 101, 112

Oxford Slavonic Papers, xiii, xvii, 92, 103

Pareto, Vilfredo Federico Damaso,

Parmenides, 113

Pascal, Blaise: as ‘hedgehog’, 2, 91; and knowledge, 86

Paulucci, General Filipp Osipovich, marquis, 21, 55, 72, 77

Pertsev, Vladimir Nikolaevich, 9n

Pfuel, General Ernst von, 21, 72, 77