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He sighed at that point, finally figuring out what she was talking about. "Lass, what Neville is trying is no' a guarantee o' anything."

"No, no, that isn't my news, that's your news. My news is that Mavis misled us last night. She did it intentionally, though she now grievously regrets doing so. But the truth is, she had no intention of letting you be forced to marry Ophelia on her account."

It didn't quite set in yet, that he was free of Ophelia. He did notice Mavis by the front door, though, wringing her hands and looking like she was about to be marched off to a firing squad.

"Go easy on her," Sabrina whispered, following his gaze. "She thinks you're already married and is castigating herself over her tardiness. She had thought that Ophelia, in marrying you, was getting what she wanted, that she'd won yet again. But when you told her that Ophelia was against the marriage now, well, she just wanted her to suffer a bit more, to think that there would be no escaping it."

"And me."

"No, not you. She didn't think it would hurt you too much, since she did plan to save you before you actually did marry. She just didn't know the wedding was to happen this soon. She thought she had plenty of time to come to the rescue, as it were, that today would have been soon enough to tell you, on her way back to London."

"Then why is she here now, if she thinks the wedding took place?"

"To try and make amends by suggesting an annulment. I didn't think it would do any good myself, and it might not have. Ophelia's parents were too pleased to have you for a son-in-law, after all. Not that it matters now, thanks to Neville's tactic. It's over, Duncan."

It took hearing her say that for it to really sink in. Duncan's first impulse was to grab her and hug her, and he did just that. That she laughed and hugged him back was almost more of a relief than his not having to marry Ophelia now, when Sabrina's recent reticence toward him had been greatly contributing to his misery.

But he wasn't able to savor his relief, nor the exquisite joy in being able to hold Sabrina close for a few precious moments. Ophelia's voice, coming from the stairs behind them, was like a splash of icy water designed to separate them, and it did.

"You could at least make a pretense of being a gentleman and wait until this farce of an engagement is officially severed before you show where your true affections lie," was said with dripping scorn. "Of course, common courtesy can't be expected of someone only newly come to civilization."

Chapter Fifty

Duncan turned slowly to face Ophelia, who had stopped halfway down the stairs. His anger was most definitely pricked over her remark, but it was tempered with the fact that, thankfully, he was never going to have to deal with her again after today.

So his tone was only mildly revealing of his dislike when he told her plainly, "Lass, if I was the barbarian you keep alluding tae, we wouldna have been engaged again, even if this whole bluidy gathering had witnessed me in your bedroom that night. I wouldna have given a single thought tae yer reputation, you ken?"

"But you were responsible!" she reminded him, even as her cheeks pinkened over his frankness. "And your point being? Or do barbarians suddenly have a care for responsibility?" "Oh, very well, so you aren’t a barbarian," she replied testily.

"Amazing day, I think I'm actually going to faint," Raphael interjected with a snide chuckle. "The ice queen has made a retraction."

Ophelia turned to give him a withering look, but noticed Mavis instead. Her gasp was audible. And she completely forgot about the threesome at the bottom of the stairs as she hurried down the last few steps and across the hall to her old friend's side.

"Mavis, I knew you would come before it's too late. I knew you couldn't overlook our years of friendship. You have to forgive me. You can't let me suffer for the rest of my life over a few paltry words that you know I didn't mean."

Duncan rolled his eyes over her description of what it would be like to be married to him. They had followed Ophelia to Mavis's side, in time to hear her beseeching speech. He might have remarked on that "suffer” part, if Mavis weren't looking quite confused now.

Her confusion was understandable, though, when she asked, “Before it's too late?"

She was looking at Sabrina for confirmation. Sabrina smiled at her and nodded. You could almost see the weight leave the girl's shoulders and then the very second that Mavis realized that she held the winning hand again, and that her nemesis was there for her to play it on.

Ophelia didn't miss the implications in that question either. "You thought we were already married? So you came here to gloat instead?"

"Is my name Ophelia?" Mavis shot back. "Gloating is what you do so well, my dear, not I."

Ophelia stiffened. It was obvious that she would have returned the insult in kind, but she didn't dare to do so. It took her a moment, though, to gain enough control to keep her spiteful tongue leashed for once. She was still under the assumption, after all, that she needed Mavis's cooperation, and she wouldn't get it if she lambasted the girl in her typical fashion.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"As you've surmised, I thought that the wedding had already taken place. It's logical then, that I might come by to wish the happy couple well, isn't it?"

Ophelia all but snorted. "Happy? When we despise each other?"

Mavis pretended incredulity. "You mean there's actually a man alive who hasn't dropped at your feet in adulation? I'm shocked, indeed I am."

Ophelia's lips tightened and her voice lowered to a confiding whisper that she thought would reach only Mavis. "He's not English," she said, as if that were the only possible explanation there could be.

"Lucky him, if that's what it takes to not be blinded by you."

"Takes much less than that," Raphael interjected with a grin.

Ophelia, reminded that she wasn't alone, turned a glare on him and said, "Do you mind? I'm having a private conversation here."

"Don't mind a'tall, dear girl," Raphael rejoined. "But that don't mean I'm leaving. No, no, wouldn't miss this for the world, I do assure you."

"Miss what?" Ophelia snapped at him. "Seeing me grovel? Do you all detest me that much?"

Not one reply was forthcoming to deny it, which was probably why Ophelia's cheeks blossomed just then with bright color. She would have left them there then. It was apparent that she wanted to run. But she couldn't leave Mavis yet if there was the slightest chance that she could turn the girl back to her favor.

To that end, she tried to ignore the three interlopers, as she saw them, and faced Mavis again. But Mavis was giving her a curious look now, and she wasn't long in revealing the reason for it.

"Two men, Ophelia?" she said, feigning incredulity. "And neither of them smitten by your glorious self? Does that not give you a clue?"

"What are you talking about now?" Ophelia demanded impatiently.

"That maybe it's not them? That maybe it's you? You've been slipping up, Pheli," Mavis said, using the childhood name that Ophelia had long ago forbidden her friends to use anymore. "You've been revealing your real self much sooner these days, before you have a chance to fool anyone new you meet with your

pretenses. People simply aren't as blind as you think they are. Some are even seeing quite clearly that there's nothing but blackened, bone-chilling ice beneath the pretty surface you present to the world."

That last disparaging remark actually provoked a gasp out of Ophelia. She still couldn't leave, though, much as she might want to.

Duncan was beginning to feel a bit uneasy himself. From what he was hearing, he would have to surmise that Mavis would never help. Ophelia must be coming to that conclusion herself. If he didn't have Sabrina's assurance of why Mavis was there, this conversation between the two lasses would be the last nail for him . ..