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When their dinner arrived, she began to wolf her food down with a voraciousness that was completely uncharacteristic of the demure young wife.

"Tastes good, huh?" Don asked.

"Great," she answered, hardly looking up from her meal.

"You're stoned," he said and smiled.

Then Lisa giggled uninhibitedly. She was… for the first time in her life she knew what it meant to be stoned… and it was wonderful!

"Better than a lonely dinner at home waiting for Charles to show up," he said.

"W-what." His bold frankness took her by surprise.

"Well, it's probably none of my business, but I can't help but get the idea that your husband doesn't pay as much attention to you as you'd like. I wasn't too surprised that you'd been drinking when I arrived at your house tonight. I've been hitting the bottle a bit myself, because of Rachel… So I know how you feel."

Lisa listened to him, feeling the warmth of his breath as he talked to her. He had moved closer so she could hear him over the pounding music. She suddenly felt very closer to this rugged yet gentle man. They were sharing an experience and she felt a kinship that only shared loneliness and a few puffs of marijuana can bring.

"I didn't know, Don. I thought you and Rachel were a perfect couple. Why even the gossip columnists talk about how successful your marriage is."

"Oh, we're good actors, Lisa. But its been years since we've really gotten along. We haven't even been to bed together in the last year… separate bedrooms."

Lisa was shocked. "I-I had no idea. Here I've been brooding about my life and I'm in heaven compared to you." She leaned over and kissed his cheek affectionately.

Don smiled in the dim, reddish candlelight. It was going to be even easier than he thought. "Is it all right to ask what's wrong between you and Charles?" he ventured.

"I'd tell you if I knew," Lisa said. "But I don't. I thought it was his work, but even on the weekends he's too busy for me. The phone never stops ringing, and the meetings are endless. I feel like I'm losing my sex appeal."

"Nonsense," Lisa's famous neighbor said. "There isn't a man in his right mind who wouldn't want to take you to bed right now."

"Don, you're so kind."

His movement closer to her was imperceptibly smooth, and he put his arm around her as if protectively. The marijuana's effect was in full power, and as his body touched hers, Lisa felt as if their blood was coursing together and their hearts were beating with one pulse.

Her voluptuous breasts were strained through her dress against his side and because she wore no brassiere, the taut nipples nearly pierced the thin, sheer material as she turned three-quarters to him. Charles insisted she go braless, saying that bras weakened the pectoral muscles, and he was right, she thought, as she felt her tingling breasts crush harder against Don's strong body. She could feel his muscular thigh against her own, and a light dampness eased its way from her trembling vagina to the rosy pink lips of her pussy. She had never felt like this just sitting next to someone before. There seemed to be no explanation for the fire that was beginning to build deep inside her, and she tried tentatively to pull away from Don. Making Charles jealous was a good plan, but she certainly didn't want to go too far.

But her neighbor had other plans. He knew the marijuana he'd given her was affecting Lisa as it was affecting him, and instead of allowing her to move away he tightened his grip around her slender waist and pulled her tighter to him on the banquette. And, even though afraid, Lisa felt a kind of comfort in his strong arms. Her drug-weakened body pressed involuntarily to him as though she suddenly had lost all control over it.

The young wife closed her eyes, trying to shut out the images of her own imagination, but of course it was to no avail. Lisa's mind was starting to play sexual fantasies somewhere deep within her, and, unbelievably, her body was responding. She could feel her heaving breast crushed against the side of Don's chest, with only the thin veneer of light clothing between his hirsute manliness and her tautly aroused nipples.

The atmosphere, the liquor, and the marijuana had become too much for the helpless young woman. She opened her eyes, and at the same time, almost unconsciously, began swaying her body ever so subtly to the music that was softly playing in the background. She felt free, alive. She was in a sexual fantasy world all her own, wanting and needing a man. Her drug-dazed loins were on fire and for the first time in months she felt like a woman! She was a woman!

Lisa looked at Don Carpenter, her eyes full of admiration for the famously handsome profile. For the moment, he was hers… her man… and she was his woman!

The fire up between her spasming thighs grew hotter as she imagined them in a bed, ready for each other, ready to receive his manhood in her open, warmly waiting body. Suddenly, Don pulled her still closer, and kissed her brutally in the semi-darkness of Dino's, crushing her lips against his open mouth, thrusting his tongue deep into her throat.

Oh my God! she thought. What is happenings! The shock of her famous neighbors' sudden kiss forced its way into her aroused and drugged brain, turning her to ice as she came abruptly to her senses. She had wanted the kiss, had needed it desperately, but she knew it was wrong, horribly wrong.

"No, Don…" she managed to say breathlessly. She struggled to free herself from his powerful hold, realizing that she had been excited and aroused beyond the danger point.

"Please… let's go," she whispered hoarsely. "I want to go home."


Once inside the Mercedes, Lisa closed her eyes and leaned back against the headrest. She was tired… so tired…

When she opened her eyes again, she realized they had driven way past the gates to Bel-Air and were traveling at great speed down the Pacific Coast Highway. Before she had gotten her bearings, Don had made a left turn and was driving past the gates of Malibu Colony.

"I thought you'd like to see our beach house," Don said matter-of-factly, as he got out of the car. They walked to the other side and opened her door, holding his hand for her to grasp as she nearly stumbled from the interior of the automobile. "It's just so beautiful out here at night… especially with this full moon… look at the way it shimmers so silvery on the water… all the diamonds Liz Taylor owns can't sparkle like that."

Lisa was still dazed from her nap and silently followed him into the moonlit house. The wall facing the sea was made entirely of glass and the moon shown in making it unnecessary to turn on the lights. Somehow it seemed perfectly natural to her that Don should put his arms around her tiny waist as he stood behind her, looking over her soft shoulders at the magnificence of the ocean before them. In fact, she felt strangely at home in his arms. For a moment, the guilt returned, but it was swept away in an instant as Don slowly lifted his arms, positioning his hands at the fullness of her quivering breasts. At first Lisa jumped at his electric touch, but then her still-marijuana drugged mind and body gave themselves over entirely to the comforting, relaxing sensations his hands were giving her.

Don smiled as he felt all resistance flow out of his helpless victim. He could feel the taut nipples of her voluptuous breasts pulsating eagerly beneath the thin material of her light dress. The cool air and events of the night had kept them almost hard since they had been seated side by side at Dino's Lodge, and his expert ministrations urged them on.

Lisa's head lolled back without resistance against his shoulder as he urgently massaged her softly resilient flesh. She put her hands over his, entwining the fingers.