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‘I don’t believe we can afford to wait any longer, General,’ Reid said once they were all seated around the large desk. Hal retired to a shadowy corner, invisible but watching.

‘I agree.’ The General swirled the amber liquid in his glass and then inhaled the honeyed fragrance. ‘Thought so for a while now, to be honest. But as you know, the PM is a cautious man.’

‘There’s no great urgency,’ Catherine Manning said. ‘They’ve left us alone in recent months. In fact, intelligence hasn’t reported any sightings of them anywhere.’ She looked to Reid for confirmation.

‘Make no mistake, the Tuatha De Danann are still out there.’ Reid had a file filled with the latest briefings from his men and women out in the communities. ‘And the things that came along with the old gods are certainly still a threat. Villages in the Yorkshire Dales being terrorised by some creature that turns people to stone. Something with blades for hands cutting people up in Liverpool. The National Parks, the fells and fens — whole swathes of the country inaccessible unless you’ve got a squadron of heavily armed men-’

‘The Tuatha De Danann are the root of it all,’ the General said firmly. ‘Without them, none of these other things would be here.’

‘But we’re still not adequately equipped to fight them,’ Manning protested. ‘How can we be expected to go up against gods-’

‘They are not gods,’ the General stressed. ‘Uneducated, barbaric peasants centuries ago might have thought them gods when the Tuatha De Danann first ventured here, but we’re above such primitive nonsense. Yes, they have immense power. Yes, they can do things beyond our current understanding. But they are not gods. And they can be defeated. We have to use our intelligence, our resilience and the other abilities given to us by Himself. The real God?’

Manning sipped her drink quietly, but Hal could tell that she was not convinced.

The General turned to Kirkham. ‘Review what we know.’

‘Einstein postulated the idea of a parallel universe… other dimensions. Of course, they’ve always existed in myth. The home of the gods. Asgard. Avalon. Now we know, in this as in so many other ways, that the old stories have a greater degree of truth in them than we suspected. But the roots are also there in solid science-’

‘You’re not about to go off on one of your interminable incomprehensible rambles, are you?’ Reid said wearily. The General waved him quiet.

Kirkham was unperturbed by the interruption. ‘It all comes down to String Theory. Complicated physics, I know, but bear with me. In nineteen ninety-five, Edward Witten at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study came up with what he called M-Theory, which implies the existence of higher dimensional shapes called membranes, or branes for short.’ Kirkham, as always, was not about to be rushed — or deterred. ‘Branes can be as large as a universe. Indeed, a brane might even be a universe, and we could be living in one right now.’

‘And the point is?’ Reid enquired rudely.

‘The point is that reality is not as clear cut as we were taught growing up. Witten described string theory as “twenty-first-century physics that fell by chance into the twentieth century”. We’re at the cutting edge of science here. Is the Otherworld of Celtic mythology another brane? Are the gods the inhabitants of that brane, as we are of this one? Is it possible to leak between the two in the same way that M-Theory suggests happens to excess gravity strength?’

‘Bottom line: you still believe we can find a way through to their homeland?’ the General asked.

‘We know that the Tuatha De Danann can cross over at will,’ Kirkham replied. ‘We also know that some human beings can pass back and forth, albeit only at certain locations. The mechanism is not clear at the moment, but with enough time and resources-’

‘You’ll get all the resources you require,’ the General said. ‘Time is a different matter. The Tuatha De Danann may have left us alone since the Battle of London, but we have still been invaded. The country is under enemy control, and we have no idea when they will attempt to begin cleansing. We’ve waited long enough already.’

‘Sir?’ Hal ventured. The others looked up sharply — they’d forgotten he was still there. ‘Shouldn’t we be working alongside those who fought off the original invasion at the Fall… the Brothers and Sisters of Dragons? From the intelligence we’ve gathered, we know they can cross over without any harm.’

‘I’ve been asking for one of them to question for a long while,’ Kirkham said to the group, his frustration plain.

‘Are we sure they’re not just urban legends?’ Manning asked. ‘I mean, five men and women — in what, their twenties? — who somehow mysteriously banded together and stopped the invasion from crushing us completely?’

‘How do you think the invasion was stopped at the Fall?’ the General said. ‘It wasn’t us. Our forces were paralysed… decimated. Why did the gods decide to sneak off into the woodwork after the Battle of London, when they’d already demonstrated that they could wipe us out any time they wanted?’

‘Yes, but five people,’ Manning continued incredulously. ‘I’ve heard the stories the same as you-’

‘Oh, they exist all right,’ Reid said. ‘We had two under surveillance at Salisbury, but they’ve since eluded us. The Five who fought at the fall were Jack Churchill, an archaeologist; Ruth Gallagher, a lawyer; Ryan Veitch, a career criminal; and Laura DuSantiago and someone who went by the name of Shavi, two aimless drifters, no more than that as far as we can tell. Not exactly hero material, is it? They were empowered in some way by that blue energy we saw down in the lab.’

Kirkham nodded in agreement. ‘Can’t explain that at all. It seems to have come with the Fall.’

‘After the Battle of London,’ Reid continued, ‘the ones who survived disbanded, drifted off. The information I have is that a new Five is now in the process of being formed — the two we were observing in Salisbury were the first of the new group.’ He paused, choosing his words carefully. ‘Apparently that blue energy is supposed to… choose these… champions. Seems to have a thing about the number five, too.’

Manning snorted at the implication in Reid’s words.

‘What about the original Five?’ the General said.

‘Two of them are believed dead,’ Reid replied. ‘The two women are missing. The fifth is located at some college for mystical loons in Glastonbury.’

‘So why haven’t you picked him up if you know where he is?’ Manning asked. Hal noted her barely restrained pleasure at Reid’s discomfort.

Reid set his jaw. ‘We’ve sent out several operatives to contact the individual, but none has returned.’

The General sat back in his chair, smoking thoughtfully. ‘This new group… there’re just two of them so far?’

‘There’s been no sign of any others as yet,’ Reid confirmed. ‘We’ve got people stationed at all the liminal zones — the standing stones, the henges, the ancient sacred sites — just in case anyone attempts to cross over. I’ve heard nothing.’

‘What is all this nonsense?’ Manning asked. ‘Five champions? Somehow I can deal with the notion of an invasion of extraterrestrial biological entities, but this… it’s like living in a bloody fairy tale.’

‘Come on,’ Reid said impatiently. ‘No one knows what we’re really dealing with here. Suddenly there are all these new rules.’

‘We need to get hold of those two you were observing in Salisbury immediately,’ the General said.

‘Yes, sir.’ Reid shifted uncomfortably in his chair; clearly he didn’t think it was going to be as easy as the General was implying.

‘Finally,’ Manning said. ‘If these Brothers and Sisters of Dragons do know how to cross over, perhaps we can actually show the Tuatha De Danann that we’ve got some teeth.’

‘That is my intention, Ms Manning,’ the General said. ‘I’m going to the PM with a new proposal. We’ve had our heads down for far too long. This is the time for action.’ He turned to Hal. ‘Mister Campbell? Find Hunter. He should put a team together immediately.’