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Rykova, Faina, 44

Rykova, Natalia, 532, 543, 726, 745, 747–48, 803, 814, 887–88, 991

Rykova (Marshak), Nina Semenovna, 241, 726–27, 745, 747–48, 991

Rykov Club, 346, 393. See also Kalinin Club

Sabsovich, L. M., 336–39, 345

Saint-Simon, Claude de, 106

St. Petersburg (Russia), 586–87, 591, 908–9

Salkovsky, Oleg (“Salo”), 674–76, 681, 683, 776

Salt Yard. See Wine and Salt Yard

Sasso-Ruffo, Olga Fabritsievna. See Iofan (Sasso-Ruffo), Olga Fabritsievna

Sats, Igor, 382, 447

Sats, Natalia Ilinichna, xv, 233–34, 382, 496–97, 504–5, 526, 560–61, 604, 801–2, 855, 994; A Little Negro and a Monkey, 672

Sats, Roksana, 504

Sawicki, Ludowik, 28

scapegoats, 701–3, 710–12, 731, 753

School No. 19, 389, 657–59, 889–90

Scriabin, Alexander, 20

seas and waves (as metaphors), 148, 150, 156–57

sects, 58, 93; Bolsheviks as, 59, 182, 469, 552–53, 951, 955–56; disciplining the faithful and, 292; morality/ethics and, 228–29, 259. See also specific ones

Sedov, Lev, 719

Selivanovsky, Aleksei, 639

Semushkin, A. D., 539

Serafimovich, Iskra, 380, 991

Serafimovich (Belousova), Fekla (Fekola) Rodionovna, 284, 380, 558, 991

Serafimovich (Popov), Aleksandr Serafimovich: apartment of, 380, 991; on benefits/class stratification, 224; death of, 936; documentary sources for, xv; friendships of, 284, 443–45, 457, 519, 561, 920; marriage/family life of, 380, 556–58, 560; name of, 645; Paris described by, 596; photographs of, 284, 380, 641; Works: The Iron Flood, 205–9, 284–85, 380; The Kolkhoz Fields, 446

Serebrovsky, Aleksandr, 621, 863

Sergeev, Artem, 497, 611, 700, 879

Seventeenth Party Congress (1934), 466–72, 611–12, 712

Seventh-Day Adventists, 98, 272–73

sexual abuse cases, 705–10

Shaburova (Karabaeva), Maria Aleksandrovna, 621, 992

Shaginian, Marietta: Hydrocentral, 363, 368–69, 371

Shakespeare, William, 477, 510, 953; All’s Well That Ends Well, 399

Shakhurin, Volodia, 878–79, 887

Shalamov, Varlam, 247, 415–16, 418–19

Shamberg, Abram Solomonovich, 499

Shapiro, Isaak Ilich, 755, 864–65, 870, 992

Shaternikova, Anna Mikhailovna, xiii, 67, 147, 251–54, 514, 555, 749–52, 942

Shatov, Vladimir, 758

Shatskin, L. A., 728

Shaw, George Bernard, 598

Shchadenko, Efim Afanasievich, 219, 254–56, 378, 442–43, 486, 549, 561, 820–22, 936, 992

Shcheglov, D.: The Recasting, 399–400, 462

Shcherbakov, A. S., 550, 837–38, 925

Shchuko, V. A., 359–60

Sheiniuk, Matvei Yakovlevich, 829, 833

Shimshelevich, Yakov. See Boiarsky (Shimshelevich), Yakov Iosifovich

Shklovsky, Viktor, 640

Shkvarkin, V. V.: Harmful Elements, 398–99

Shmaenok, Maria (Mirra) Abramovna. See Demchenko (Shmaenok), Maria Abramovna (“Mirra”)

shock workers, 528

Sholokhov, Mikhaiclass="underline" Virgin Soil Upturned, 448

Shpektorov, Anton Ionych, 831, 833

Shteppa, Konstantin F., 840, 843

Shubrikov, V. P., 765

Shumiatsky, Boris Zakharovich, 272, 297, 426, 440, 789, 863, 992

Shuniakov, Vasily Petrovich, 492, 834–35, 992

Shuniakova, Tamara, 834, 992

Shuniakova (Charnaia), Iudif Aleksandrovna, 834, 992

Shvarts, David, 515, 517, 534, 541–42, 818

Shvarts (Felinzat), Revekka, 541–42

Shvetsov, S. P., 142–43

Simonov, Ruben, 396, 547

sin and sinful thoughts, 78, 96, 301, 345, 405–6, 731, 737, 844

Skobelev Square (Moscow), 127, 139, 186

Skriabin, Viacheslav. See Molotov, Viacheslav Mikhailovich

Slovatinskaia, Tatiana Aleksandrovna, 134, 167, 239–40, 379, 672, 776, 829, 933–34, 971, 993

Slovatinsky, Andrei Grigorievich (“Undik”), 776–77, 993

Smilga, Ivar (Ivars) Tenisovich, xiv; apartments of, 296, 386, 488, 773, 992–93; arrest/execution of, 773–74, 861; confession of, 615; disciplining the faithful and, 296–97, 305; exile and return of, 297, 301, 304–5; family life of, 622; government assignments of, 185, 386; F. Mironov’s trial and, 172–75, 177–78, 976; photographs of, 175, 177, 305, 775; rest home stays of, 221

Smilga, Natalia, 775, 993

Smilga, Tatiana, xiv, 304, 660, 773, 775, 891, 993

Smilga-Poluian, Nadezhda Vasilievna, 296, 304–5, 491, 499–500, 533, 773–75, 861, 993

Smirnov, Rem Vladimirovich, 304, 670, 748, 804, 806, 828, 831, 890, 894, 989

Smirnov, Sergei Sergeevich, 10

Smirnov, Vladimir, 150, 301, 304, 748

Smirnova, Ekaterina Nartisissovna, 828, 989

Smirnova, N. A., 399, 401–2

Smirnova, Sonia, 310, 860–61, 960

Smirnov and Sons’ Vodka Factory, 10, 140

Smirnova-Osinskaia, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, 67, 251–53, 304, 491, 513, 748, 895, 901, 927–28, 934, 941–42, 989

Smith, Joseph, 97

Smolich, Yuri: The Other Side of the Heart, 402–7, 471, 714, 837

Smolny Palace (St. Petersburg), 134, 136–38, 145

Smushkevich, Roza, 559, 654–55

Smushkevich, Yakov, 546–47, 559

Sobelsohn, Karol. See Radek, Karl Berngardovich

Sochi Group rest homes, 537–40

Social Democrats, 19

socialist realism, 473, 475–77, 489, 590, 611, 616, 639, 656, 848

Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs), 19, 25, 31, 36, 57, 142, 161

Society of Old Bolsheviks, 222–23, 553–54, 674

Sokolnikov, Zhenia, 250

Sokolnikov (Brilliant), Grigory, 27, 28, 29, 167, 723, 864

Sokolova, Yulia. See Piatnitskaia (Sokolova), Yulia Iosifovna

Solovyov, Vladimir: “The Tale of the Antichrist,” 19

Solts, Aron Aleksandrovich: apartments of, 379, 993; death of, 936; on disciplining the faithful, 290, 292; documentary sources on, xiv; exile of, 48; family life of, 239–40, 260, 379, 620; friendships and, 167, 552; government assignments of, 292, 836–37; on marriage/family life, 230–31, 240; on morality/ethics, 227–28, 259–60; photographs of, 24, 227, 240, 836; political awakening of, 23; on societal malaise, 224

Solts, Esfir, 239, 379, 836, 993

Solts, Evgeny (“Zhenia”), 379, 655, 836, 993

Soskin, Grigory (“Grisha”), 263

Soskin, Lazar, 261–63

Soskin, Semen, 261

Soskina, Sarra Lazarevna. See Kritsman (Soskina), Sarra Lazarevna

South Africa, 100–101

Spain, 606–7, 718

spas and sanatoria. See rest homes

special occasions, 522–27

Speer, Albert, 502–3, 588

Speransky, A. D., 599

Stakhanov, Aleksei, xi

Stalin, Joseph (Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili): accusations against/trials of oppositionists and, 722–23, 728–29, 737, 740, 754–55, 778, 797, 807, 844, 846, 864; as “architect,” 334; break with Bukharin and emergence of, 297, 299; on collectivization, 421–22, 429, 455–56; on the Cossacks, 160; as cult figure, 244, 469, 922, 934; death of, 932–35, 939; disciplining the faithful and, 301–4; exile and return of, 49, 126; as government official, 183; granting of privileges by, 188; on growth of socialism, 614–15, 956; on Kuibyshev’s drinking, 520; millenarianism and, 273, 481; names of, 152, 723–24, 738; on peasants and bourgeoisie, 135; photograph of, 54; praise for, at Congress of Victors, 466–72; residence of, xi, 727; smoking and, 533; on socialist realism, 473; Soviet literature and, 473–75, 477; on suicide, 725; on violence and coercive measures, 435, 455; work schedule of, 497