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Stalina, Svetlana. See Allilueva, Svetlana

Stalin revolution. See Five-Year Plans

Stanislavsky, Konstantin, 236, 397, 661

Stankevich, Aleksei, 24

Starynkevich, S., 157

Stasova, Elena Dmitrievna, xiv, 26, 131, 133–34, 543, 936–39, 993

State Candy Factory No. 1. See Einem Chocolate Candy and Cookie Factory

State Historical Preservation Workshop, 319, 389

State New Theater. See New Theater

Stechkina, Lydia Mefodievna, 829, 833

Stepanov, I. I., 864

Stetsky, Aleksei, 458, 472–73, 521

strikes, 18, 65

students: children of, 946, 951; communal houses for, 342, 342; distinctiveness of, 484; exile of, 47–48; family support of, 40–41; friendships of, 26–31; as House of Government residents, 486; political awakening of, 23, 39; in prison, 42–46

Stukov, M. V., 415

Suetenkova, Nadezhda, 170–71, 173, 178–79

Sukhanov, N. N., 135–36

Svarog, Vasily Semenovich, 519–20, 522

Sverdlov, Andrei Yakovlevich (“Adia”): apartments of, 906, 932, 993; arrest of, 784, 882–83, 931; as a child, 46, 52, 147–48; description of, 929; documentary sources for, xiv; marriage of, 234–35, 383; as NKVD agent, 883–86; photographs of, 54, 749, 932; post-arrest life of, 931–32; on Stalin, 304, 383; Works: A Thin Thread, 931–32

Sverdlov, Veniamin, 40, 147, 164, 784, 885

Sverdlov, Yakov Mikhailovich: apartments of, 145, 147; appearance and character of, 152–53; Bolshevik/Communist takeover and, 142–45; dacha stays of, 546; death of, 164; description of, 152–53; documentary sources for, xiv; education of, 28; exile and return of, 47–54, 126; February Revolution and, 65–66; friendships of, 29; love/faith/revolution and, 66; marriage/family life of, 40, 46, 147–48, 610; murder of Nicholas II and, 155–56; October Revolution and, 135–36; photographs of, 28, 46, 54; political awakening of, 20, 22; in prison, 43, 45–46, 610; reading and study by, 63–64, 279; Red Terror and, 158–59; as revolutionary/government official, 133–34, 146, 153, 164–65, 183; spiritual crises/doubt and, 63–65; on violence and coercive measures, 154, 161–62, 166

Sverdlov, Zinovy. See Peshkov, Zinovy

Sverdlova, Sarra, 40, 65–66, 147

Sverdlova, Vera, 52, 147

Sverdlova-Novgorodtseva, Klavdia Timofeevna: apartments of, 145, 147, 383, 993; exile and return of, 47, 52, 134; government assignments of, 190, 383; on Kremlin staff, 186; marriage/family life of, 46; personality of, 253; photographs of, 46, 54; privileges of, 188, 190

the swamp (as metaphor), 33–34, 41–42, 57, 129, 150, 152, 195, 290, 341, 365, 714, 842–43

the Swamp (Moscow neighborhood), 5–9, 15; changes in, 389–90; daily life and activity in, 5, 9–10, 14–15; flooding in, 21–22; housing in, 6, 9, 618–19; map of, 6; as pro-Bolshevik, 140

Symbolists, 19–20

Syrtsov, Sergei, 165, 167, 426, 774

Tairov, Vladimir, 769

Takser, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, 381, 994

Tarasov-Rodionov, Aleksandr: “Chocolate,” 518

Tarshis, Iosif. See Piatnitsky, Osip Aronovich

Tauride Palace (St. Petersburg), 123–25, 145

Terekhov, Gennady, 425, 993

Terekhov, Roman Yakovlevich, 38, 184, 424–25, 427, 439, 542, 647, 993

Terekhova, Efrosinia Artemovna, 424–25, 993

Terekhova, Victoria (“Tora”), 424–25, 682, 993

Ter-Gabrielian, Saak, 539

theater, as entertainment, 350–51, 395–407, 512–13, 610, 615–17

Tikhomirnov, German, 550, 552, 554

Tivel-Levit, Aleksandr, 755

Tolstaya, Anna Ilinichna, 521

Tolstoy, Aleksei, 478; The Golden Key, 526; Peter the First, 375, 510

Tolstoy, Leo, 194, 282, 287–88, 510; War and Peace, 646, 954, 980

Tomsky, Mikhail, 300–301, 304, 306, 406, 469, 720–21, 725, 738–39, 793

torture, 840, 842

Trans-Moskva District Party Committee, 322, 327

Travina, Alexandra (“Sasha”), 248–49

trials and purges, 715–19, 728–33, 755, 760–64, 760–65, 767, 769–70, 789–90, 800–801, 814, 862, 864, 914; confessions and, 459–62, 467–72, 615, 703–10, 779, 840; friendships/loyalty during, 833–34; interrogations and, 840; news coverage of, 815–16; plea bargaining and, 708; reactions to, 817–18, 833–34. See also individual defendants

Trifonov, Evgeny, 776

Trifonov, Valentin Andreevich: apartment of, 379, 491, 993; arrest of, 774, 836; dacha stays of, 546; de-Cossackification and, 166–68; exile of, 48, 167; government assignments of, 166, 185, 379; marriage/family life of, 239–40, 379; photographs of, 43, 167, 177, 239, 545, 966; in prison, 43; rehabilitation of, 937

Trifonov, Yuri, xiii; apartment of, 993; childhood of, 239, 379, 546, 671–75; descriptions of, 671; drawings by, 491, 675, 676, 963–65; parents’ arrest and, 774, 776–78; photographs of, 892, 966–69, 971, 973; post-arrests life of, 828, 889, 892, 933; as rememberer, 961–80; on Stalin’s death, 933–34; Works: Another Life, 967, 971–74, 978–80; The Disappearance, 489, 625–26, 672–73, 971–72; The Exchange, 971; The House on the Embankment, xv, 962–63, 969–72; Impatience, 974; It Was a Summer Afternoon, 972; The Long Goodbye, 967–68, 973; The Old Man, 238–39, 974–78, 980; The Quenching of Thirst, 969; Time and Place, 961, 970, 972

Trifonova, Olga, xv

Trifonova, Tatiana (“Tania”), 379, 776, 828, 968, 971, 993

Trifonova (Lurye), Evgenia Abramovna, 239, 379, 776–77, 933, 993

Troeltsch, Ernst, 93

Trofimovna, Natalia, 900–901, 921

troikas, 760, 763, 790, 812, 864

Trotsky, Leon: Bolshevik/Communist takeover and, 135–36, 138, 142, 144; exiles of, 126, 301; government assignments of, 146; Kirov assassination and, 719; on Mironov, 173, 176–77, 178; on murder of Nicholas II, 156; on politics, 306; on Reisner, 245, 247; rest home stays of, 221; as a speaker, 129–30; on the state reflected in family life, 231–32, 531; on violence and coercive measures, 165

Trotskyites, 300, 467, 701, 718, 730, 870

Tsivtsivadze, Ilya (“Ilko”), 798

Tuchin, Mikhail Andreevich, 325–26, 392–93, 492, 525, 531, 560, 611, 994

Tuchina, Zinaida, 390, 393, 492, 526, 994

Tuchina (Chizhikova), Tatiana Ivanovna, 392–93, 531, 994

Tukhachevskaia, Svetlana, 654

Tukhachevsky, Mikhail, 768, 820–21

Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques, 104

Twain, Mark: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 526, 682–83, 954; Huckleberry Finn, 526, 682–83

Tyutchev, Fedor, 20

Ulrikh (Ulrich), Vasily, 185, 755, 797, 836, 856, 861

Umanskaia, Nina, 878–79

United Opposition coalition, 295, 297–98

Uritsky, Moisei, 158

us-and-them thinking: free fellowships as, 55–62; friendship circles as, 31–33; Israelites’ God as, 79–80; philistines as, 56–57; Zulus as, 31